Description | Letter to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from John Pettie, The Lothians, Fitzjohn's Avenue, South Hampstead, London, should have written sooner but has no news, visit to Holls but he is very busy, but has not forgotten his portrait for Macdonald, Tenniel's however is done and will go this week, Pettie will call and see it tomorrow, Tenniel is 'such a nice fellow', hoping to dine soon with du Maurier, has had a bad cold, sorry to hear that Mrs. Macdonald is ill, horrid weather with fog, missed the etching meeting and so missed seeing Millais and Hook, Macdonald's collection is becoming famous, dinner at Royal Society with Norman Lockyer, Black, Orchardson and 'all the savants', good speech by Huxley, hopes of seeing Faed soon, Grosvenor Gallery opened yesterday, Pettie is on the Old Masters Exhibition committee with Horsley, 'I'm getting a reputation for having good wine, especially champagne - I'm ruined!', 3 December 1882 |