Description | 1. Aberdeen Asylum for the Blind. 2. James Allan & Sons, cabinet makers and upholsterers. 3. Allardyce & Jopp, wine and spirit merchants. 4. Peter Beveridge, manufacturer of bed and table linen, shoe thread etc. 5. William Black and Company, Devanha Distillery and Brewery. 6. William Brand, jeweller. 7. Clark Brothers, meal and barley millers. 8. George Davidson, bookseller and stationer. 9. Hugh Fraser, china, glass and stoneware merchant. 10. Daniel Gray, dealer in tea, coffee etc. 11. Grant & Donald, pharmaceutic chemists. 12. Gordon Arms Inn, Huntly. 13. Alexander Hadden & Sons, worsted spinners, hosiers and carpet manufacturers. 14. William Henderson, house painter. 15. D. McHardy, ironmonger, smith and bell hanger. 16. A. Morrison, silk mercer, shawlman, linen draper, laceman, hosier and haberdasher 17. Benjamin Reid & Co. nurserymen, seedsmen and florist. 18. M Rettie & Sons, jewellers, lamp makers and purveyors of oil. 19. Scottish Provincial Assurance Office 20. P. Williamson, druggist.
Several have royal warrants. |