Description | BUSINESS Sederunt 1. Declaration of Members’ Interests 2. Resolutions The Committee is asked to consider and, if so decided, adopt the following resolution:- A. Equalities “In line with the Council’s legal duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010 the Committee, in making decisions on the attached reports, shall have due regard to the need to:- (i) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (ii) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (iii) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.” B. Exempt Items “That, under Sections 50A (4) and (5) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973, as amended, the public and media representatives be excluded from the meeting for certain items of business on account of the likely disclosure of exempt information of the classes described in the relevant Paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 7A of the Act”. 3. Minute of Meeting of 7 June 2022 4. Statement of Outstanding Business 5. Business Services’ Area Committee Performance Indicator Report – Year End Progress Update (April 2021- March 2022) 6. Environment and Infrastructure Services Performance Update October 2021 – end of March 2022 (Aberdeenshire Performs) ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 7. Planning Applications for Determination A. APP/2021/2385 Erection of 48 dwellinghouses (change of house types and site layout of previously approved plots 186 to 259 of Planning Permission APP/2017/1367) at Plots 186 to 233, Portstown, Inverurie Grant B. APP/2020/2569 Erection of 33 dwellinghouses and 3 use class 4 (business) units with associated infrastructure at Site Adjacent to Millbank, Sauchen Delegated Grant C. APP/2022/0249 Formation of battery energy storage compound (up to 49.9MW), siting of switch room, HV container, site office, erection of boundary fencing, CCTV masts and formation of access track and parking at land at Midmill, Kintore Grant D. APP/2022/0504 Change of use of agricultural sheds to storage and distribution (class 6) with associated car parking and external storage area at Birkhill, Fowlershill, Dyce Request to speak received Grant E APP/2021/0525 Erection of 737 dwellinghouses, business and industrial development, community facilities including primary school and associated infrastructure without compliance with conditions 1c (foot and cycle path connection) and 3 (foot and cycle path connection) of Planning Permission reference APP/2013/0267 at site at Crichie, Port Elphinstone, Inverurie Delegated Grant F. APP/2019/1489 Condition 1 ((a) phasing scheme; (b) strategic landscaping and open space; (c)(i) A96(T) improvements; (d) habitat survey; (e) water bodies; (f) floodplain and contours; (g) archaeological programme; (h) surface water treatment; (i) public waste water; (j) environmental management plan; (k) waste management plan; (l) ecological management plan; (m) woodland management plan; (n) public access plan; (o) street engineering review; (p) public transport strategy; (q) road traffic noise assessment; (r) noise assessment; (s) air quality assessment); and condition 2 (a) layout and siting; (b) external appearance and finishes; (c) means of access; visibility; access junction; (d) landscaping; (e) levels survey and cross sections; (f) design statement for phasing; (g) street engineering review; (h) water bodies; (i) tree survey; (j) badger survey; (k) red squirrel survey; (l) foul and surface water disposal; (m) car parking Delegated Grant and turning areas; (n) internal roads; footpaths and cycleways; bus stops; shelters; (o) cycle parking; (p) road traffic noise impact assessment) of Planning Permission reference APP/2013/0267 erection of 737 dwellinghouses, business and industrial development, community facilities including primary school and associated infrastructure at site at Crichie, Port Elphinstone, Inverurie Requests to speak received G. APP/2020/0819 Erection of underpass at site south of Ardennan House Hotel, Ardennan Road, Port Elphinstone, Inverurie Grant 8. Local Review Body Appeal Decision Notice - 1 Threave Circle, Inverurie 9. Planning Appeal Decision Notice - Land beside Woodside Croft, Kintore 10. The Aberdeenshire Council (B9170, Oldmeldrum Road, Inverurie) (30mph speed limits) Order 2022, The Aberdeenshire Council (C102c, North Street, Inverurie) (30mph speed limit) Order 2022 & The Aberdeenshire Council (B993, Kemnay) (30mph speed limit) Order 2022 EDUCATION & CHILDREN’S SERVICES 11. Area Initiatives Fund 2022-23 12. Future Meeting Arrangements ITEMS WHICH THE COMMITTEE MAY WISH TO CONSIDER WITH THE PRESS AND PUBLIC EXCLUDED BUSINESS SERVICES 13. Lease of Garlogie Beam Engine and Turbine House, Garlogie Mill, Garlogie Exempt under Paragraph 9 14. Lease Renewal of Units 1 & 2 Food Park, Burghmuir Place, Blackhall Industrial Estate, Inverurie AB51 4FW Exempt under Paragraph 9 Paragraph 9 - Terms of Acquisition or Disposal - Terms for a contract for acquisition or disposal of property or supply of goods or services |