
Reference NoCA/3/A2/8 (1)
TitleAberdeen Burgh: Factory and Commission by the Burgh appointing the provost to appear before King and Council to demand justice against Alexander Forbes of Burghis
Description"Factory and Commission by the Provost, Baillies, Council and Community of the Burgh empowering Thomas Menzes [Menzies] of Pitfoddels, as their Commissioner to compear before the King or Lords of Council to demand Justice "in the charpast maner" for the "cruell oppressioun, thocht, felloun, and slaughter committit on diuerss and syndry nychtbouris of this gud town be Alexander Forbes of Burghis and his complicis, on 30th July 1530" and to produce "the act of Jornall quhair Johne Lord Forbess was actit for his kyn and freindis, gif ony of thame suld happin to committ any offence aganis this gude town, or ony nychtbour of the samyn, that he suld deliuer the committar thairof to the provest and Baillies, under the paine of twa thousand pundis".
Dated and signed by "ane gret part of our communite" 31st July 1530."
(Text from Shaw's Inventory of the Charters and Papers relating to the City of Aberdeen, of 1851)

(Printed in Gordon's "Description of Both Touns of Aberdeen", Spalding, p. 68.)
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