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Collapse AET - Records of the Aberdeen Endowments Trust (AET) and predecessor charitiesAET - Records of the Aberdeen Endowments Trust (AET) and predecessor charities
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Governance1 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Governance
Expand 2 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Adminstration2 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Adminstration
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Finance3 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Finance
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Property4 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Property
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Estates5 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Estates
Expand 6 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Foundations, Bursaries and Scholarships Administration6 - Aberdeen Endowments Trust: Foundations, Bursaries and Scholarships Administration
Collapse AFOA - Records of Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum, AET Girls' Home and School of Domestic EconomyAFOA - Records of Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum, AET Girls' Home and School of Domestic Economy
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Minute Books1 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Minute Books
Expand 2 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum/ AET Girls' Home: Financial Records2 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum/ AET Girls' Home: Financial Records
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum/ AET Girls' Home: Trust Deeds3 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum/ AET Girls' Home: Trust Deeds
Expand 4 - AET Girls' Home: Registers of Girls and Foundationers and lists of applications4 - AET Girls' Home: Registers of Girls and Foundationers and lists of applications
Expand 5 - AET Girls' Home: Matron/Superintendent reports5 - AET Girls' Home: Matron/Superintendent reports
Expand 6 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum/ AET Girls' Home: Medical records6 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum/ AET Girls' Home: Medical records
Expand 7 - AET Girls' Home: Visitor Books7 - AET Girls' Home: Visitor Books
Expand 8 - AET Girls' Home: Property records8 - AET Girls' Home: Property records
Expand 9 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Papers relating to Founder and Foundation9 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Papers relating to Founder and Foundation
Expand 10 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum/ AET Girls' Home: Administrative Records10 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum/ AET Girls' Home: Administrative Records
Expand 11 - AET Girls' Home: Whitehall Fund (Aberdeen Female School of Industry)11 - AET Girls' Home: Whitehall Fund (Aberdeen Female School of Industry)
Expand 12 - AET School of Domestic Economy: Course Syllabuses12 - AET School of Domestic Economy: Course Syllabuses
Expand 13 - AET Girls Home: Papers relating to individual foundationers13 - AET Girls Home: Papers relating to individual foundationers
Collapse 14 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Secretary's correspondence14 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Secretary's correspondence
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letters from Mrs Elmslie to William Simpson and other administrative papers from the year 18511 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letters from Mrs Elmslie to William Simpson and other administrative papers from the year 1851
Expand 2 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letters from Mrs Elmslie to William Simpson and other administrative papers from the year 18522 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letters from Mrs Elmslie to William Simpson and other administrative papers from the year 1852
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letters from Mrs Elmslie to William Simpson and other administrative papers from the year 18533 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letters from Mrs Elmslie to William Simpson and other administrative papers from the year 1853
Collapse 4 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letters from Mrs Elmslie to William Simpson and other administrative papers from the year 18544 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letters from Mrs Elmslie to William Simpson and other administrative papers from the year 1854
1 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Two letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning repayment of advance, conduct of girls at Training School and distributing donations
2 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning instructions for box of books
3 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning request for a female servant from Lady Stephen
4 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning books for the asylum, and second letter on the same subject
5 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning Mary Mellis and the post with Lady Stephen
6 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning books and other items for the Asylum
7 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning Mary Mellis going to service and advertising for applicants
8 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Two letter from Henrietta Graham, Edinburgh, to William Simpson concerning fees for Misses Law and Malcolm at her school
9 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning the Asylum's accounts
10 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning resignation of Miss Allardes and appointment of a new matron
11 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Copy of letter from William Simpson to the Committee of Council on Education concerning obtaining books for the Asylum
12 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Copy of letter from William Simpson to the Committee of Council on Education concerning obtaining books for the Asylum
13 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning admission of Brander and Lord, Isobel Stewart not being admitted and Miss Shaw's candidacy for matron
14 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning appointment of Miss Shaw as matron, and letter from Miss Mary Agnes Shaw to Mary Elmslie
15 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning engagement with Miss Shaw, and letter from Miss Shaw to Mary Elmslie
16 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning Widow Wink [?] and conduct of one of the girls in the asylum
17 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Copy letter from William Simpson to Miss Shaw concerning terms of her employment as matron
18 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Miss Shaw to William Simpson concerning her engagement as Matron, with letter from Mary Elmslie to Miss Shaw
19 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson with employment agreement signed
20 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning agreement with Miss Shaw, arrangements for Misses Law and Malcolm in their holidays, and gratuity to John Fowlie
21 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Miss Shaw to William Simpson concerning time to enter on duty
22 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning the Asylum's accounts
23 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning accounts, the Queen's scholars, and testimonial for Georgina Waller for 5 years' service
24 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Two letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning resignation of John Fowlie and advertising for his successor as gardener and porter, with Fowlie's letter of resignation
25 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from William Simpson from James Scott, Shoemaker, concerning advance in price of shoes
26 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning place for Eliza Weston, appointment of Mr Shepherd as gardener and addition for shoes, with two references for Simpson
27 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning a testimonial for Georgina Walker, her servant and former resident of the Asylum
28 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning outfit for Miss Law
29 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning agreement with William Shepherd, and purchase of hot bed frame and flower pots
30 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning an outfit for Miss Malcolm, and obtaining of cardboards and figures of animals, with quote for purchase of latter
31 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning agreement with William Simpson being signed
32 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning Misses Law and Malcolm's new posts, Margaret Downie's proposed travel to Australia and a gratuity for John Fowlie
33 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Committee of Council on Education to William Simpson concerning Jessie Beveridge's performance in her first year pupil teacher examinations
34 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning schedules for election
35 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Dr Woodford to William Simpson concerning performance of Miss Law and Miss Malcolm in their examinations
36 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning admission of Stewart, Edmond and Gordon
37 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning admission of Elspet Reid
38 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning admission of soldier's orphans via the Patriotic Fund
39 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Committee of Council on Education to the Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum School with a list of lesson and text books and maps available at a reduced price
5 - Aberdeen Female Orphan Asylum: Letter from Mary Elmslie to William Simpson concerning Dr Ogston's fees
Expand BGH - Records of the Boys' and Girls' Hospital and predecessorsBGH - Records of the Boys' and Girls' Hospital and predecessors
Expand BS - Records of Dr John Brown's SchoolBS - Records of Dr John Brown's School
Expand CS - Records of Chalmers' SchoolCS - Records of Chalmers' School
Expand D - Records of Davidson's FundD - Records of Davidson's Fund
Expand H - Records of the Hospital in Aberdeen for Orphan and Destitute Female ChildrenH - Records of the Hospital in Aberdeen for Orphan and Destitute Female Children
Expand MR - Record of MacRa's TrustMR - Record of MacRa's Trust
Expand P - Aberdeen Endowments Trust PlansP - Aberdeen Endowments Trust Plans
Expand RGC - Records of Robert Gordon's College RGC - Records of Robert Gordon's College
Expand RS - Records of Ross's SchoolRS - Records of Ross's School
Expand SH - Records of Shaw's HospitalSH - Records of Shaw's Hospital
Expand TS - Records of Thain's Trust and Charity SchoolTS - Records of Thain's Trust and Charity School

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