Description | Please note that these reports and associated photographs may be sensitive and cause distress. The reports contain details of deceased and injured people. Most files include photographs and some of these show the deceased in situ. Those with images of deceased have been marked as 'restricted access'. Access will be at the discretion of staff members.
Index of categories used by the Grampian Fire Brigade for their Photographic files are given below.These are not always accurate. For example, DD1792/3/3/1 contains the FIR 00000 series, which is not included in this list. DD1792/3/3/2 includes the FIR/A series, which according to the categories would be non-fatal property files - there are many cases where these files include images of fatalaties.
AIR - Aircraft (Fixed wing) BUI - Buildings (heritage/construction) CHM - Chemical Incident (all types) CYL - Cylinders involved in fire EQP - Equipment under evaluation FAT - Fatalities in or by fire FIR - Fires - property (non-fatal) HEL - Helicopters INV - Investigation - Suspicious cause RES - Rescue (involving line resc. team) RTA - Road Traffic Accidents RWY - Railway accidents SEA - Ships / Rigs / Platforms SPE - Special Services TRA - Transport/Appliances SOC - Social Events / Open Days PER - Personnel PR - Public Relations
Also -
Study - Study Packages FOR - Forestry Presentations - Presentations (of incidents) MAG - Magazine material F. P. - Fire Prevention ACCID - Accidents UNI - Uniform Improvement TRAIN - Training
The file containing this index of categories also includes partial lists of the individual files that have been catalogued under DD1792/3/3/1-3. These lists can be found at DD1792/3/6/1. |