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Collapse AHB - Records of Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners, later Aberdeen Harbour BoardAHB - Records of Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners, later Aberdeen Harbour Board
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Administrative1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Administrative
Expand 2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Financial2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Financial
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Operational3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Operational
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Legal4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Legal
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Property5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Property
Expand 6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Torry Farm arbitration6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Torry Farm arbitration
Expand 7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Staff7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Staff
Expand 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Marketing 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Marketing
Expand 9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Plans9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Plans
10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans (STILL AT HB)
Collapse 11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photographs11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photographs
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Glass Plate Negatives and Lantern Slides1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Glass Plate Negatives and Lantern Slides
Collapse 2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Photographs2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Photographs
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 1 Photographs1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 1 Photographs
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 4 Photographs4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 4 Photographs
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 5 Photographs5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 5 Photographs
Expand 6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 6 Photographs6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 6 Photographs
Collapse 7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 7 Photographs7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 7 Photographs
2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "South entrance gates north leaf. Repairs being carried out to northleaf of dock gates by Vicars note damage to woodwork."
9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges over dock entrance. Temporary traverser bridge. Rail foundations on south side of entrance.
17 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges over Dock Entrance. Temporary Traverser Bridge. Carriage for Bridge, with Kentledge in position, on South side of entrance.
18 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Temporary Traverser Bridge. Carriage for bridge on south side of entrance. (Kentledge in position)"
19 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges over entrance. Temporary Traverser Bridge. Carriage for bridge on North Side
25 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges over dock entrance. Photograph of model of proposed new bridge over dock entrance (correct angle for superimposing).
26 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Dock Entrance from Tidal harbour with proposed new bridge superimposed. Photo on "Barcroft"
27 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges S. entrance. General view looking north. Old timber bridge in open position.
28 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges over dock entrance: view of north leaf of old timber bridge with temporary traverser bridge in foreground. Vessel, "Nordpol" visible in background
29 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges over dock entrance: south side of entrance showing old timber bridge in open position
30 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges over dock entrance: south side of entrance showing old timber bridge in open position
31 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Dock entrance. South side of entrance showing old timber bridge in open position"
32 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Removable bridge at entrance. North abutment foundation.
33 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Removable bridge at entrance. North abutment foundation
34 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Removable bridge at entrance. North Abutment Foundation."
36 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Removable bridge at entrance. North abutment foundation.
37 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Removable bridge at entrance. North abutment foundation.
40 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. General view for making up composite picture of site.
41 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: general view for making up composite image of site
42 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. General view for making up composite picture of site.
43 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. General view for making up composite picture of site.
44 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at Entrance. North abutment foundation"
52 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridge at Entrance. General view for making up composite picture of site"
53 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at Entrance. General view for making up composite picture of site. "
54 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. General view for making up composite picture of site.
57 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Cable trenches on South side.
58 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at entrance. Cabled trenches on south side"
59 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at Entrance. View from Sheer legs Top Platform. Compare with 10528- 27 June 1950.
61 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at Entrance: View from sheer legs top platform. 10 April 1951 (Compare with 10529 27 June 1950)"
62 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph New bridges at dock entrance. Handrailing - enlarged view of type at 31 Albert Terrace.
63 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph New bridges at dock entrance . Handrailing - type at 31 Albert Terrace Garden.
64 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Assembling removable bridge structure on spare section of No. 3 pontoon.
65 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Assembling removable bridge structure on spare section of No. 3 pontoon.
66 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Assembling removable bridge structure on spare section of No. 3 pontoon.
67 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - removable bridge. Bridge on pontoon spare section ready for sinking in position. Pumps preparing.
68 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Removable Bridge. Bridge on pontoon spare section ready for sinking in position. Pumps Preparing.
69 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at entrance: removable bridge. Bridge on pontoon spare section ready for stinking into position. Pumps preparing.
70 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at Entrance. Removable Bridge. View from top of Sheer Poles of Bridge on Pontoon spare section ready for sinking in position. Note timbers for ballast at south side to trim pontoon.
74 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Removable bridge. Pumps flooding spare section of pontoon for sinking in position.
75 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Removable bridge. Pumps flooding spare section of pontoon for sinking in position.
76 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Pontoon spare section being moved from Waterloo Quay to the 15 ton crane for erection of removable bridge.
77 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Pontoon spare section being moved along Waterloo Quay to the 15 ton crane for erection of removable Bridge.
78 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at Entrance. Pontoon spare section with removable bridge being moved along Waterloo Quay to North Lock.
79 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Pontoon spare section with removable bridge being moved from waterloo Quay to North Lock.
80 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at Entrance. Pontoon spare section with removable bridge being moved along Waterloo Quay to North Lock.
81 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - removable bridge. General view on pontoon during erection.
82 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at Entrance - Removable Bridge. Detail of man girder showing kerb angle"
83 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - removable bridge. General view of troughing and coping.
84 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: removable bridge. End view of bridge
85 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at entrance - removable bridge detail at corner of bridge showing drainage points etc."
86 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at Entrance - Removable Bridge completed north abutment."
87 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: removable bridge. Pontoon spare section being moved along Waterloo Quay to the 15 ton crane for erection of removable bridge
88 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Removable bridge . Pontoon spare section being moved along Waterloo Quay to the Iston crane for erection of removable bridge.
89 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - removable bridge. Off loading main girders with 15-ton Crane
90 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Removable bridge. Offloading main girders with 15 ton Marion crane
91 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. Foundation work on south abutment
92 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - ship passing through the dock gates. Note storm tackle, bollard and fairlead
93 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at Entrance. Ship passing through Dock Gates. Note storm tackle, bollard and fairlead
94 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: removable bridge. Pontoon and bridge moored in north lock immediately after towing from Waterloo Quay
95 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance.: Removeable bridge. Pontoon and bridge being towed to north lock by tractor.
96 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "bridges at entrance. Removable bridge. General view from Marion Crane jib showing riveting of cross girders in progress"
97 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - removable bridge. General view from Jib of Marion Crane showing troughing in position.
98 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Removable Bridge. General view showing fabrication in progress. Note portion of Troughing raised for access to cross girders while riveting is still in progress.
99 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Removable Bridge. General view showing fabrication in progress. Note portion of Troughing raised for access to cross girders while riveting is still in progress.
100 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: removable bridge. General view from Marion crane of pontoon with bridge being towed to North lock.
101 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: removable bridge. Members of the Aberdeen Association of civil engineers during a visit to the harbour area.
102 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Removable bridge. Members of the Aberdeen Association of Civil Engineers during a visit to the harbour area.
103 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Moveable Bridge. Moveable Bridge site from top of Shear poles. Out of focus but is only record at this date.
104 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. Driving sheet piling at south eats foundation.
105 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. Driving sheet piling at south eats foundation.
106 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at Entrance: Moveable Bridge. Driving Sheet Piling at South East Foundation.
107 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: moveable bridge. South east foundation during excavation.
108 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. SE foundation during excavation
109 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. South east foundation during foundation
110 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Moveable Bridge. General view of bridge sites from works office.
111 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. Driving RC piles at SE foundation
112 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: moveable bridge. Driving R.C. Piles at South East Foundation.
114 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge: driving RC piles at south east foundation.
115 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. Driving RC piles at SE foundation
117 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Removable bridge. General view with rails in position.
118 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable Bridge. South east foundation with R.C. piles in position.
119 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. South-east. Foundation with R.C. piles in position.
120 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: removable bridge. Concrete fill being placed.
121 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - removable bridge. Concrete fill being placed.
122 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Removable bridge. Concrete fill completed.
123 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge - reinforcing steel in south east foundation.
124 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. Reinforcing steel in south east foundation.
125 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. South east foundation - shuttering at base of counterweight pit
126 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Removable Bridge. General view of handrails at east side before fitting the cope.
127 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: removable bridge. General view of handrails at east side before fitting the cope
131 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. General view of the cope fitted off the centre of the handrails. View from the off side.
132 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. Sample of handrail in works yard with cope of diameter equal to the top stringer bar.
133 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. South east foundation - shuttering and reinforcement
134 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. South east foundation. Shuttering and reinforcement.
135 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. South east foundation. Shuttering and reinforcement.
136 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. South east foundation bolts for A-frame.
137 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. SE foundation bolts for A-frame
138 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. South east foundation and stop arm pit.
139 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Removable Bridge. Replacing masonry at North Abutment.
141 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. Extracting sheet piles at south east foundation
143 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. Shuttering for counterweight pit south east foundation
148 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at Entrance. View from Sheer Poles at Bridge Site.
149 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance. View from sheer poles of bridge site.
150 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. Excavations on south side of island for bridge foundations.
151 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. Excavations on south side of island for bridge foundations.
153 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Movable Bridges at entrance. North East c/w pit pile heads"
154 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Movable Bridge at Entrance. North East c/w Pit Reinforcing Steel in bottom and end"
155 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridges at Entrance. N.E. C/W Pit. Tension Reinforcement being fixed under "A" Frame.
156 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Moveable bridges. Tension reinforcement under 'A' frame. General view.
157 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Moveable Bridge. N.W C/W Pit. Excavation in Masonry.
158 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. New c/w pit. Commencement of excavation in old swing bridge well.
159 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridges. Sheet piling between old masonry foundations
160 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Moveable Bridge. N.W. C/W Pit Sheet piling between old bridge wells top level.
161 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at Entrance: movable Bridge North West C/W pit excavation in masonry. Note sheet piled portion in background."
162 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at entrance: movable bridges. North West C/W pit. Excavation in hard. Note removable bridge foundation top right."
163 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at entrance movable bridge. North East trunnion Block"
164 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at entrance. Movable Bridge. North West c/w Pit Excavation nearing completion"
165 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at entrance. Movable Bridge. North West c/w Pit pile heads before stripping"
166 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at Entrance. Movable Bridge North East pits shuttering reinforcement. General view."
167 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: Moveable Bridge. S. Abutment Concrete in-filling nearing completion.
168 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. NW C/W pit and A-frame bolts
169 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at Entrance: Moveable Bridge. N.W. S/A Pit Shuttering at base.
170 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. NW Foundation close up of A-frame bolts
171 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges at entrance. Movable Bridge. Hydraulic Pipes Temporary Diversion South Side"
172 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. 42" dia. Trunnion culvert south side.
173 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable bridge. 42" diameter trunnion culvert note 15" and 9" ducts leading to MH near cope
174 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. General view showing SW trunnion culvert
176 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Dock gates. Floating Caisson and Jetty from island"
177 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. South abutment breeze concrete filling
178 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance - movable. S. abutment breeze concrete filling.
180 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge NE foundations
184 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. SW C/W and S/A pits. Note guide channels
185 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Dock Gates (Victoria Dock). Leakage outside at low water"
186 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. Concrete fender units being placed
187 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at entrance: movable bridge. Concrete fender units being placed
190 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges Moveable: Roadway slab on island being concreted.
193 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Movable Bridge. South Side shore structure. General view. Top chords and latticed girder being erected"
194 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges: movable. Erecting portal girder and top booms south side
198 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges movable. South approach view from south west."
201 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. Fixed portal - column base.
204 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges: movable. SE pinion rack in position
205 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges Movable. Lowering S.E. pinion rack into position."
206 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges movable: South west pinion rack - general view after erection
208 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. W.W. "A" being moved from south side to its final position.
213 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges: movable. "A" frames and top chord and girder (Island)
214 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges Moveable. Portal Girder and top chord ready to lift. (Island side).
216 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges: movable. General view of south side shore structures before Al Alloy structure arrived
217 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges: movable. General view of progress on island
220 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. General view from Hall Russel's Yard.
221 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges movable. General view from Blaikie's Quay.
224 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. Aerial view of south approach.
226 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "movable Bridge. Offloading operations SS. "Ardgantock"
230 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Movable bridge: view of south abutment and shore structure
231 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Movable bridge. Concreting road slab on island.
232 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable bridge. Offloading al[uminum] alloy structure from "Ardgantock".
233 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable bridge. Off loading Al[uminium] Alloy Structure.
234 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. General view of site pontoon dock number 3.
235 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges Moveable. Machinery portal - south leaf.
236 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges moveable. Worm and Differential gear. South leaf.
237 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges: movable. Lifting SW main girder into position
238 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges movable. Lifting south west main girder into position"
239 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges moveable. General view showing progress from South West.
240 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. Erecting first main girder
241 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges Movable. Splicing North West main girder."
243 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges movable. Main trunnion pin being pushed home.
244 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges: movable. South leaf - main girders in position. Bottom cross girder being lifted into place
245 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable: second cross girder and cross bracing fixed, south leaf
246 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. North leaf, main girder being slung by two cranes over entrance
247 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - Moveable. North West main girder being lowered into position.
248 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable: main girder, north west side, being spliced
249 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges movable. Troughing (?) being erected"
250 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "movable Bridge. South Leaf troughing being erected"
251 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges - movable. South Leaf troughing being erected."
254 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph movable bridge: Rack, pinion and cam (NE side)
255 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges moveable. General view of erection from South East.
256 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges Moveable. General view of North Leaf and dock gates (2)
257 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges moveable. A leaf being lowered for the first time. (1)
258 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges movable. South leaf being lowered for first time.
259 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges movable. South leaf being lowered for first time"
264 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridge - Main trusses and girders erected.
266 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridge. Main and cross girders erected.
268 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph movable bridge. South leaf toward the horizontal position for first time.
269 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges movable: South leaf in horizontal position. Hand operating handle on left,
270 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges moveable. Fitting cam rope to N.W Girder.
272 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges movable: Junction box on south west A-frame,
273 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges moveable. Two leaves being lowered under power.
274 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges Moveable. Bridge leaves about to close.
275 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges movable. Rhodesian teak underlay being bolted down."
277 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - moveable. Electric junction box and cabling. N.E. trunnion (?).
278 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. Rhodesian teak underlay 'compacted on n. leaf?'
283 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges, movable: remote control cabin,
285 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges removable bridge tests. Bridge and pontoon floating away from abutment"
286 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - movable. General view from the south east. 'Bow Santos' ship in background.
291 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridge. Tests 11 September 1953. Z-4 loco: wagons static test.
292 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridge Tests Bridge under static load test
296 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Movable Bridge - opening ceremony 30th September 1953. Dais for official party awaiting arrival of Queen Mother"
298 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridge tests.
299 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridge Tests" shows locomotive and wagons with ballast on bridge
300 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge bridge tests. Shows wagons with ballast on bridge.
301 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St. Clements Bridge - bridge tests,
302 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges movable. South leaf at West End - Motor (Metro Vicars)"
307 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge from west.
310 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable bridge. Harbour works department men shuttering for hand railing.
311 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridge. Remote control cabin - timber structure - being placed on base.
313 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Movable bridge - decking.
314 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Movable bridge: decking
315 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridge - Decking.
316 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Movable bridge: decking
317 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Movable Bridge - Decking"
318 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridge. Decking.
319 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Movable Bridge - Decking"
320 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Moveable Bridge. Remote control cabin - concrete block base.
321 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Movable bridge: view from works office showing progress of paving and fencing
322 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Movable bridge - by floodlight
323 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Movable Bridge - Floodlit"
324 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "St Clements Bridge - floodlit".
326 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge. View from roof of north boat sheds. South West corner.
329 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge - View from roof of North Boat Sheds.
330 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St. Clements Bridge - view from end of new island jetty
331 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge (open). View from New Island Jetty.
332 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St. Clements Bridge (open) - view from new jetty. Vessel "Copsewood" passing through bridge.
333 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge (Open) - View from new jetty (The Monarch of Glasgow passing through).
334 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge. View from top of foremast of "Annie W. Lewis" berthed at new jetty.
335 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St. Clements Bridge
336 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge - Alvsnabben (Swede) passing through.
338 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "St Clements Bridge - Alsnabben: Swedish vessel about to pass through bridge"
339 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Bridges - St Clements Bridge with British Destroyer Aisne Approaching"
341 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Entrance to Victoria Dock, showing St Clements Bridge
344 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges: Regent Bridge from the east
345 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges; St Clements; View from top of Jib of Crane No.16 D.W.B. [Deep Water Berth]
346 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph " Regent Bridge: Shell mex motor lorry mounting inner footpath and colliding with bridge structure. No damage to bridge."
352 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St. Clement's Bridge from shear poles. Note Lancashire Coast approaching and north boat St. Clements berthed
353 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "St Clements Bridge From 50 feet up shear poles"
356 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Dock gates: South leaf. Damage to masonry- also strengthening angles bolted to wall.
357 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph dock gates - south leaf. Cracks in masonry.
358 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Dock gates - south leaf. Strengthening angles welded to heel strap and bolted to wall.
359 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Dock gates - south leaf. Strengthening measures.
361 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge.
362 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge.
363 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "St Clements Bridge"
365 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph St Clements Bridge.
368 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "St Clements Bridge model - condition of model on return from June London exhibition"
369 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "St Clements Bridge model - condition of model on return from June London exhibition"
372 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Regent Bridge: repairs to bearing blocks. C/W chambers opened at east side for easy access to bolts.
373 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Regent Bridge: repairs to bearing blocks. C/W chambers opened at east side for easy access to bolts.
374 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Regent Bridge repairs: close up of C/W chambers - east side
375 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Regent Bridge: repairs to bearing blocks. East bearing block, inside view. Note new 1" thick bearing plate
376 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Regent Bridge Repairs to Bearing Blocks. Cast Iron Bearing Block Removed and New Borrom Angle being Renewed"
377 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Regent bridge. Repairs to bearing blocks. West blocks being removed.
378 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Regent Bridge: repairs to bearing blocks. Note new bottom and end angle welded in - also new bolts.
379 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph birdseye view of harbour bridges.
382 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges at dock entrance: general view from Hall Russell's yard
383 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges
384 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph North leaf
385 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph North leaf
386 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph North leaf
387 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bridges - removable. Removable Bridge with pontoon in foreground.
388 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph detail of south leaf.
389 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph South Leaf
393 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Foot of Market Street going onto Regent Bridge?
396 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph "Caisson Damage 9.2.58"
400 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Number 1 pontoon dock with dock gates caisson on for scraping and cleaning.
401 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph floating caisson - on number 1 pontoon dock.
402 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Caisson. Preparing to right approx. 6.45pm on
403 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Caisson. Righting operation in progress.
404 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Floating caisson. Photograph taken at Blaikie's Quay.
405 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Regent Bridge. Elevation showing pitching of joints between timber underlay.
406 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Regent Bridge. Laying of timber underlay.
407 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bilge keel picked up at dock entrance.
408 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bilge keel picked up at dock gates.
409 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Bilge keel picked up at dock entrance.
Collapse A4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 4 photographs found in Block 7 boxA4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 4 photographs found in Block 7 box
Expand A5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 5 photographs found in Block 7 boxA5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 5 photographs found in Block 7 box
Expand M - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Miscellaneous photographs found in Block 7 boxM - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Miscellaneous photographs found in Block 7 box
Expand 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 8 Photographs8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 8 Photographs
Expand 9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 9 Photographs9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 9 Photographs
Expand 10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 10 Photographs10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 10 Photographs
Expand 11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 11 Photographs11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 11 Photographs
Expand 12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 12 Photographs12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 12 Photographs
Expand 13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 13 Photographs13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 13 Photographs
Expand 14 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 14 Photographs14 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 14 Photographs
Expand 15 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 15 Photographs15 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 15 Photographs
Expand 16 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 16 Photographs16 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 16 Photographs
Expand 17 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 17 Photographs17 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 17 Photographs
Expand 18 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 18 Photographs18 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 18 Photographs
Expand 19 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 19 Photographs19 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 19 Photographs
Expand 20 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 20 Photographs20 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 20 Photographs
Expand 22 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 22 Photographs22 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 22 Photographs
Expand 23 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 23 Photographs23 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block 23 Photographs
25 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: "Record of Photographic Prints taken from 1945 - [1959] Block Numbers 19-24"
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Other Photograph Prints3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Other Photograph Prints
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Albums4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photograph Albums
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Miscellaneous Photographs and Images5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Miscellaneous Photographs and Images
Expand 12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Collected Materials12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Collected Materials
Expand 13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Papers relating to the Docks and Harbour Authorities' Association13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Papers relating to the Docks and Harbour Authorities' Association

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