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Collapse AS - Records of the Administration of Aberdeenshire AS - Records of the Administration of Aberdeenshire
Expand AMil - Aberdeen County Militia RecordsAMil - Aberdeen County Militia Records
Expand AN - Aberdeen County Sheriff Court RecordsAN - Aberdeen County Sheriff Court Records
Expand AP - Aberdeen County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsAP - Aberdeen County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand AS - Records of Aberdeen County School BoardsAS - Records of Aberdeen County School Boards
Expand Acom - Records of the Aberdeenshire Commissioners of Supply Acom - Records of the Aberdeenshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Aeln - Records of the Burgh and Council of EllonAeln - Records of the Burgh and Council of Ellon
Expand Afra - Records of the Burgh of FraserburghAfra - Records of the Burgh of Fraserburgh
Expand Ahty - Records of The Burgh and Council of HuntlyAhty - Records of The Burgh and Council of Huntly
Expand Ains - Records of Insch and Rothney Town CouncilAins - Records of Insch and Rothney Town Council
Expand Aivr - Records of the Royal Burgh of InverurieAivr - Records of the Royal Burgh of Inverurie
Expand Akin - Records of the Royal Burgh of KintoreAkin - Records of the Royal Burgh of Kintore
Expand Aomd - Records of the Burgh of OldmeldrumAomd - Records of the Burgh of Oldmeldrum
Expand Aphd - Records of the Burgh of PeterheadAphd - Records of the Burgh of Peterhead
Expand Arhy - Records of the Burgh and Council of RoseheartyArhy - Records of the Burgh and Council of Rosehearty
Expand BP - Banff County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsBP - Banff County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand BS - Records of County of Banff School Boards BS - Records of County of Banff School Boards
Expand Bahr - Records of the Burgh of AberchirderBahr - Records of the Burgh of Aberchirder
Collapse Bbnf - Records of the Royal Burgh of BanffBbnf - Records of the Royal Burgh of Banff
Expand 1 - Banff Burgh: Town Council Minute Books1 - Banff Burgh: Town Council Minute Books
Expand 2 - Banff Town Council Scroll Minute Books2 - Banff Town Council Scroll Minute Books
Expand 3 - Banff Police Commissioners Minute Books3 - Banff Police Commissioners Minute Books
Expand 4 - Banff Burgh: Police Commissioners Scroll Minute Book4 - Banff Burgh: Police Commissioners Scroll Minute Book
Expand 5 - Banff Burgh: Town Council Committee Minutes And Reports5 - Banff Burgh: Town Council Committee Minutes And Reports
Expand 6 - Banff Burgh: Head Court And Bailie Court Books6 - Banff Burgh: Head Court And Bailie Court Books
Expand 7 - Banff Burgh: Dean Of Guild Court Records7 - Banff Burgh: Dean Of Guild Court Records
Expand 8 - Banff Burgh: Police Court 8 - Banff Burgh: Police Court
Expand 9 - Banff Burgh: Sasine Minute Books9 - Banff Burgh: Sasine Minute Books
Expand 10 - Banff Burgh: Registers10 - Banff Burgh: Registers
Expand 11 - Banff Burgh: Accounts, Ledgers, and Financial Records11 - Banff Burgh: Accounts, Ledgers, and Financial Records
Expand 12 - Banff Burgh: Records of Trusts, Bequests, and Public Bodies12 - Banff Burgh: Records of Trusts, Bequests, and Public Bodies
Expand 13 - Banff Burgh: Town Council Maps and Plans13 - Banff Burgh: Town Council Maps and Plans
Collapse 14 - Records of Banff Harbour Trust14 - Records of Banff Harbour Trust
Expand 1 - Banff Harbour Trust Minutes1 - Banff Harbour Trust Minutes
Expand 2 - Banff Harbour Trust Financial Records2 - Banff Harbour Trust Financial Records
Expand 3 - Banff Harbour Trust Correspondence3 - Banff Harbour Trust Correspondence
Collapse 4 - Banff Harbour Trust Extract Minutes and Reports4 - Banff Harbour Trust Extract Minutes and Reports
1 - Banff Harbour Trust Extract Minutes
2 - Banff Harbour: Report of Committee on Outworks of Harbour at Banff
3 - Banff Harbour: Report by James Bremner on Banff Harbour
4 - Banff Harbour: Memorial from Banff to the House of Commons concerning damage sustained in a storm
5 - Banff Harbour: Report of Committee to Banff Harbour Trustees concerning purchase of Steam Crane
6 - Banff Harbour: Harbours, Docks and Piers Gazette Issue 1
7 - Banff Harbour: Report by John Bisset on Damage to Foundation of North Quayhead
8 - Banff Harbour: Report of Committee to Banff Harbour Trust on Damage to North Quayhead
9 - Banff Harbour: Report of Committee on the Harbour Master's Books
10 - Banff Harbour: List of Subscribers for procuring a steam crane for the purpose of cleaning Banff Harbour
11 - Banff Harbour: List of names of owners with names and numbers of vessels moored on Green Banks at Banff
12 - Banff Harbour: Notes on Poor Rates assessment at Scottish Harbours
13 - Banff Harbour: Draft Inventory of goods stored in Banff Harbour Trust warehouse
14 - Banff Harbour: List of Weights held in closet at the Customs House in Banff
15 - Banff Harbour: Statistics on Banff Harbour produced for the Ministry of Transport
16 - Banff Harbour: Note on number of ships and combined tonnage of vessels using Harbour
17 - Banff Harbour: Handwritten Note on Breadth of Quays at Harbour
18 - Banff Harbour Trust Report of Committee Appointed to draw up rules to be observed by persons to whom the Curing Station may be let
19 - Banff Harbour: Extract Minute of Committee Appointed to examine Banff Harbour Shore Dues Accounts
20 - Banff Harbour Trust: Scroll minutes of Banff Town Council Harbour Committee, specifications and correspondence
21 - Banff Harbour Trust: Draft minutes of Harbour Committee 6 January 1836 with letter of security
22 - Banff Harbour Trust: Minutes of Committee appointed to consider propriety of improving the Harbour, 14 January 1837
23 - Banff Harbour Trust: Draft report and Minutes of Committee appointed to consider the propriety of excavating the channel
24 - Banff Harbour Trust: Draft Report to the Lords of Treasury regarding cause of delay in erecting Bonded Warehouses
25 - Banff Harbour Trust: Minutes of Sub Committee of Harbour Trustees working plans of improvements and alterations suggested by Mr Innes on granite
26 - Banff Harbour Trust: Report of Committee on lighting the Harbour at Banff
Expand 5 - Banff Harbour Trust Election Papers5 - Banff Harbour Trust Election Papers
Expand 6 - Banff Harbour: Banff Harbour Trust Legal Statements and Memorials for Opinion of Counsel6 - Banff Harbour: Banff Harbour Trust Legal Statements and Memorials for Opinion of Counsel
Expand 7 - Banff Harbour Trust Orders, Proclamations, and Notices7 - Banff Harbour Trust Orders, Proclamations, and Notices
Expand 15 - Banff Burgh: Correspondence15 - Banff Burgh: Correspondence
Expand 16 - Banff Burgh: Police Commissioners' Records16 - Banff Burgh: Police Commissioners' Records
Expand 17 - Banff Burgh: Education Records17 - Banff Burgh: Education Records
Expand 18 - Banff Burgh: Charters and Legal Papers18 - Banff Burgh: Charters and Legal Papers
Expand 19 - Banff Burgh: Other Burgh Records19 - Banff Burgh: Other Burgh Records
Expand 20 - Records of Duff House Trust20 - Records of Duff House Trust
Expand 21 - Banff Burgh: Miscellaneous Banff records not created by the Burgh Council21 - Banff Burgh: Miscellaneous Banff records not created by the Burgh Council
Expand Bcom - Records of the Banffshire Commissioners of Supply Bcom - Records of the Banffshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Bfre - Banff County: Freeholders' RecordsBfre - Banff County: Freeholders' Records
Expand Bmcd - Records of the Burgh of MacduffBmcd - Records of the Burgh of Macduff
Expand Bmil - Banff County Miltia and Lieutenancy RecordsBmil - Banff County Miltia and Lieutenancy Records
Expand Bpsy - Records of the Burgh and Council of PortsoyBpsy - Records of the Burgh and Council of Portsoy
Expand Btur - Records of the Burgh of TurriffBtur - Records of the Burgh of Turriff
Expand KP - Kincardineshire County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsKP - Kincardineshire County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand KS - Kincardineshire County School BoardsKS - Kincardineshire County School Boards
Expand Kbal - Records of the Burgh and Council of BallaterKbal - Records of the Burgh and Council of Ballater
Expand Kban - Records of the Burgh and Council of BanchoryKban - Records of the Burgh and Council of Banchory
Expand Kber - Records of the Royal Burgh of InverbervieKber - Records of the Royal Burgh of Inverbervie
Expand Kcom - Records of the Kincardineshire Commissioners of Supply Kcom - Records of the Kincardineshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Klrk - Records of the Burgh of LaurencekirkKlrk - Records of the Burgh of Laurencekirk
Expand Kstn - Records of the Burgh of StonehavenKstn - Records of the Burgh of Stonehaven

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