Description | Scottish National Council of Juvenile Organisations papers numbered: 10: Betting and Gambling 1923 11: Conference of JOC Secretaries, 9 Oct 1924 15: Growth of Probation in New York and Massachusetts and results there obtained, 1924 16: The Provision of Play Centres by the Aberdeen Education Authority, 1924 17: Juvenile Emigration, 1925 19: Holiday Camps for Necessitous Children, Glasgow Education Authority 20: Conveyance of Camp Equipment By Rail, 1926 21: Censorship of Cinematograph Films, 1926 22: League of Nations Union, 1926 24: Betting and Gambling, 1926 25: Compulsory acquisition of land for playing fields by local authorities in Urban Areas, 28A: Betting and Gambling, 1927 29: Moral Value and Methods of Physical Training Among Young People, 1927 30: Cinematograph Model Conditions 31: Titles of papers 1930 32: Beting and Gambiling 1928 35: Street Collections including Flag Days - Minum Age of Children acting as Collectors, 1929 36: "If I Were A Young Footballer Player" (text of a talk by Alan Morton, Rangers FC, broadcast by the BBC to Scottish Stations) 1929 37: Attenance of Children at church Sunday School, and Voluntary Organisations for Young People - Kilmarnock and District. 1929 38: "Your Summer Camp - A Talk to Boys and Their Leaders" (text of a talk by George Bennet Mitchell, Aberdeen JOC, broadcast by BBC to Scottish Stations), 1929 40: Betting and Gambling, 1929 45: Broadcast talks for members of Juvenile organisations and other young people, 1930 48: "A Hobby Which Never Grows Old" (text of a talk by Lt Colonler J.B. Mitchell, broadcast by BBC to Scottish Stations), 1930 50: Title of Papers issued by the Council
Scottish Central Council of Juvenile Organisations papers numbered: 1: Broadcast Talks for members of Juvenile organisations and other young people, 1931 2: Betting and Gambling 1930 3: Constitution, 1931 4: Announcement by the Scottish Office re. formation of the Scottish Juvenile Welfare and After-Care Office 5: Broadcast Talks for members of Juvenile organisations and other young people, 1931 8: Conveyance of camp equipment by rail, 1931 11: Broadcast Talks for members of Juvenile organisations and other young people, 1931 |