
Reference NoASActy/5/6/36
Alt Reference NoAC/5/236
TitleAberdeen County: Old Aberdeen - Bell's Trust
DescriptionOnly Minute Books survive
Date1890 - 1936
Extent1 volume
​Open or Restricted AccessOpen
Administrative History
Dr Bell's School: no school log books or admission registers have survived. The School was taken over by Aberdeen School Board in November 1896 under an agreement that as soon as possible the pupils would be transferred to other accommodation owned by the Board and at such time the ownership of the original buildings and fittings would revert to the Trust. The building was vacated by May 1901 and then sold by the Trust for £350. Thenceforth the Trust used its finances to award Bell Bursaries to promising pupils.

Under the Aberdeenshire and Aberdeen Educational Trust Schemes of 1933 and 1934, the Governors of Bell's Trust transferred one fifth of its funds to Aberdeenshire County Council and four fifths to the Aberdeen Endowments Trust.
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