Description | Letter to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Tom Taylor, Lavender Sweep, Wandsworth, regarding getting home in time for the Punch dinner, with wife, Lucy and Barbara, but Wycliffe left behind at Kingsburgh, to which Flora Macdonald took Charles Edward Stewart, and where she entertained Dr. Johnson and Boswell, Tom Scott is the present owner and sheep farmer, and has promised to give Wycliffe a day's otter shooting, reference to the death of a border terrier, Wycliffe has been longing to hunt otter since they arrived on Skye, he is to come directly home via Oban and Glasgow, they loved Skye and the West Highlands, 'we have felt drawn to it and its people in a strange way', he loves the 'emotional and instructive qualities' in the Celts, they are poetry while the Saxons are prose, his wife has written to Mrs. Macdonald with an account of their journey, and they will have lovely memories of their stay in Kepplestone, he has written to Macdonald's agent in London to meet him at the Brompton Cemetery to see about his mother's grave, the Punch staff were delighted to have their editor back, and he has given them the subject 'Poor Buffer!', with description, to concern Russia, mention of disillusionment with government, the people are not likely to appreciate the 6d. income tax, regards to George Reid and hopes of being useful to him some day in the way of art, remarks on Leighton and the Presidency of the Royal Academy, 11 October 1878 |