Description | Publications relating to Trade Unionism in general, 1953 - 1990. 1 An Introduction to Trade Unionism by G.D. H. Cole. (London, 1953). (1 volume). 2 Automation and Technological Change. (TUC, 1965). (1 booklet). 3 Industrial Relations Programme for Action: Report of a special Trades Union Congress Held at Fairfield Hall, Croydon, June 5 1969. (TUC, 1969). (1 booklet). 4 Trade Unionism: The Evidence of the Trades Union Congress to the Royal Commission on Trade Unions and Employers Association. (TUC, 1966). (1 volume). 5 Costs and Profits: Financial Information for Trade Unionists. (TUC, 1969). (1 booklet). 6 The Scottish TUC Bulletin. July/August 1969. (STUC, 1969). (1 booklet). 7 An Outline of Work Study and Payment By Results. (TUC, 1970). (1 booklet). 8 Job Evaluation and Merit Rating. (TUC, 1970). (1 booklet). 9 Productivity Bargaining. (TUC, 1970). (1 booklet). 10 Council of Post Office Unions: Constitutions of Regional Councils and Local Committees. (COPOU. Not dated. [1970]). (1 booklet). 11 Council of Post Office Unions: Regional Joint Consultative Councils Constitution. (COPOU. [1970]). (1 booklet). 12 Representing the Union: A New Edition of the Study Notes for use by Shop Stewards following the BBC TV Course. (London, 1970). (1 booklet). 13 The Guardian Reports on TUC Conference, Brighton, September 1972. (TUC, 1972). (1 booklet). 14 Agenda for the 104th Annual Trades Union Congress, 4 September 1972. (TUC, 1972). (1 booklet). 15 ABC of the TUC. (TUC, 1972). (1 booklet). 16 The Activist Handbook by Bob Houlton. (Arrow, Trade Union Industrial Series, 1975). (1 volume). 17 Industrial Action by Ernie Johnston. (Arrow, Trade Union Industrial Studies Series, 1975). (1 volume). 18 Trade Union Studies: A Course for Active Trade Unionists. (BBC, 1976). (1 volume). 19 Trades Union Congress: The Social Contract, 1976-1977: Report to a Special Trades Union Congress, June 1976. (TUC, 1976). (1 booklet). 20 Trades Union Congress Economic Review, 1976. (TUC, 1976). (1 booklet). 21 Understanding Closed Shops: A Christian enquiry into compulsory trade union membership. (CIO, 1977). (1 booklet). 22 Democracy at Work: A Book for Active Trade Unionists. (London, 1977). (1 volume). 23 CPSA: Duties of the Branch Treasurer. (London. Not dated. [1979]). (1 booklet). 24 Duties of the Branch Chairperson. (London. Not dated. [1979]). (1 booklet). 25 The Branch Constitution: A Model Constitution and Explanatory Notes. (London. Not dated. [1979]). (1 booklet). 26 CPSA: Social Services. (London. Not dated. [1979]). (1 booklet). 27 The CPSA Branch Representative. (London. Not dated. [1979]). (1 booklet). 28 CPSA: The Branch Organisation and Recruitment. (London. Not dated. [1979]). (1 booklet). 29 TUC Handbook on the Employment Act, 1980. (TUC, 1980). (1 booklet). 30 The Threat to Industry and the Welfare State: The Crisis of Monetarism and the TUC Alternative. (TUC, 1980). (1 booklet). 31 Behind the Headlines: TUC Discussion Document on the Media. (TUC, 1980). (1 booklet). 32 LRD Guide to the Employment Act. (LRD, 1980). (1 booklet). 33 Scotland: A Strategy for the Future. (STUC. Not dated. [1980]). (1 booklet). 34 Beat the Act: TUC Workbook on the Employment Act, 1980. (TUC, 1981). (1 booklet). 35 Plan for Growth: The Economic Alternative. TUC Economic Review, 1981. (TUC, 1981). (1 booklet). 36 TUC Womens Workers Bulletin. No. 1. March 1982. (1 file). 37 Industrial Relations Legislation: The Employment Act and Employment Bill, 1982; Report by the TUC General Council, 1982. (TUC, 1982). (1 booklet). 38 Tory Attack on Union Rights. (TUC, 1982). (1 booklet). 39 TUC Handbook on the Employment Act, 1982. (TUC, 1982). (1 booklet). 40 The Battle for Jobs: TUC Economic Review, 1983. (TUC, 1983). (1 booklet). 41 Unions Attacked: The LRDs Guide to the Trade Union Bill. (Labour Research Department, 1983). (1 booklet). 42 Scotland: A Land Fit for People. (STUC, 1987). (1 booklet). 43 Privatisation: Paying the Price. (London, 1987). (1 booklet). 44 Bonus Schemes: A Negotiators Guide. (London, 1988). (1 booklet). 45 Ballots on Industrial Action: The LRD Guide to the Law and the Code of Practice. (London, 1989). (1 booklet). 46 Introducing the TUC. (TUC, 1990). (1 booklet). |