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Collapse AHB - Records of Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners, later Aberdeen Harbour BoardAHB - Records of Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners, later Aberdeen Harbour Board
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Administrative1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Administrative
Expand 2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Financial2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Financial
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Operational3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Operational
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Legal4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Legal
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Property5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Property
Expand 6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Torry Farm arbitration6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Torry Farm arbitration
Expand 7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Staff7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Staff
Expand 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Marketing 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Marketing
Collapse 9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Plans9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Block Plans
Expand 1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1
Expand 2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 22 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2
Expand 3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 33 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 3
Expand 4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 44 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 4
Expand 5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 55 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 5
Expand 6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 66 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 6
Expand 7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 77 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 7
Expand 8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 88 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 8
Expand 9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 99 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 9
Expand 10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1010 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 10
Expand 11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1111 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 11
Expand 12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1212 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 12
Expand 13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1313 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 13
Expand 14 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1414 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 14
Expand 15 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1515 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 15
Expand 16 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1616 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 16
Expand 17 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1717 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 17
Expand 18 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1818 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 18
Expand 19 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 1919 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 19
Expand 20 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2020 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 20
Expand 21 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2121 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 21
Expand 22 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2222 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 22
Expand 23 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2323 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 23
Expand 24 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2424 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 24
Expand 25 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2525 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 25
Expand 26 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2626 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 26
Expand 27 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2727 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 27
Expand 28 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2828 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 28
Expand 29 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 2929 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 29
Expand 30 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 3030 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 30
Expand 31 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 3131 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 31
Expand 32 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 3232 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 32
Expand 33 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 3333 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 33
Collapse 34 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 3434 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 34
1 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Unit type ARP shelters
2 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Air raid shelter in pattern shope store
3 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Government shelter design plans JI 421-423
4 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Shipyard development scheme, details of reinforced concrete cable duct and manholes
5 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Shipyard development scheme, layout and details of 5 ton crane gantry
6 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New timber storage shed
7 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Boat and spar shed at south side of yard
8 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed engineers store lean to between timber shed & plumbers shops
9 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed W.C. in new plumbers shop
10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Additions to shipyards buildings - Torry
11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed extension at west side of yard
12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed extension to plumbers shop
13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plan showing proposed electrical cables
14 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plan showing connections of wiring boards to cross pieces
15 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New timekeeping office and doorways
16 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed store at South Esplanade
17 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Fish-curing premises & cooperage, South Esplanade East
18 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed installation of petrol pump & storage tanks at South Esplanade East
19 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Office for steelyard
20 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Foundation for the Avery self contained road weighbridge
21 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed arrangement of new garage at South Esplanade East
22 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Shipyard development scheme, details of proposed control units, pits, sockets etc. Maitland Quay
23 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Shipyard development scheme, proposed layout for supplying of power to Wharfside
24 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Shipyard development scheme, cabling duct
25 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plan of shipbuilding yard with roads
26 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Additional Shelters to be erected at Maitland's Quay
27 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Stables to be erected at South Esplanade East
28 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Garages to be erected at South Esplanade East
29 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed open shed fro the storage of coal, ship plant and equipment
30 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Extension to Joiners' shop
31 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New Ship Building Yard and Platers Shed
32 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Propoosed New Wharf at Ship yard, South Esplanade East
33 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New Offices and Stores (Pan and 2 ammended plan)
34 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New Ship Building yard/ Additional Building
35 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Propoosed Position of new Polishing Shop in East Side of Yard
36 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: proposed New Weighbridge
37 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Additions to Shipbuilding Yard at Torry
38 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New Joiners' Shop- New Shipbuilding Yard, Torry
39 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Electrical Sub Station-New Shipbuilding Yard Torry
40 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New Shipbuilding Yard Torry
41 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Additional Buildings in Shipyard, Torry
42 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Extension of Gangway on west side
43 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New Shipbuilding Yard Torry
44 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Shed to be erected at South Esplanade East (2nd hand Shed bought from Messrs, Wilson & Hill, Newcastle on Tyne
45 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Fire Warchers' Hut and Housing of Fire Pump
46 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plan of Paint Shop showing Additional 2nd Floor
47 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New offices at Crombie Place
48 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Site Plan
49 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Derrick Stay Mast
50 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plan of Slipway
51 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Declivities of Slipway Rails
52 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Urinals & WCs to replace existing arrangements
53 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Ship Yard New Offices
54 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed New Office Accommodatiion at South Esplanade East
55 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Torry Dock Fitting out berth
56 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Water fed Oil storage Distribution Depot
57 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed oil tanker berth
58 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Temporary Oil Tank
59 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Arrangement of Piping for Temporary oil tank/Proposed stools for Oil tank
60 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Tankage Extension at South Esaplanade East
61 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Tankage Extension at South Esplanade East
62 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Aberdeen Jetty & yard layout, South Esplanade East
63 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Tanker berth layout Aberdeen Jetty Layout Sheet, South Esplanade East
64 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Replacement and Extensions to Gallery Floor and New Roofs at Sinclair Road Torry
65 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Storage Platform/Proposed Office Accommodation, South Esplanade East, Aberdeen
66 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Warehouse at South Esplanade East Depot
67 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Alterations to existing offices at South Esplanade East, Torry
68 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: New Cantilever Wall, South Esplanade East Depot
69 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Silo Base at South Esplanade East
70 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Modifications to Stotage Facilities
71 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Relocation of Marine Loading Arms at Texaco Jetties South Esplanade East / Valve Operating Platform Ramp
72 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Quay Strengthening for Deepening to 6m.
73 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: General Arrangement, proposed Pipework Layout
74 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Paving and Steelwork Repairs
75 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Horizontal storage Tank
76 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Lorry Park at South Esplanade East
77 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Lorry Park at South Esplanade East
78 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Tank base at Torry Base
79 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Propoosed Office Block at Sinclair Road
80 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Propoosed Office Block and Warehousing at Sinclair Road
81 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: L.F.O Pipeline in Maitlands Quay Area
82 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Toilet Facility at Maitland's Quay
83 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Propoosed Office Block and Warehousing at Sinclair Road/ Letter Box
84 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Alterations at Crombie Place
85 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Proposed Office Extension
86 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Bund Wall repairs
Expand 35 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 3535 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 35
Expand 36 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 3636 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans for Block 36
Expand 37 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Miscellaneous Block Plans37 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Miscellaneous Block Plans
10 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Plans (STILL AT HB)
Expand 11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photographs11 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Photographs
Expand 12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Collected Materials12 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Collected Materials
Expand 13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Papers relating to the Docks and Harbour Authorities' Association13 - Aberdeen Harbour Board: Papers relating to the Docks and Harbour Authorities' Association

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