
Reference NoPOL/AC/7/5
Alt Reference NoAC66
TitleAberdeen City Police: Appointments register
DescriptionIncludes all officers in force in May 1908, or appointed between May 1908 and 12 May 1975.
The records are organised in chronological order by date of appointment.
For each officer, the register gives the collar number, name, place of birth, date of birth, marital status, height, colour of hair, former occupation, date of appointment and date of resignation or dismissal. The remarks column includes brief details relating to superannuation or termination. Termination details of officers who transferred to Grampian Police in 1975 are not included.
The register is indexed by the surname of officer.
Date1908 - 1975
Extent1 volume
​Open or Restricted AccessRestricted
Access ConditionsParts exempt from disclosure under section 38 of the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002: contains personal data of data subjects.
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