Description | Proceedings of a public meeting of the burgesses, tradesmen and inhabitants of Old Aberdeen on 27 February 1716. The reading of a commission that has been granted by John, Duke of Argyll, general and commander in chief of his majesty's forces in North Britain, to certain named individuals: 'Wheras ther are at present no legall magistrats to act or take care of the affairs of the old towne of Aberdeen, And that his majesties service als weill as the affairs of the towne may suffer therby, you are therfor heirby required and authorysed to take upon yow the care and mannadgement of the said old towne of Aberdeen till such tyme as a legall magistracie can be appointed. Given at Aberdeen, 21 February 1716'. - Argyll has directly commissioned certain named individuals to take charge of running the town. [see OA/1/6/3/373] |