Description | B U S I N E S S Sederunt 1 Declaration of Members' Interests 2A Public Sector Equality Duty Consider, and if so desired, adopt the following resolution:- (1) to have due regard to the need to:- (a) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (b) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (c) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. (2) where an Integrated Impact Assessment is provided, to consider its contents and take those into account when reaching a decision. 4 3 Minute of Meeting 5 - 10 4 Statement of Outstanding Business 11 - 21 ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Planning Application for determination that was the subject of a site visit. 5 Full Planning Permission for change of use of land to domestic curtilage and erection of boundary fence and wall at Dalmore House, Brownhill, Kemnay (APP/2023/1064) 22 - 69 Planning Application for Determination 6 Full Planning Permission for change of use of agricultural land to parking area and alterations to clinic at shop, Main Street, Sauchen (APP/2023/1884) 70 - 80 7 Historic Asset Management Project Update 81 - 89 BUSINESS SERVICES 8 Responses to queries previously raised by the Committee - Business Services 90 - 91