
Reference NoDD391/13/5/14
TitleLetter to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from George Reid, R.S.A., n.d. [April 1869]
DescriptionLetter dated c.April 1869 to Macdonald from George Reid, R.S.A., Hotel d'Isly, Rue Jacob 29, Paris, thanking Macdonald for his help in selling 'Haddington', a picture long unsold, to Francis Edmond, advocate, Macdonald's purchase of a work by O'Neill, mention of works by Edwin Long and Tom Graham, visit from Sam Bough, who is one of only two men in Scotland who can paint a landscape (the other being George Harvey), Maris has ruined his church picture by scraping it all away, dissatisfied with it, Cottier has got commissions for Artz from Glasgow, and Artz has almost run out of subjects but will be pleased to try something for Macdonald, Macdonald's Israels has suffered an accident, description of picture by Kaemmerrer, mention of engraving by Antell in London of George Macdonald's portrait by Reid, queries about engraving, model leaving the atelier without notice, Tom's work on a vast allegorical history of America, travel plans, the weather: 'The trees had been kept back by the cold, but like a regiment of soldiers they were all ready loaded and only waited the signal to fire', visit from Dun, who has been to the barber, with before and after sketches.
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