
Reference NoASC/3/3/2024/7
Accession No 3417
TitleAberdeenshire Council: Marr Area Committee Agendas and Papers
DescriptionB U S I N E S S
1 Sederunt and Declaration of Members' Interests
2A Public Sector Equality Duty
Consider, and if so decided, adopt the following resolution:-
(1) to have due regard to the need to:-
(a) eliminate discrimination, harassment and
(b) advance equality of opportunity between those who
share a protected characteristic and persons who do
not share it; and
(c) foster good relations between those who share a
protected characteristic and persons who do not
share it.
(2) where an Integrated Impact Assessment is provided, to
consider its contents and take those into account when
reaching a decision.
2B Exempt Information
Consider, and if so decided, adopt the following resolution: “That
under Section 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government
(Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media
representatives be excluded from the meeting for certain items of
business below, on the grounds that they involve the likely
disclosure of exempt information of the class described in the
relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act.”
3 Minute of Meeting of Marr Area Committee of 28 May 2024
4 Statement of Outstanding Business
Planning Applications
5 APP/2024/0312 - Planning Permission in Principle for Erection of
2 Dwellinghouses at Land to the East of 32 Chapel Brae,
6 APP/2024/0317 - Full Planning Permission For Conversion and
Extension of Steading to form Dwellinghouse Formation of
Raised Patio Area and Erection of Retaining Walls, Formation of
Access and Bridge, Erection of Garage (Amendments to
Previously Approved APP/2019/1608) Including Change of Use of
Land from Agricultural to Domestic, Erection of Garden Room,
Installation of Air Source Heat Pumps, Access Bridge,
Balustrades, Boundary Fence and Gates (Retrospective) at
Steading at Kirkton of Cushnie, Cushnie, Alford
7 APP/2024/0318 - Listed Building Consent for Conversion and
Alterations and Extension of Steading to Form Dwellinghouse
(Retrospective) at Steading at Kirkton of Cushnie, Cushnie, Alford
8 APP/2024/0330 - Full planning Permission for Part Change of
Use from (Class 6) Storage and Distribution to (Class 1a) and
Shop and Financial, Professional and Other Services and
Erection of 1.8 High Boundary Fence and Gates (Retrospective)
at A C G Contracts Ltd, Bandley, Alford
Tree Preservation Order
9 Aberdeenshire Council Tree Preservation Order 139 (2024) A93
Business Services
10 Business Services' Area Committee Performance Indicator
Report - Year-End Progress (April 2023 - March 2024) (Council
Environment and Infrastructure Services
11 Environment and Infrastructure Services Performance Report Q3
and Q4 2023/24
12 Draft Local Housing Strategy 2024 - 2029
13 Marr Area Committee Budget Applications
Health and Social Care Partnership
14 Aberdeenshire HSCP Strategic Delivery Plan Performance
Items Which the Committee May Wish to Consider with the Press
and Public Excluded
15 Annual Estate Plan 2024/25
[Exempt under paragraph 9]
Terms for a contract for acquisition or disposal of property or
supply of goods or services.
16 Disposal of Depot, Castleton Place, Braemar
[Exempt under paragraph 9]
Terms for a contract for acquisition or disposal of property or
supply of goods or services.
17 Aberdeenshire Charities Trust (ACT2) Applications
[Exempt under paragraph 4]
Information relating to applicants for, or recipients of, financial
assistance from the Council
Date18 Jun 2024
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