
Reference NoAS/Kstn/11/26/3/18
TitleStonehaven Burgh: Writ William Walker against Andrew Hanton re. feu formerly Mowatt's now Mr Duthie's
DescriptionNumbered 7.
Partial transcription:
At glaslow and stainhyve the first of Jan[ua[ry Jajvjc fyftie
yeiris. The condisiones condisendit upon betwixt andrew
hanton in glaslow and w[illia]m walker in stainhyve q[uo]th they both pro[-]
[-]miss under faith honestie and credit to stand to and keip [ ]
and to wy[ ] [th]e particulary gros all efter followed wiz [th]e s[ai]d
andrew hed chossen for him Johne Bissatt chapilton and James
Measson and w[illia]m walker hed chossenfor him Thomes dick
and David Measson q[ui]ch four sall sicht and set ane pryce upon [th]e
walls and haill timme [and] plenishing of the s[ai]d w[illia]m his hous and that
be ane p[ar]ticular invite every thing [th]er carying it [ ] pryce
and………..the s[ai]ds four cannot agrie [th]ai to have power to choosse ane
sherrifman for ending th[e]rof and efter……………andro hantonn
hed chossin James thomson in chein for him and w[illia]m walker hid
chossen James anderson in ……for himTo whom [th]e s[ai]d ……
To be delyv[er]it as lykewise Andro hanton To delyver to thame
all empty l[ette]res [and] comprising the…………
……..Walker and the s[ai]d twa friends to indite and diclere upon
[th]e same and on [th]e ………of [th]e biging and [th]ay to present and …..
……..and q[ua]t they do herein we to stand to the samen but any
……….or question and [th]e s[ai]d w[illia]m walker to ……..
ane………… favor of me w[i]th …goodwill [and]………..
…………..himself to remove himself wyffe [and] bairns ……
[th]e day of in ….. instant [th]eirof mvjt and f[yftie]
yeiris and [th]e particulary ……be …..before [th]e ……of j….
…………..with……….Day yeir [and] place forsaid
Befour …witness[es]
Andrew Hanton
W[illia]m walker
Date1 June 1650
Extent1 document
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