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Collapse AHB - Records of Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners, later Aberdeen Harbour BoardAHB - Records of Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners, later Aberdeen Harbour Board
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Administrative1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Administrative
Expand 2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Financial2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Financial
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Operational3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Operational
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Legal4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Legal
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Property5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Property
Expand 6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Torry Farm arbitration6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Torry Farm arbitration
Expand 7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Staff7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Staff
Expand 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Marketing 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Marketing
Expand 9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Plans9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Plans
10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans (STILL AT HB)
Collapse 11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photographs11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photographs
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Glass Plate Negatives and Lantern Slides1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Glass Plate Negatives and Lantern Slides
Collapse 2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Photographs2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Photographs
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 1 Photographs1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 1 Photographs
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 4 Photographs4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 4 Photographs
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 5 Photographs5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 5 Photographs
Expand 6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 6 Photographs6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 6 Photographs
Expand 7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 7 Photographs7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 7 Photographs
Expand 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 8 Photographs8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 8 Photographs
Expand 9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 9 Photographs9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 9 Photographs
Expand 10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 10 Photographs10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 10 Photographs
Collapse 11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 11 Photographs11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 11 Photographs
1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of site in early stages from Mutual Fish Products building"
2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Temporary timber fendering from west"
3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Steel sheet piling from east"
4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Steel sheet piling at west end"
5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Anchor wall trench from west"
6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Steel sheet piling from east"
7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Steel sheet piling"
8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Honeycombing of northmost concrete pile at westmost set of piles for large hopper"
9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Damage at extension joint of centre concrete bearing pile for large hopper (taken at 9AM (low water))"
10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Concrete bearing piles in relation to south west corner of jetty"
11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - West end of site from Mutual Fish Products building"
12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Excavation at west end of site between existing timber sheet piling and old quay wall"
13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Boulders excavated at west end of site between existing sheet piling and old quay wall"
14 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of site from west"
15 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View from protection jetty no. 1"
16 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Pre cast waling units"
17 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Temporary timber fender"
18 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Anchor wall looking west"
19 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Coaling installation model"
20 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Coaling installation model"
23 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Excavation between old quay wall and timber sheet piling tie-rods being assembled near east return"
24 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Detail of west return with RC piles and tie-rods"
25 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - West return showing re-inforcement shutter of superstructure in position"
26 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Shuttering of superstructure at west end"
27 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - West end superstructure showing re-inforcement"
28 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - West end superstructure shuttering removed"
29 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Removal of existing timber decking"
30 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Removal of existing timber decking"
31 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Box pile no. 3E at east end after weld gave way during driving"
32 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Box pile no. 3E after being re-welded"
33 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Defective box pile after being re-welded (R.C. sheet piles in background)"
34 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - R.C. sheet piles for return wall near east end (pre-cast waling units in background)"
35 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Excavation between existing timber sheet piling and old quay wall"
36 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Condition of timber sheet piling approximately 40' from west return"
37 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Timber sheet piling approximately 50' from west return"
38 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Concrete superstructure at west return end"
39 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Strum box later installed 60' from west return for Mutual Fish Products cooling water intake"
40 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Strum box for cooling water intake later set below level of pre-cast waling units"
41 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Strum box showing plating removed to fit bosome of piling"
42 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Strum box installed 60' east of west return (note shuttering for superstructure)"
43 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View from protection jetty no. 1"
44 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Return wall of RC sheet piles also box piles 1E and 2E"
45 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Superstructure of cooling water intake pipes with manhole"
47 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view; anchor wall trench in foreground"
48 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Piles (14" x 14") for hopper foundation at west end"
49 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Anchor wall and trenches for tie-rods (note fireclay pipes cast into wall)"
50 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Temporary oil pipes for Shell Mex (old sea wall and sheet piling in foreground)"
51 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Temporary oil pipe being laid in trench"
53 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Shuttering for superstructure (with box piles in foreground)"
54 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View looking east showing steel sheet piling (note staging piles for temporary fender forming platform for oiling; note also concrete sheet piling at west of mass concrete platform)"
55 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View of outside face of quay wall showing floating fenders, ladders, etc."
56 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Temporary oil pipe for Shell Mex showing temporary valve at joint to existing pipe"
57 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View of outside face of quay wall, floating fender, ladder, etc"
58 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view looking west showing old shelf with new superstructure and shuttering"
59 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View showing back of superstructure, tie-rods, and plug piles for hopper foundation"
60 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of outside of quay"
62 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Close up of crane"
63 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of quay under construction from protection jetty no. 1"
64 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View looking east showing quay under construction (precast concrete copes and R.C. piles for hopper foundation in foreground)"
65 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Pulley and roller unit for floating fender"
66 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View looking east"
67 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of quay from prot. Jetty no. 1"
68 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View of collier lying alongside new quay (photograph taken from platform of 7 ton electric crane (59' above cope level))"
69 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of jetty from 7T crane"
70 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of outbuilding, etc.
71 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of outbuilding, etc.
72 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of outbuilding, etc.
73 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of outbuilding, etc.
74 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of outbuilding, etc.
75 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of outbuilding, etc.
76 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of outbuilding, etc.
77 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of outbuilding, etc.
78 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph of ground on building site, with ships funnel behind
79a - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph View of outbuilding, etc.
79b - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph View of outbuilding, etc.
80 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View from platform of crane looking east and showing concreting of deck slab"
81 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Cylinder foundations for 200 ton hopper"
82 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Cylinder foundations with precast RC base beam in position"
83 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Cylinder foundations with precast RC base beam in position"
84 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - 200 ton hopper foundations, view inside shutter for concrete pier showing cluster of RC piles"
85 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - 200 ton hopper foundations, view of framework and reinforcing of slab spanning between piers"
86 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - 200 ton hopper foundation, slab reinforcement"
87 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Strengthening of jetty, driving of RC raking piles"
88 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Strengthening of jetty, driving of RC raking piles"
89 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Strengthening of jetty, driving of raking piles"
90 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - 200 ton hopper foundation from the west"
91 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of quayside"
93 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - West tower and 200 ton hopper"
94 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - No. 3 conveyor and east tower"
95 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view from jetty"
96 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Quayside tower from the west"
98 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - 30 ton hopper, east tower showing 15" grids in position"
99 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - 30 ton hopper, east tower"
100 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - West tower with 30 ton hopper in position"
101 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - No. 3 conveyor and west tower from the west"
102 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - No. 3 conveyor, 5 ton hopper and west tower"
103 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - 5 ton hopper east end"
106 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Model"
108 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Model"
111 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Effect of spray from nozzle borrowed from fire service"
112 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Effect of spray from nozzle borrowed from fire service"
113 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - West tower with Luffing Conveyor in position"
114 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - West tower with Luffing Conveyor in position"
116 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Travelling tripper for no. 3 conveyor ready to be hoisted onto 200 ton hopper"
118 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Angles dropped by Stothert & Pitt erectors on coaling bucket"
119 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Wire rope sling which was in use when angles were dropped on coaling bucket"
120 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Jetty tower from junction with bridge for conveyors nos. 4 & 5 in position"
121 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Jetty tower from the west"
122 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View from the west showing jetty structure and 200 ton hopper"
123 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Looking west along no. 3 conveyor from the east 5 ton hopper"
124 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Jetty tower and 200 ton hopper (note travelling tripper on 200 ton hopper)"
125 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - 200 ton hopper with travelling tripper in position (note also bagging chutes for road vehicles)"
126 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Floating crane lifting jetty Luffing Conveyor into postion"
127 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Floating crane lifting jetty Luffing Conveyor into postion"
128 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Jetty tower with Luffing Conveyor in stowed position"
129 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View (from cabin roof of no. 14 crane) of "S/S Spray's" no. 1 hold"
130 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - No. 14 crane grabbing coal from "S/S Spray""
131 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - No. 14 crane grab in no. 2 hold of "S/S Spray""
133 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - "S/T Loch Long" bunkering at west tower"
134 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view from the west"
144 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Damage to jetty tower by "S.S. Borella" H"
145 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Damage to jetty tower by "S.S. Borella" H"
154 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Removing coal from pontoon for testing weighgear"
158 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Damage to coal bagging platform at 200 ton hopper"
159 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Damage to west corner of jetty by S/T "Koorah" and S/T "Danny""
160 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Wear on capstan head at jetty junction"
161 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - SS "Marianne" (1573 tons) bunkering at high water and light condition (note angle of Luffing Conveyor)"
162 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - SS "Marianne" (1573 tons) bunkering at high water and light condition (note angle of Luffing Conveyor)"
163 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - View of compound showing coal stock"
164 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - No. 3 bunkering point hopper with coal heaped above grid"
165 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of trawlers bunkering"
166 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of trawlers bunkering"
167 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view of trawlers bunkering
168 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Bunkering at jetty plant"
169 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - Zooton hopper and jetty plant from the west"
171 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view
172a - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Straightening at fishmarket - 2.5T S.A. hammer"
172b - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Coaling Installation - General view"
173 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Straightening at fishmarket - Driving R.C. piles"
174 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Straightening at fishmarket - Floating crane placing 2.5T S.A. hammer on piling frame"
175 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation - General view from east"
177 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation - Coaling cranes"
179 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Installation Albert Quay - Extension to compound (crane founds view from east)"
180 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install Albert Quay - Monoliths (can be seen at new compound)"
181 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install Albert Quay - Extension to compound (monoliths can be seen)"
182 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install Albert Quay - Extension to compound (monoliths & water pipe)"
183 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Extension to compound (water pipe & meter)"
184 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Extension to compound (view from west)"
185 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Extension to compound (showing old steelwork fitting into new)"
186 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Extension to compound (general view from west)"
187 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install Albert Quay - Extension to compound (view from east)"
188 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation - Extension to compound (crane founds)"
189 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation Albert Quay - Extension to compound (crane founds)"
190 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation Albert Quay - Extension to compound (crane founds)"
191 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Install Albert Quay - Extension to compound (crane founds)"
192 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation Albert Quay - Extension ("stelcon" units forming s bunker wall)"
193 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation Albert Quay - Extension ("stelcon" units forming s bunker wall)"
195 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation Albert Quay - Extension (placing "stelcon" units forming n bunker wall)"
196 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation - Extension (extension rail on n side with crane stop in position)"
197 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation Albert Quay - Extension (formwork for wall recess)"
198 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install Albert Quay - Extensiion (composite picture of the site taken from cabin of coal chute no. 16"
199 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Extension (north foundation showing pipe carrying pyrotemax electric cable view from east)"
200a - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation - Extension (north foundation showing pipe carrying pyrotemax electric cable view from west)"
200b - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Lumps of coal 3' long which have passed through grid (note grid holes = 15" square) cargo from SS Spray"
201 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Extension (south foundation)"
203a - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install Albert Quay - Damage to crane no. 14 (caused by swinging grab)"
203b - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Taken from top of compound wall"
203c - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Looking up from compound"
203d - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Close up from portal frame"
203e - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Looking from truck connection"
204 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Fore hatch of collier spray prior to discharge of cargo (note small coal)"
205 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Coal discharged from "SS Spray""
206 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Coal discharged from SS Spray"
207 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Lumps of coal 3' long from SS Spray"
208 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coal Install - Lumps of coal which have passed through grid (N.B. apertures of grid = 15" square) discharged from SS Spray"
210 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damaged by "Sugar Producer" 14:5:57"
211 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damaged by "Sugar Producer" 14:5:57"
212 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay - Just east of jetty no. 2 launching of sugar producer from Hall Russells (view at high water shortly after accident)"
213 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay - East of no. 2 jetty launching of sugar producer (view from top of quay)"
214 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damaged by "Sugar Producer" 14:5:57 - East of no. 2 jetty launching of sugar producer (view of quay surface)"
215 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damaged by "Sugar Producer" 14:5:57 - Launching of sugar producer (view of quay surface)"
216 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Launching of sugar producer (slight damage to St Ninian berthed at Cross Quay Matthews Quay)"
217 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Rudder of sugar producer"
218 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Rudder of sugar producer"
219 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Rudder of sugar producer"
220 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damage - Launching of sugar producer"
221 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damaged by "Sugar Producer" 14:5:57 - Launching of sugar producer"
222 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay damage at launching of sugar producer"
223 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Sugar producer's new rudder being fitted"
224 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Rudder of sugar producer in repair shop of Hall Russells"
226 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Rudder of sugar producer in repair shop of Hall Russells (note plate on starboard side holed)"
227 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Rudder of sugar producer in repair shop of Hall Russells (note plate on starboard side holed)"
228 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Close up view of badly holed plate on starboard side"
229 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damaged by "Sugar Producer" 14:5:57"
230 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damaged by "Sugar Producer" 14:5:57"
231 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Albert Quay Damaged by "Sugar Producer" 14:5:57"
236 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Coaling Installation - Coaling point no. 1 (close up view of frame & sheared swivel bolt)"
237a - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Damage to Swivel Frame by ST Woods & ST Woodburn - Coaling installation - Coaling point no. 1 - View of part of funnel of ST Woods which struck swivel frame"
237b - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Damage to Swivel Frame by ST Woods & ST Woodburn - Coaling installation - Coaling point no. 1 - Close up view of part of funnel of ST Woods"
Expand 12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 12 Photographs12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 12 Photographs
Expand 13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 13 Photographs13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 13 Photographs
Expand 14 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 14 Photographs14 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 14 Photographs
Expand 15 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 15 Photographs15 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 15 Photographs
Expand 16 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 16 Photographs16 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 16 Photographs
Expand 17 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 17 Photographs17 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 17 Photographs
Expand 18 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 18 Photographs18 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 18 Photographs
Expand 19 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 19 Photographs19 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 19 Photographs
Expand 20 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 20 Photographs20 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 20 Photographs
Expand 22 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 22 Photographs22 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 22 Photographs
Expand 23 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 23 Photographs23 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 23 Photographs
25 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: "Record of Photographic Prints taken from 1945 - [1959] Block Numbers 19-24"
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Other Photograph Prints3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Other Photograph Prints
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Albums4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Albums
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Miscellaneous Photographs and Images5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Miscellaneous Photographs and Images
Expand 12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Collected Materials12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Collected Materials
Expand 13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Papers relating to the Docks and Harbour Authorities' Association13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Papers relating to the Docks and Harbour Authorities' Association

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