Description | From accessed 04/10/2019: "The Grammar School Magazine was first published by the School on 23rd January 1885 and for twelve years its publication was undertaken within the School under the auspices of the Literary Club and Debating Society which had been formed in 1882. In 1907 the FP Club entered into an agreement with the School whereby the financial control of the Magazine passed into the Club’s hands, with editing by three FPs and three pupils. The Magazine continued to have full School news, and an existing section about Old Boys was expanded to give accounts of their activities.
The Magazine was thereafter published three times each year in March, June and November, until during the Second World War when it was reduced to two issues. From 1972 publication became annual. The Magazine has for nearly a century and a quarter been predominantly a journal of record, its pages containing a complete history of the School and the FP Club over that period. Articles by FPs and Notes about their activities in various parts of the world and distinctions achieved by them in sundry fields have occupied many pages, along with intimations of marriages and Obituary tributes. There was full coverage of the War service of FPs and tributes to those who fell in War. The successes and failures of FP Sports Sections have been faithfully recorded, as have been the activities of the Club Centres at home and abroad, while photographs of School and Club activities, teams and personalities have been a regular feature." |