
Reference NoDD1810/1/1/3
TitleProgrammes and Related material
DescriptionProgrammes, newspaper clippings, photographs.
Seven photographs: scene from 'Union Riots' by James Scotland, Aberdeen Arts Centre, March 1966; two scenes from 'You Can't Stop Progress', Christman 1966; scene from unnamed play, c1960s; scene from 'Lady Precious Stream', January 1964; scene from 'Winnie the Pooh', undated; photograph of visit from Barbara Leigh Hunt, undated.
Souvenir Programme, Festival of Scottish Music, Poetry and Dancing, 1960 (three copies).
Two programmes for the Preliminary Festival, March 1960.
Newspaper clipping on televsision programme starring members of the Children's Theatre, Radio Times, 16th January 1966.
Letter to Ronald Sawdon from Thomas McWhirter on the adjudication of the Festival of Community Centre Work one-act play competition, 11 March 1960.
Thirty-nine programmes, 1960 - 1965, including: 'The Boy David' by J.M.Barrie; 'The Poppenkast' by Antonia Ridge; 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' (two copies); 'St. Patrick's Day' by Richard Sheridan; 'Cabaret'; A programme of Plays, Poetry and Tape-recording 1961; 'a selection of original plays and poems'; 'Our Town' by Thornton Wilder; 'The Light of a Star' by John Hadden; Festival Week of Plays programme (five copies, three stapled); 'Lady Precious Stream' by S.I. Hsuing; 'The Apprentice Actor', May 1964; 'Tobias and the Angel' by James Bridie; Roots by Arnold Wesker (Longacre Players); 'The Reluctant Doctor' by Moliere; 'The Proposal' by Chekhov, 'Christopher Columbus' by Louis MacNeice and 'Union Riots' by James Scotland (two copies); 'The Storytellers' by Brian Way' (two copies); 'The Playboy of the Western World' by J. M. Synge; 'The Gentle Knight' by Willis Hall (twop copies); 'Mary Stuart' by Schiller, trans. Stephen Spender (Longacre players); 'Coriolanus' (Longacre players, two copies).
Festival Week of Plays programme / schedule, 1963.
Thirteen newspaper clippings on various subjects, 1960 - 1969.
Programme for the Saltire Society, 6th April 1963.
Children's Theatre Activities (an example schedule showing how the theatre is structured, three pages).
Syllabus of work and scheduled plays, 1966-1967.
Poster for 'Our Town' by Thornton Wilder, 31 May and 1 June 1968 (this was Catherine Hollingworth's final production), with two tickets.
Two letters from Catherine Hollingworth thanking all those who participated in 'Our Town', 3 June 1968.
Clipping from the Times Educational Supplement on Catherine Hollingworth production of 'Our Town', 7 June 1968.
Programme (two copies) and two newspaper clippings for 'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass', May 1969; ticket (mounted on card); cast photograph; newspaper reviews and clippings on the production, mounted on card.
Membership list of the Children's Theatre, September 1962 - June 1963.
Structure and staffing of the Children's Theatre, 18 October 1968.
Programme for event, 1968.
Two programmes and ticket mounted on card for 'Workshop '69', December 1969.
Letter from J.R. Clark (Director of Education) to prospective members of the Children's Theatre, 1969/1970.
Newscutting from Scotsman by Magnus Magnusson re. Aberdeen and the Children's Theatre, 1963.
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