Description | B U S I N E S S Sederunt 1 Declaration of Members' Interests 2A Public Sector Equality Duty Consider, and if so desired, adopt the following resolution:- (1) to have due regard to the need to:- (a) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (b) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (c) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it. (2) where an Integrated Impact Assessment is provided, to consider its contents and take those into account when reaching a decision. 4 3 Minute of Meeting 5 - 13 4 Statement of Outstanding Business 14 - 17 ENVIRONMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES Planning Applications for Determination 5 APP/2024/0843 - Full Planning Permission for Change of Use of Agricultural Land to Storage and Distribution (Class 6) (Retrospective) At Yard, Moss Belt, Dyce 18 - 35 6 APP/2024/0886 - Application under Section 42 for Commercial Development to include Class 4, 5 and 6 Uses with Associated Infrastructure and Landscaping (Non Compliance with Condition 8 of Planning Permission in Principal Reference APP/2015/3793) Without Compliance with Condition 1 of Planning Permission in Principle Reference APP/2021/0686 at land to West of Thainstone Business Park, Thainstone, Inverurie 36 - 78 7 APP/2024/1055 - Full Planning Permission for Formation of Storage Yard, Erection of Storage Building (Class 6), Office Building, Wash Bay and Associated Infrastructure at Land to the 79 - 107 West of Thainstone Business Park, Thainstone, Inverurie 8 APP/2024/1091 - Full Planning Permission for Change of Use of Caravan Park from Short Term Let Holiday Caravans to Provide 14 Units for Second/Holiday Home at Nia Roo Park, Newmachar 108 - 139 **Item to be taken at 2pm** BUSINESS SERVICES 9 Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982 Application for Grant of Street Trader's Licence 140 - 159