Description | BUSINESS 1. Sederunt and Declaration of Members’ Interests. 2. Statement on Equalities. Consider, and if so decided, adopt the following:- “In line with the Council’s legal duty under section 149 of the Equality Act 2010, the Committee, in making decisions on the attached reports, shall have due regard to the need to:- (i) eliminate discrimination, harassment and victimisation; (ii) advance equality of opportunity between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it; and (iii) foster good relations between those who share a protected characteristic and persons who do not share it.” 3. Minute of Meeting of the Sustainability Committee of 10 November, 2021. (Pages 4-7) 4. Progress with Outstanding Actions from Previous Meetings. (Page 8) 5. Route Map to 2030 by Arcadis. (Presentation) 6. Route Map 2030 Development Update. (Pages 9-30) 7. Call for Views Submission: Financing and Delivering a Net Zero Scotland. (Pages 31-43) 8. Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies Draft Order Consultation. (Pages 44-53) 9. Regional Land Use Planning Partnership – North East Region Pilot Project. (Pages 54-57) |