
Reference NoPD59/1/10
TitleSellars Salmon Fishers: Annual Bundle of Receipts
Description323 receipts, 5 telegraphs and 7 letters, 2 postcards, 2 official notices and 1 tender from individuals and companies including:

John Wotherspoon, Fish Salesman & Auctioneer, Market Street, Glasgow

Petrie & Stanley, Fish Factor, Manchester

Peter Paterson, Fish Salesman & Auctioneer, Macfarlane Street, Glasgow

G.A Bacon, Fish Factor, 2 Billingsgate, London

John Donaldson, Fish & Game Salesman, Manchester

W. Anderson, Salmon & Ice Merchants, Aberdeen

John Gunn, Latheronwheel

Alexander Robertson & Son, Ironmongers, Wick

John P. Cordiner, General Merchant, Boddam

Nicol's Caledonian Hotel, Bridge Street, Wick

George and William Davidson, Regent Quay, Aberdeen

Parochial Board of the Parish of Latheron

D.G Mackenzie, Draper & General Merchant, Latheronwheel

A.M Sinclair, Baker & General Merchant, Latheronwheel

John Gill, Draper, George Street, Aberdeen

John McKay, North British Hotel, Trinity Street, Aberdeen

William Harper, General Furnishing Ironmonger, Pulteney Town, Wick

W.M Rankin & Sons, Cork Merchants & Manufacturers, Carlton Place, Glasgow

William Gow & Sons, Wholesale and Retail Merchants, Wick

George Shearer, Baker and Grocer, Lybster

Letter between A, Gilchrist and John Sellar regarding the transportation of salmon

D.G Watt, Chemist & Druggist, Lybster

George Sutherland, Esquire of Forse, collecting rent payments

Peter Reid, Proprietor and publisher of the John O' Groat Journal, Wick

Robert Stephen, Grocer and General Merchant, Jamaica Street, Peterhead

James Georgeson, Boot, Shoe and Leather Merchant, Lybster

The North of Scotland and Orkney and Shetland Steam Navigation Company

Highland Railway Company

The Great North of Scotland Railway Company

David Wood, Blacksmith, Peterhead

Post Office Telegraphs

James Louttit & Co. Ltd, Rope, Twine and Sail Manufacturers, Pulteney Town, Wick

W.M Adamson, General Merchant, Lybster

Letter between J Sellar and G & W Davidson, stamped J Sellar and Co, Forse, Lybster

Letter from the Post Office in Aberdeen

Letter between J Sellar and Rankin & Sons, stamped J Sellar and Co, Forse, Lybster

Letter to John Wotherspoon, from J Sellar and Co, Forse, Lybster

Alexander McEwen, Importer/Dealer of Home and Foreign Timber, Wick

John Suttar, General Merchant, 22 Harbour Street, Peterhead

Edinburgh Ropeue Sailcloth Company, Cordage & Sailcloth Manufacturers, Peterhead

James Keir, Crown Receiver, Crown Rents Office, Edinburgh

C.F. Reid? Conveyance Merchant, Lybster

Postcard from George and William Davidson, Regent Quay, Aberdeen

Postcard from W. Anderson, Salmon & Ice Merchant, Aberdeen

George Culley ESQ, Tender for salmon fishings

Letter from the Post Office in Edinburgh

Letter from the Commission Agent, 20 Harbour Street, Peterhead

Official Notice of the Sea Fisheries Act 1883
Extent2 bundles
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