
Reference NoAET/4/1/4/3
TitleAET Dr Bell's Trust: Title deeds for property in Belmont Street, Aberdeen, and related papers
Description1. Sasine in favour of Alexander Farquhar following on a disposition granted to him by Andrew Burnett, 1638 [Latin]
2. Disposition from Alexander Farquhar to Thomas Boyis, 1652
3. Sasine in favour of Thomas Boyis and John Boyis his son, of the "feu duties within writtin" by Alexander Farquhar, 1654
4. Disposition from John Boyes to Alexander Walker, 1678
5. Sasine in favour of Alexander Walker, 1678 [Latin]
6. Disposition David Ord to Alexander Walker of a tenement in the Green, 1700
7. Sasine in favour of Alexander Walker by David Ord, 1700 [Latin]
8. Extract Special Service in favours of George Walker as heir to his father of the tenements and others within written, 1725
9. Sasine in favour of George Walker by Alexander Walker on the said feu duty and tenement, 1725 [Latin]
10. Disposition George Walker to Alexander Robertson, 1725
11. Sasine in favour of Alexander Robertson by George Walker, 1726 [Latin]
12. Copy of Disposition Alexander Robertson to Alexander Donald, 1732, 1735
13. Sasine in favour of Jannet and Isobel Robertson of the tenements and others of Alexander Robertson their father, 1739
14. Extract disposition Janet and Isobell Robertson and their husbands to William Craig and spouse, 1739
15. Disposition William Craig to Margaret Gibb, 1769
16. Perpetual Tack an Assedation between Margaret Gibb and Messrs Brand and Black, 1768
17. Tack William Craig and Margaret Gibb to John Brand and Alexander Black, 1769
18. Charter from Margaret Gibb relict of William Craig Ruthrieston of a piece of land at the Denburn of Aberdeen, 1772
19. Sasine Margaret Gibb of the piece of ground within written of the town of Aberdeen, 1772
20. Disposition Margaret Gibb to James Gibb, 1770
21. Extract of Disposition and Deed of Settlement of Margaret Gibb, 1781
22. Sasine James Gibb of a House and Tailor Croft of land formerly of Margaret Gibb west side of the Green, 1781
23. Discharge and renunciation Alexander Gibb at Ruthrieston and other legatees of Margaret Gibb to James Gibb of Foords [of Dee] her executor, 1781
24. Disposition James Gibb to Andrew Simpson, 1790
25. Obligation Andrew Simpson to James Gibb, 1790
26. Copy disposition of James Gibb to John Henderson Esq. 1790
27. Obligation John Henderson Esq. to James Gibb, 1790
28. General Service Ms Jean Gibb or Blaikie, Mrs Christian Gibb or Maitland and Mrs Agnes Gibb or Young as heirs portions of James Gibb, 1822
29. Sasine Jean Gibb or Blaikie, Christian Gibb or Maitland and Agnes Gibb or Young of the several subjects of the deceased James Gibb their Grandfather as nearest and lawful heirs portioners to him, 1822
30. Sasine Mrs Jean Gibb or Blaikie, Christian Gibb or Maitland and Agnes Gibb or Young of the small piece of ground of the deceased Margaret Gibb as heirs portioners of James Gibb their Grandfather, 1822
31. Articles of Roup of James Gibb's feu duties, undated
32. Discharge The treasurer of Aberdeen and Trustees for the Towns Creditors in favour of Mrs Jean Gibb and others, of the Duplicands of a feu duty of 10 shillings payable out of the piece of ground within mentioned at the entry of every heir, 1822
33. Disposition Mrs Jean Gibb or Blaikie and others heirs portioners of the late James Gibb in favour of George Symmers Esquire, 1822
a) Inventory of writs and Title deeds of Mr Symmer's property along Union Street, 1822
34. Personal obligation of Captain Alexander Grant of Carnousie to George Summers Esq. of Cults for £7, being ground of annual of subjects west side Belmont Street, 1839
35. Assignation by the Trustees of the late George Summers of Cults to Margaret Shearer and others, 1840
36. Extract Disposition by George Symmers Esquire of Cults to Trustees, 1837, 1839
37. Extract assignation Elizabeth and Catharine Primrose to the Magistrates and Town Council of Old Aberdeen as Dr Bells Trustees, 1853
a) Inventory of Titles Deeds of Property disposed by Misses Primrose to the Magistrates and Town Council of Old Aberdeen, 1853
38. Notarial instrument in favour of the Governors of Bell's Trust, Old Aberdeen, 1892
39. Assignation by the Governors of Bell's Trust, Old Aberdeen in favour of the AET of ground annual for 1-7 Belmont Street, 1938
40. Notice to John Fraser, regarding payment of ground annual for 1 - 7 Belmont Street, 1939
41. Account, Charge and discharge of the Intromissions of the Governors of Bell's Trust, Old Aberdeen with the capital and revenue funds under their management 1937
42. Auditor's report on final account of the Governors of Bell's Trust, Old Aberdeen, 1937
43. Description of piece of land near the canal on the east side of the Denburn, undated. Mentions Margaret Gibb and her tenants Brand and Black.
Date1638 - 1939
Extent1 bundle of 45 items
​Open or Restricted AccessRestricted
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