
Reference NoAS/Kstn/6/9/39
TitleStonehaven Harbour Trust: Bundle of correspondence with Authorities re. regulations
DescriptionPoster re. Aberdeen Harbour Landing Lights. 20 Jan 1849
Letters from Secretary of Northern Lighthouse Commissioners re. Leading Lights. 23 Jan 1849
Letter from Crown Agent with instructions by his Lord Advocate to caution the [people] in regard to the use of Strychnia. 16 Aug 1856
Letters from Secretary of Northern Lighthouse Commissioners as to Lights, Beacons etc. 25 Oct 1862
Return to the Commissioners of Northern Lights as to Leading Lights etc. 3 Nov 1862
Bundle of Directions from Northern Lighthouses Commissioners for Keepers of Harbour Lights 1863
Letter from the Secretary of Northern Lightshouses about Stonehaven's Lights. 21 Oct 1864
Letter from Captain Challis, Montrose. Application of Coast Guard authorities for permission to place Flag Staff and Davits on Pier. 23 January 1868
Stonehaven Harbour Trust. Correspondence in regard to Storm Signals. 1868
Letter from the Collector of Customs, Aberdeen, re. appointment of a Custom House Officer at Stonehaven 2 Aug 1869
Letter addressed by French Vice Consul at Aberdeen to Captains of French Fishing Boats lying at Stonehaven. Aug 1869
Letter from the Northern Lighthouse Office Edinburgh re. Inspection of Harbour Lights. 15 Nov 1869
Correspondence between the Clerk to Harbour Trustees and the Chief Magistrate of Old Town re. Guiding Lights. 1869
Letter from the Secretary Northern Light House Commissioners stating that Harbour have no power to alter existing Light houses etc. 23 Jun 1870
Board of Trade. Instructions to Pilots with reference to War between France & Prussia. 4 Aug 1870
Copy Excerpt from Report made by Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses to the Board of Trade as regards the Harbour Light of Stonehaven. 1870
Circular from the Board of Trade (Harbour Department) re. Tidal Harbour Signals 13 Mar 1871
Bundle of circulars relating to Telegraphic Weather Intelligence from the Board of Trade 14 Feb 1874
Correspondence with the Home Secretary re. Licenses granted to British Dynamite Co Glasgow to import and export custom Nitro-glycerine Preparation at Stonehaven. 2 Nov 1874
Envelope of papers relating to the Board of Trade and the Explosives Act 1875
Bundle of correspondence relating to Conservancy Commissioners and obtaining extenson of Harbour and Passing Tolls Act 1861. 1875
Letter from the Commision of Northern Lighthouses, declining to provide a Lighthouse in the vicinity of Stonehaven. 16 Dec 1875
Government Circular and Correspondence re. Exposives Act, 1875. 15 Feb 1878
Government Circular and Correspondence re. Petroleum Act, 1871. 19 Nov 1879
Letter from HMI of Explosives re. Harbour Trust Explosives Act 1875. 20 Apr 1880
Extent1 bundle
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