Description | Envelope contains: 1. Extract from the register of births at the City Poor House, 1863: birth of Helen Munro on the 3rd October 1855 to Christina Watt or Munro 2. Marriage certificate of William Henderson Gardener and Isabella Ogg, Widow Elder, married on the 5th November 1852 3. Birth certificate of Alexander Hall, son of George Hall and Jane Bartlett, born on the 2nd February 1856 4. Birth certificate of William Sangster, son of Thomas Sangster and Mary Oglivie, born on the 11th March 1856 5. Birth certificate of Arthur Morice Henderson, so on William Henderson and Isabella Ogg, born on the 28th February 1859 6. Marriage certificate of George Munro and Christina Watt, married on the 26th July 1851 7. Receipt for collection of documents by Catherine Simpson, 1868. 8. Birth certificate of Alexander Kemp Birse, son of John Birse and Isabella Kemp, born 8th January 1859. 9. Birth certificate of Robert Miller Reid, son of James Reid and Mary Hall, born on the 30th September 1864 10. Marriage certificate of George Hall and Jane Baitlett [Bartlett?], 16th January 1840 11. Birth certificate of Helen Birse, daughter of John Birse and Isabella Kemp, born on 12th January 1861 12. Birth and baptism certificate for Francis Fiddes son of John Boyce and Mary Ann Davidson, born on 2nd October 1850. 13. Birth certificate of Mary Wyllie Coutts daughter of James Coutts and Sarah Rennie, 25th November 1858 14. Marriage certificate of Thomas Sangster and Mary Ogilivie, married on the 23rd October 1851 15. Death certificate of John Craig of the Boys Hospital, 8th July 1867 16. Birth certificate of David Forbes McKenzie, son of David and Jane McKenzie, born 6th August 1855 17. Receipt for collection of documents by Jane Christie, 1868 18. Birth certificate of George Jaffray, son of George and Margaret Jaffray, born 11th February 1859