Description | BUSINESS Apologies 1. Declaration of Members’ Interests 2. Resolutions The Committee is asked to consider and, if so decided, adopt the following resolutions:- A. Equalities (Page 4) “In line with the Council’s legal duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 the Committee, in making decisions on the attached reports, shall have due regard to the need to:- (i) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (ii) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (iii) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.” B. Exempt Items “That, under Sections 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media representatives be excluded from the meeting for certain items of business on account of the likely disclosure of exempt information of the classes described in the relevant Paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act”. 3. Minute of Meeting of 1 February 2022 4. Statement of Outstanding Business 5. Environment and Infrastructure Services Performance Update April – End of September 2021 (Aberdeenshire Performs) ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 6. Planning Applications for Determination A. APP/2021/2450 Erection of 9 no. dwellinghouses and garages (change of house types and plot layouts to Planning Permission Reference APP/2015/0634) - Plots 1-6, 26-29, site to west of Rothney Court/Commercial Road, Insch Delegated Grant B. APP/2021/2914 Erection of Dwellinghouse (Change of House Type to Planning Permission Reference APP/2020/0174) at 9 Kingswells View, Westhill Grant 7. Aberdeenshire Council Planning Information and Delivery Team Strategy 2022 8. Aberdeenshire Development Plan Scheme 2022 9. Aberdeenshire Council Care and Repair Update 2020/21 10. Business Improvement Districts – We Are Inverurie BUSINESS SERVICES 11. Tackling Poverty & Inequalities – Progress Report EDUCATION & CHILDREN’S SERVICES 12. 2021 Based School Roll Forecasts 13. Inspection of Uryside School ITEMS WHICH THE COMMITTEE MAY WISH TO CONSIDER WITH THE PRESS AND PUBLIC EXCLUDED EDUCATION AND CHILDREN’S SERVICES 14. Annual Procurement Plan for Education and Children’s Services Directorate – Procurement Approval Exempt under paragraph 8 ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 15. Annual Procurement Plan 2022-2023 for Environment and Infrastructure Services - Procurement Approval Exempt under paragraph 8 Paragraph 8 - Estimated Expenditure on Contracts - Expenditure to be incurred by the Council under a contract for acquisition of property or supply of goods or services |