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Collapse AS - Records of the Administration of Aberdeenshire AS - Records of the Administration of Aberdeenshire
Expand AMil - Aberdeen County Militia RecordsAMil - Aberdeen County Militia Records
Expand AN - Aberdeen County Sheriff Court RecordsAN - Aberdeen County Sheriff Court Records
Expand AP - Aberdeen County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsAP - Aberdeen County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand AS - Records of Aberdeen County School BoardsAS - Records of Aberdeen County School Boards
Expand Acom - Records of the Aberdeenshire Commissioners of Supply Acom - Records of the Aberdeenshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Aeln - Records of the Burgh and Council of EllonAeln - Records of the Burgh and Council of Ellon
Expand Afra - Records of the Burgh of FraserburghAfra - Records of the Burgh of Fraserburgh
Expand Ahty - Records of The Burgh and Council of HuntlyAhty - Records of The Burgh and Council of Huntly
Expand Ains - Records of Insch and Rothney Town CouncilAins - Records of Insch and Rothney Town Council
Expand Aivr - Records of the Royal Burgh of InverurieAivr - Records of the Royal Burgh of Inverurie
Expand Akin - Records of the Royal Burgh of KintoreAkin - Records of the Royal Burgh of Kintore
Expand Aomd - Records of the Burgh of OldmeldrumAomd - Records of the Burgh of Oldmeldrum
Expand Aphd - Records of the Burgh of PeterheadAphd - Records of the Burgh of Peterhead
Expand Arhy - Records of the Burgh and Council of RoseheartyArhy - Records of the Burgh and Council of Rosehearty
Expand BP - Banff County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsBP - Banff County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand BS - Records of County of Banff School Boards BS - Records of County of Banff School Boards
Expand Bahr - Records of the Burgh of AberchirderBahr - Records of the Burgh of Aberchirder
Expand Bbnf - Records of the Royal Burgh of BanffBbnf - Records of the Royal Burgh of Banff
Expand Bcom - Records of the Banffshire Commissioners of Supply Bcom - Records of the Banffshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Bfre - Banff County: Freeholders' RecordsBfre - Banff County: Freeholders' Records
Expand Bmcd - Records of the Burgh of MacduffBmcd - Records of the Burgh of Macduff
Expand Bmil - Banff County Miltia and Lieutenancy RecordsBmil - Banff County Miltia and Lieutenancy Records
Expand Bpsy - Records of the Burgh and Council of PortsoyBpsy - Records of the Burgh and Council of Portsoy
Expand Btur - Records of the Burgh of TurriffBtur - Records of the Burgh of Turriff
Expand KP - Kincardineshire County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsKP - Kincardineshire County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand KS - Kincardineshire County School BoardsKS - Kincardineshire County School Boards
Expand Kbal - Records of the Burgh and Council of BallaterKbal - Records of the Burgh and Council of Ballater
Expand Kban - Records of the Burgh and Council of BanchoryKban - Records of the Burgh and Council of Banchory
Expand Kber - Records of the Royal Burgh of InverbervieKber - Records of the Royal Burgh of Inverbervie
Expand Kcom - Records of the Kincardineshire Commissioners of Supply Kcom - Records of the Kincardineshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Klrk - Records of the Burgh of LaurencekirkKlrk - Records of the Burgh of Laurencekirk
Collapse Kstn - Records of the Burgh of StonehavenKstn - Records of the Burgh of Stonehaven
Expand 1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minutes1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minutes
Expand 2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Committee Minutes2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Committee Minutes
Expand 3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter Books and Correspondence3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter Books and Correspondence
Expand 4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account Books4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account Books
Expand 5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Abstracts of Accounts5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Abstracts of Accounts
Expand 6 - Records of Stonehaven Harbour Trust6 - Records of Stonehaven Harbour Trust
Expand 7 - Stonehaven Burgh: Registers7 - Stonehaven Burgh: Registers
Expand 8 - Stonehaven Burgh: Acts8 - Stonehaven Burgh: Acts
Expand 9 - Stonehaven Burgh: Dean of Guild and Housing Records9 - Stonehaven Burgh: Dean of Guild and Housing Records
Expand 10 - Stonehaven Burgh: Charters10 - Stonehaven Burgh: Charters
Collapse 11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Early papers of the Burgh11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Early papers of the Burgh
Expand 1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Expand 2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Expand 3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Expand 4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Expand 5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Expand 6 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town6 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
7 - Stonehaven Burgh: Stent Rolls and Cess lists
8 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles and Conditions of Roup [Sale] of Town's Street Dung, Shore Dues and Property
9 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles and Conditions of Roup [Sale] of Town's Street Dung
10 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles of Roup and Roup Roll of the Town's Property
Expand 11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of extracts of minutes relating to the nomination of Baillies 11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of extracts of minutes relating to the nomination of Baillies
Expand 12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of complaints and petitions heard in the Burgh12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of complaints and petitions heard in the Burgh
13 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to Lord Keith and Town, and liability to pay tax for shore dues
14 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of legal papers relating to various cases
15 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to Lord Keith and Acquisition of Superiority
16 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of legal papers relating to Bailies and Feuars of Stonehaven
17 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to Lord Keith's trustees' investigation of the revenues and accounts of Stonehaven
18 - Stonehaven Burgh: Cess Collection List, Receipt, Stent Roll and Bundle of Cess payment certificates
19 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to Dispute of Cess and Stint for the Old Town and New Town of Stonehaven
20 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of miscellaneous papers
21 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of legal papers relating to quarry
22 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to paving streets
23 - Stonehaven Burgh: Note re. balance owed to Mr Kinnear at his failure in 1827
24 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of miscellaneous papers
Collapse 25 - Stonehaven Burgh: Loose Title Deeds, legal papers, minutes and correspondence25 - Stonehaven Burgh: Loose Title Deeds, legal papers, minutes and correspondence
1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles of Roup and Roup Roll of Town's Property
2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles of Roup and Minute of Sale of Burgh Property
3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles of roup of the superstructure of the House on the Street
4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Agreement for Articles and conditions of Roup of Herring Curing Stances at Stonehaven Harbour
Expand 5 - Stonehaven Burgh: File of copies of minutes of meetings of the Stonehaven Feuars5 - Stonehaven Burgh: File of copies of minutes of meetings of the Stonehaven Feuars
6 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy of meeting of Bailies and inhabitants of Stonehaven renouncing rights of Smithymuir to Lord Keith
7 - Stonehaven Burgh: Extract Minute of managers of Stonehaven re. encroachment by Mr Allardyce on common trading yard by Quay
8 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minute of inhabitants of Stonehaven re. Municipal Bill for election of Councillors
9 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minutes of Meeting of Proprietors and occupiers of houses in Stonehaven as to Municipal Bill
10 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minute of Meeting of Town Council as to charging water rate on vessels frequenting the harbour
11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minute of General Meeting of Feuars of Stonehaven
12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minute of meeting of Magisrates and Town Council re. moving well near to the Cross
13 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minute of election of the Town Officers
14 - Stonehaven Burgh: Inventory of Title Deeds belonging to the Feuars, ordered by Court of Session on application of York Building Co. for having superiority of the town sold
15 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy letter by Robert Barclay of Ury regarding the superiority of the Town
16 - Stonehaven Burgh: Memorial for the Bailies of Stonehaven
17 - Stonehaven Burgh: Remarks for the Magistrates and Harbour Trustees of Stonehaven on Proposed Discharge to Lord Keith's Trustees
18 - Stonehaven Burgh: Remarks for the Stonehaven Harbour Trustees on the observations for Lord Keith Trustees as to Stonehaven's Revenue Accounts 1811 to 1823
19 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy Memorial for the Feuars of Stonehaven
20 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy Answer to Memorial and Queries for Feuars by Robert Blair re. dispute with Lord Keith
21 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy condescendance for feuars given into the process in 1782, Lord Gardenstone's
22 - Stonehaven Burgh: Observations on the Title Deeds of the feuars of Stonehaven
23 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy of Lord Pitnully's Interlocutor re. Stonehaven re. Fundamental Charter of 1624 and deed of 1697 re. shore dues
24 - Stonehaven Burgh: Nomination and commission of Town's Baillies by Lord Keith's Trustees to Baillies of Stonehaven
25 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy Registered Submission and Decree Arbital between Lord Keith and the Feuars of Stoneahven
26 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy Discharge by Magistrates and Harbour Trust to trustees of Lord Keith
27 - Stonehaven Burgh: Inventory of Writs of the Town in custody of Mr Low ***To cross reference****
28 - Stonehaven Burgh: Excerpt minute of meeting of Town Council regarding application to connect a property to main sewerage system
29 - Stonehaven Burgh: Report by John Murray of heights of wells and cisterns
30 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minute of meeting of Dunnottar Parish Local Authority re. cleansing streets
31 - Stonehaven Burgh: Offers for work laying gutters and drains in Old Town
32 - Stonehaven Burgh: Report by John Willet on Dunnottar Water Supply
33 - Stonehaven Burgh: Joint case for the Police Commissioners of Stonehaven and others for the opinion of Counsel, re. amalgamation of Old and New Town of Stonehaven
34 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy interlocutor and note by Sheriff Guthrie Smith in petition by the Town Council of Macduff and others
35 - Stonehaven Burgh: Report by Committee of Local Authority of Fetteresso re. adopting the General Police and Improvement (Scotland) Act 1862
36 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition by inhabitants of Old Town against closure of Bog Well
37 - Stonehaven Burgh: 19th century transcript of 1624 Fundamental Charter
38 - Stonehaven Burgh: Precept of sasine of Andro Walter and Jean Mitchell his spouse, Stonhyve
39 - Stonehaven Burgh: Instrument of Sasine, William Herdman, Town Treasurer
40 - Stonehaven Burgh: Disposition and assignation from Gideon Kemloe to Managers of Stonehaven
41 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letters to Alexander Keith reporting on Town Business
42 - Stonehaven Burgh: Herring Fishing Agreements
43 - Stonehaven Town: Statement of revenue and expenditure for year ended 30 Sep 1877
44 - Stonehaven Burgh: Inventory and valuation of sittings and other articlces in fishcuring yard, Old Town, Stonehaven
45 - Stonehaven Burgh: Report by Jenkins and Marr re. Proposed alteration to Beach and Esplanade
46 - Stonehaven Burgh: Inventory of records delivered by Committee of Feuars of the Old Town of Stonehaven to the Town Council
Expand 26 - Stonehaven Burgh: Miscellaneous title deeds and legal papers26 - Stonehaven Burgh: Miscellaneous title deeds and legal papers
Expand 12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Cess and Assessments12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Cess and Assessments
Expand 13 - Stonehaven Burgh: Old Town Council bundles13 - Stonehaven Burgh: Old Town Council bundles
Expand 14 - Stonehaven Burgh: Fire Brigade records14 - Stonehaven Burgh: Fire Brigade records
Expand 15 - Stonehaven Burgh: Standing Orders, Byelaws and Notices15 - Stonehaven Burgh: Standing Orders, Byelaws and Notices
Expand 16 - Stonehaven Burgh: Town Council Utilities (Waterwork and paving)16 - Stonehaven Burgh: Town Council Utilities (Waterwork and paving)
Expand 17 - Stonehaven Burgh: Police Commissioners bundles17 - Stonehaven Burgh: Police Commissioners bundles
Expand 18 - Stonehaven Burgh: Town Council bundles18 - Stonehaven Burgh: Town Council bundles
Expand 19 - Stonehaven Burgh: News Cuttings Books19 - Stonehaven Burgh: News Cuttings Books
Expand 20 - Stonehaven Burgh: External Organisations20 - Stonehaven Burgh: External Organisations
Expand 21 - Stonehaven Burgh: Files21 - Stonehaven Burgh: Files
Expand 22 - Stonehaven Burgh: Financial Records22 - Stonehaven Burgh: Financial Records
Expand 23 - Stonehaven Burgh: Miscellaneous items23 - Stonehaven Burgh: Miscellaneous items
Expand 24 - Stonehaven Burgh: Burgh Surveyor, Medical Officer and Sanitary Inspector Reports24 - Stonehaven Burgh: Burgh Surveyor, Medical Officer and Sanitary Inspector Reports
Expand 25 - Stonehaven: Trusts and Funds25 - Stonehaven: Trusts and Funds
Expand 26 - Stonehaven Town Council: Assessment Rolls26 - Stonehaven Town Council: Assessment Rolls

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