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Collapse AS - Records of the Administration of Aberdeenshire AS - Records of the Administration of Aberdeenshire
Expand AMil - Aberdeen County Militia RecordsAMil - Aberdeen County Militia Records
Expand AN - Aberdeen County Sheriff Court RecordsAN - Aberdeen County Sheriff Court Records
Expand AP - Aberdeen County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsAP - Aberdeen County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand AS - Records of Aberdeen County School BoardsAS - Records of Aberdeen County School Boards
Expand Acom - Records of the Aberdeenshire Commissioners of Supply Acom - Records of the Aberdeenshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Aeln - Records of the Burgh and Council of EllonAeln - Records of the Burgh and Council of Ellon
Expand Afra - Records of the Burgh of FraserburghAfra - Records of the Burgh of Fraserburgh
Expand Ahty - Records of The Burgh and Council of HuntlyAhty - Records of The Burgh and Council of Huntly
Expand Ains - Records of Insch and Rothney Town CouncilAins - Records of Insch and Rothney Town Council
Expand Aivr - Records of the Royal Burgh of InverurieAivr - Records of the Royal Burgh of Inverurie
Expand Akin - Records of the Royal Burgh of KintoreAkin - Records of the Royal Burgh of Kintore
Expand Aomd - Records of the Burgh of OldmeldrumAomd - Records of the Burgh of Oldmeldrum
Expand Aphd - Records of the Burgh of PeterheadAphd - Records of the Burgh of Peterhead
Expand Arhy - Records of the Burgh and Council of RoseheartyArhy - Records of the Burgh and Council of Rosehearty
Expand BP - Banff County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsBP - Banff County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand BS - Records of County of Banff School Boards BS - Records of County of Banff School Boards
Expand Bahr - Records of the Burgh of AberchirderBahr - Records of the Burgh of Aberchirder
Expand Bbnf - Records of the Royal Burgh of BanffBbnf - Records of the Royal Burgh of Banff
Expand Bcom - Records of the Banffshire Commissioners of Supply Bcom - Records of the Banffshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Bfre - Banff County: Freeholders' RecordsBfre - Banff County: Freeholders' Records
Expand Bmcd - Records of the Burgh of MacduffBmcd - Records of the Burgh of Macduff
Expand Bmil - Banff County Miltia and Lieutenancy RecordsBmil - Banff County Miltia and Lieutenancy Records
Expand Bpsy - Records of the Burgh and Council of PortsoyBpsy - Records of the Burgh and Council of Portsoy
Expand Btur - Records of the Burgh of TurriffBtur - Records of the Burgh of Turriff
Expand KP - Kincardineshire County Parochial Board and Parish Council RecordsKP - Kincardineshire County Parochial Board and Parish Council Records
Expand KS - Kincardineshire County School BoardsKS - Kincardineshire County School Boards
Expand Kbal - Records of the Burgh and Council of BallaterKbal - Records of the Burgh and Council of Ballater
Expand Kban - Records of the Burgh and Council of BanchoryKban - Records of the Burgh and Council of Banchory
Expand Kber - Records of the Royal Burgh of InverbervieKber - Records of the Royal Burgh of Inverbervie
Expand Kcom - Records of the Kincardineshire Commissioners of Supply Kcom - Records of the Kincardineshire Commissioners of Supply
Expand Klrk - Records of the Burgh of LaurencekirkKlrk - Records of the Burgh of Laurencekirk
Collapse Kstn - Records of the Burgh of StonehavenKstn - Records of the Burgh of Stonehaven
Expand 1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minutes1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Minutes
Expand 2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Committee Minutes2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Committee Minutes
Expand 3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter Books and Correspondence3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter Books and Correspondence
Expand 4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account Books4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account Books
Expand 5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Abstracts of Accounts5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Abstracts of Accounts
Expand 6 - Records of Stonehaven Harbour Trust6 - Records of Stonehaven Harbour Trust
Expand 7 - Stonehaven Burgh: Registers7 - Stonehaven Burgh: Registers
Expand 8 - Stonehaven Burgh: Acts8 - Stonehaven Burgh: Acts
Expand 9 - Stonehaven Burgh: Dean of Guild and Housing Records9 - Stonehaven Burgh: Dean of Guild and Housing Records
Expand 10 - Stonehaven Burgh: Charters10 - Stonehaven Burgh: Charters
Collapse 11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Early papers of the Burgh11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Early papers of the Burgh
Expand 1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Expand 2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town2 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Collapse 3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
1 - Stonehaven Burgh: Four accounts received by the Town Treasurer, William Smith
2 - Stonehaven Burgh: William Smith's [Town Treasurer's] Account of Debursements for June 1758
3 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account between Alexander Trail and the Town of Stonehaven
4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account Alexander Traile due to the "Republick of the Town" at Martinmass
5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition by the Managers of Stonehaven to the Sherriff of Kincardine
6 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharge Robert Burnes for his salary as clerk to May 1768
7 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account by the Managers to George Scolea
8 - Stonehaven Burgh: Printed Bill of Reckoning for the Miln of Stonehaven, presumed to be an Inn
9 - Stonehaven Burgh: Order of the feuars on the Treasurer to pay to Mr Thom schoolmaster œ1 as a year's Rent of his School, with receipt
10 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from the Managers to Alexander Thom and James Finnie for mending the casway
11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharge John Lawson for half years salary as quartermaster to Martinmas 1759
12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account by George Reid and David Craig for work at reparing the pier
13 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account by George Reid for work at the Pier
14 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account paid to William Bremer, wright, for colouring the Cross
15 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from the Managers to James Finnie for work at the Cross
16 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from the managers to James Finnie for work at the Pier Cross
17 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account by James Kemloe Smith for iron work to the Cross
18 - Stonehaven Burgh: Workmens Receipt for work at repairing the pier
19 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of drink money paid to the part of soliders who fired at the Cross at the Rejoicing on Lord Marischal's Arrival in Town and paid for ringing the Bell
20 - Stonehaven Burgh: Receipt John Ritchie for cleaning the Harbour
21 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account John Robertson, treasurer, for his Debursements
22 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account paid David Craig for work at the Bogwll
23 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition by the inhabitants of Stonehaven to the managers about haining [enclosing] the common braes
24 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter to Gideon Kemloe from Robert Jamieson concerning the burgh's liability to quarter soldiers
25 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account Captain Jolly to the Town Treasurer
26 - Stonehaven Burgh: Expence of the entertainment at His Majesty's [George III] Coronation
27 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account for rpoes to the Flesh house by George Walker
28 - Stonehaven Burgh: Estimate of a new pier from masons David Craig, Alexander Thom and James Finnie
29 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharge David Douglas, Town Officer, for his years salary
30 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account paid to George Walker
31 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account William Herdman to Robert Thomson, writer in Edinburgh
32 - Stonehaven Burgh: Warrand of feuars in Stonhyve to William Herdman, authorising expenditure on bridge repairs
33 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account of James Forrett, blaclsmith, against the Town Publick
34 - Stonehaven Burgh: Masons' discharged accounts for pier
35 - Stonehaven Burgh: Kincardineshire Justice of the Peace/Commissioners of Supply order on William Ogilvie to contribute highway money to the repair of Stonehaven bridge
36 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition from the Managers of Stonehaven to the Sheriff of Kincardine regarding George Reid's obstruction of laying a new casway [causeway?]
37 - Stonehaven Burgh: Receipt George Garioch & Sons for meal
38 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition William Jack to the Managers, regarding the roup of dung
39 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter from Barclay to Messr Gideom Kemloe regarding advance of money
40 - Stonehaven Burgh: Receipt from Alexander Thom for school rent
41 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of money debursed by George Straton
42 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of Robert Cooper "for goeing to donoter for baggag hors and other attendanc"
43 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of Patrick Cushnie for powder to charge the cannon of Stonehaven
44 - Stonehaven Burgh: Execution of warrand against George Reid by John Silver at the instance of the Managers of Stonehaven
45 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account due by the Managers of Stonehaven to workmen for cleaning the stones of the public street
46 - Stonehaven Burgh: Warrang for repairing and workmens discharge on Bridge of Carron
47 - Stonehaven Burgh: Receipt James Patterson, constable, to William Herdman
48 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account due to James Murray for transporting soldiers baggage from Stonehaven to Montrose
49 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from Alexander Traile to John Young, sherriff's clerk
50 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account of George Reid, mason, for a new south west ring ston
51 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition to the inhabitants of Stonehaven to the Managers of the Burgh's funds asking for street repairs
52 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharge for John Lawson's salary from Whitsunday 1765 to Whitsunday 1766
53 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharge from Anne Robb to George Walker
54 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of the Managers of Stonehaven to Robert Burnes, clerk
55 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account paid William Brebner for mending the bell
56 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of Debursement by George Walker, Treasurer
57 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of Town Public to Patrick Cushnie
58 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account John Lawson for his salary for quartering His Majesty's Troups
59 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of the Towns Founds [Funds?] to George Walker
60 - Stonehaven Burgh: Receipt to John Lawson for salary due for quartering His Majesty's Troups
61 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account of Robert Burnes for his salary as Clerk
62 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account by Patrick Cushnie
63 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharged account by George Reid for making part of Bogwell Road
64 - Stonehaven Burgh: Warrand for pressing Baggage horse (paying Robert Couper)
65 - Stonehaven Burgh: Warrand for pressing horses by order of Alexander Traile
66 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account George Walker to James Murray for driving stones and making roadway
67 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account George Walker to William Park
68 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter from Alexander Thom and James Finnie with estimate for repairs to the pier
69 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from William Taylor
70 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter from Messrs George and William Forbes, Aberdeen, regarding work on well and pipes
71 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from John Morgan for transporting sandstone to the quay
72 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from Mr Colvin
73 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of Town Publick to William Robertson
74 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of John Lawson
75 - Stonehaven Burgh: Discharge Robert Burnes for his salary
76 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition William Jack to the Managers of the Town Publick of Stonehaven regarding cleaning and repairing the High Street
77 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account current between the Town Public and George Walker
78 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from mason's James Finnie and Alexander Thom for work on wells and pier
79 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account from Alexander Thom and John Couley for work on quay opposite the Tolbooth, stairs on the quay, wells and taking down bell and cross
80 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account for cartloads of sand and stone for repairs to water tracts and casway, flags and mason's wages
81 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account George Walker to Messrs Young and Cadenhead
82 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account George Walker to Alexander Thom and John Coullie for work on street
83 - Stonehaven Burgh: Order to purchase a bell for Stonehaven from the feuars
84 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account for repairing the pier
85 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letters William Walker to George Walker authorising him to deputise him at meeting of Feuars
86 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of the Managers of Stonehaven to Thomas Ross etc. for erecting a spire on the steeple
87 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bond of Caution by William Gibbon etc. for William Herdman
88 - Stonehaven Burgh: Scoll Factory and Commission Feuars of Stonehaven to William Herdman
89 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter from Chamberlain of Edinburgh re. cess of Stonehaven
90 - Stonehaven Burgh: Promissory note to pay Peter Christian, writer, for funds applied by him in enlarging and repairing the pier and harbour
91 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bill James Rhind for roup of shore dues
92 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bills and account of James Rhind
93 - Stonehaven Burgh: Estimate by John McBain for repairing the road from Stonehaven to the Court house
94 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of Alexander Gildrivie for inspecting the pier and giving instructions and plan for addition to pierhead
95 - Stonehaven Burgh: Inventory of Receipts and Orders
96 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter from Alexander Garioch to William Herdman, and "Notes from Mergy"
97 - Stonehaven Burgh: A charge for six years shore dues
98 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account paid to John Milne
99 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account paid to Alexander Calder for tar and rope
100 - Stonehaven Burgh: Order to Robert Burnes, Town Treasurer, to pay Joseph Morison, a sick sailor, from the public funds
101 - Stonehaven Burgh: Order to Robert Burnes, Town Treasurer, to pay various individuals in need from the town's funds
102 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of the Managers of Stonehaven to Robert Burnes, clerk
103 - Stonehaven Burgh: Manager's order to pay James Rhind for building a steeple
104 - Stonehaven Burgh: Decreet Arbitral between William Morgan, George Arbuthnott and Gideon Kemloe
105 - Stonehaven Burgh: Receipt for payment to James Rhind for work on steeple
106 - Stonehaven Burgh: Managers order to pay James Rhind
107 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy letter of Feuars of Stonehyve to Mr Garioch, supporting the legal action against David Walker in Woodhead for selling the peats of the moss of Cowie
108 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter from George Thom re. balance of his account as Town Treasurer
109 - Stonehaven Burgh: Summonds and Execution of Robert Burnes, Treasurer of Stonehaven against debtors
110 - Stonehaven Burgh: Order to pay Joseph Morison, a distressed sailor
111 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of the masons at the shore
112 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition to the Town of Stonehaven from James Murray, Sheriff Officer, concerning flooding caused by neighbour's bulwark
113 - Stonehaven Burgh: Advertisement about shore dues
114 - Stonehaven Burgh: Copy of memorial of the Feuars of Stonehaven to Lord Keith concerning ceding of Smithy muir and issuing of feu charters
115 - Stonehaven Burgh: Receipt of James Knox
116 - Stonehaven Burgh: Schedule of Protest of George Thom and John Richardson against the Bailies of Stonehaven
117 - Stonehaven Burgh: Receipt of George Logie for towns books and bills from William Herdman
118 - Stonehaven Burgh: Order to pay John Currie, a broken sailor
119 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of documents relating to process of Robert Burnes, Town Treasurer, against debtors
120 - Stonehaven Burgh: Inventory of accounts and receipts 1789-1791
121 - Stonehaven Burgh: Note of number of inhabitants in the town
122 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of Debursements about the Town of Stonehaven
123 - Stonehaven Burgh: Notice of contractors wanted for repairs to the pier
124 - Stonehaven Burgh: Proceedings against Town Clerk of Stonehaven and Scroll Answers by John Young in response to William Herdman
125 - Stonehaven Burgh: Letter of Tack of Road to Braeheads by Mr J. Collins
126 - Stonehaven Burgh: Petition the feuars and inhabitants of Stonehaven to the Justices of the Peace for Kincardine concerning repairs to the harbour
127 - Stonehaven Burgh: Account of George Walker, George Reid and William Brebner
Expand 4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town4 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Expand 5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town5 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
Expand 6 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town6 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to the administration of the Town
7 - Stonehaven Burgh: Stent Rolls and Cess lists
8 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles and Conditions of Roup [Sale] of Town's Street Dung, Shore Dues and Property
9 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles and Conditions of Roup [Sale] of Town's Street Dung
10 - Stonehaven Burgh: Articles of Roup and Roup Roll of the Town's Property
Expand 11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of extracts of minutes relating to the nomination of Baillies 11 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of extracts of minutes relating to the nomination of Baillies
Expand 12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of complaints and petitions heard in the Burgh12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of complaints and petitions heard in the Burgh
13 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to Lord Keith and Town, and liability to pay tax for shore dues
14 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of legal papers relating to various cases
15 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to Lord Keith and Acquisition of Superiority
16 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of legal papers relating to Bailies and Feuars of Stonehaven
17 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to Lord Keith's trustees' investigation of the revenues and accounts of Stonehaven
18 - Stonehaven Burgh: Cess Collection List, Receipt, Stent Roll and Bundle of Cess payment certificates
19 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to Dispute of Cess and Stint for the Old Town and New Town of Stonehaven
20 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of miscellaneous papers
21 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of legal papers relating to quarry
22 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of papers relating to paving streets
23 - Stonehaven Burgh: Note re. balance owed to Mr Kinnear at his failure in 1827
24 - Stonehaven Burgh: Bundle of miscellaneous papers
Expand 25 - Stonehaven Burgh: Loose Title Deeds, legal papers, minutes and correspondence25 - Stonehaven Burgh: Loose Title Deeds, legal papers, minutes and correspondence
Expand 26 - Stonehaven Burgh: Miscellaneous title deeds and legal papers26 - Stonehaven Burgh: Miscellaneous title deeds and legal papers
Expand 12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Cess and Assessments12 - Stonehaven Burgh: Cess and Assessments
Expand 13 - Stonehaven Burgh: Old Town Council bundles13 - Stonehaven Burgh: Old Town Council bundles
Expand 14 - Stonehaven Burgh: Fire Brigade records14 - Stonehaven Burgh: Fire Brigade records
Expand 15 - Stonehaven Burgh: Standing Orders, Byelaws and Notices15 - Stonehaven Burgh: Standing Orders, Byelaws and Notices
Expand 16 - Stonehaven Burgh: Town Council Utilities (Waterwork and paving)16 - Stonehaven Burgh: Town Council Utilities (Waterwork and paving)
Expand 17 - Stonehaven Burgh: Police Commissioners bundles17 - Stonehaven Burgh: Police Commissioners bundles
Expand 18 - Stonehaven Burgh: Town Council bundles18 - Stonehaven Burgh: Town Council bundles
Expand 19 - Stonehaven Burgh: News Cuttings Books19 - Stonehaven Burgh: News Cuttings Books
Expand 20 - Stonehaven Burgh: External Organisations20 - Stonehaven Burgh: External Organisations
Expand 21 - Stonehaven Burgh: Files21 - Stonehaven Burgh: Files
Expand 22 - Stonehaven Burgh: Financial Records22 - Stonehaven Burgh: Financial Records
Expand 23 - Stonehaven Burgh: Miscellaneous items23 - Stonehaven Burgh: Miscellaneous items
Expand 24 - Stonehaven Burgh: Burgh Surveyor, Medical Officer and Sanitary Inspector Reports24 - Stonehaven Burgh: Burgh Surveyor, Medical Officer and Sanitary Inspector Reports
Expand 25 - Stonehaven: Trusts and Funds25 - Stonehaven: Trusts and Funds
Expand 26 - Stonehaven Town Council: Assessment Rolls26 - Stonehaven Town Council: Assessment Rolls

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