
Reference NoAHB/3/12/1
TitleAberdeen Harbour Board: Volume of Harbour pamphlets and plans
DescriptionPrinted pamphlets:
'Report Smeaton, Rennie and Telford upon the Harbour of Aberdeen' published 1834: containing first report by John Smeaton, 1770; second report by John Smeaton, 1788; Plan of the Harbour of Aberdeen in the year 1797 by Mr Rennie; first and second reports by John Rennie, 1797; Plan of the Harbour of Aberdeen with the proposed improvements in the year 1802 by Mr Telford; report by Thomas Telford, 1802; report by Messrs. Telford and Jessop, 1805 plan of Harbour of Aberdeen 1810 with proposed docks by Thomas Telford; Report by Thomas Telford, 1809.
Reports by John Smeaton, 1770 and 1788, with letter from John Smeaton to Mr Carnegie, Town Clerk, 22 March 1788, published 1801.
“A Short Statement showing the necessity of effectuation control being given to the community in a new Harbour Bill; with the correspondence on the subject between the Magistrates and certain individuals; and extracts from the Aberdeen and Dundee Harbour Acts, published 1826.
“Observations by the Harbour Trustees of the City of Aberdeen on a “Short Statement,” &c., published 1826 (annotated "To Alexander Bannerman Esq. with Provost Hadden’s compliments").
“A Letter address to the Harbour Trustees of the City of Aberdeen. By the Gentleman who lately circulated a “Short Statement,” &c. relative to a New Harbour Bill”, published 1826.
Aberdeen Harbour Bill: Case of the Magistrates and City Council, trustees of the Harbour (annotated by hand).
“A Shot at “The Observations by the Harbour Trustees” viz. the Magistrates of the City of Aberdeen upon “A Short Statement,” &c. By a Sportsman”, signed “No Eldon”.
Comparative Statement of the Shore-dues Payable on Various Articles connected with Agriculture, at the ports of Aberdeen , Peterhead and Stonehaven.
County of Aberdeen resolution re. the Harbour Bill.
Resolutions of the Incorporated Trades of Aberdeen re. the Harbour Bill, 5 March 1828.
“Case of the Petitioners against the Aberdeen Harbour Bill”, 1828.
“The Results and Expense of Mr Telford’s Plans on the Harbour of Aberdeen with remarks on the inutility and inexpediency of his proposed Wet Dock, state for the consideration of the Harbour Trustees” by A. Bannerman Esq., published 1831.
“Report of Mr Thomas Bannerman’s speech at a special meeting of the Aberdeen Harbour Trustees on the 16 April 1834” published 1834.
Letter by Thomas Bannerman to the Editor of the Aberdeen Journal on the Harbour, 21 May 1834.
“Observations on the report of a speech made at a late meeting of the Harbour Trustees by Mr Thomas Bannerman, and on a letter which was addressed by him to the Editor of the Aberdeen Journal, by Gavin Hadden, late Chairman of the Harbour Trustees”, published 1834.
Back page: “Report by Mr Charles Abercrombie, Civil Engineer, concerning the best Means of Opening, Enlarging , and Rendering more commodious the Avenues to the City of Aberdeen, from the adjacent Country, particularly from the Bridges of Dee and Don; and the probable Consequences which the proposed Openings or New Streets may produce upon the general Prosperity of that City” published 1794.

Also contains loose items:
Report on the Harbour presented to the British Association for the Advancement of Science on their visit to Aberdeen in 1885;
Sketch of improvements on Aberdeen Harbour suggested in a letter to Provost Milne, 1838;
Plan of the Harbour of Aberdeen 1834; and
Telford's 1801 report on the harbour (manuscript).
Extent1 volume
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