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Collapse CA - Records of the Royal Burgh and City of AberdeenCA - Records of the Royal Burgh and City of Aberdeen
Expand 1 - Aberdeen City: Minutes of Meetings1 - Aberdeen City: Minutes of Meetings
Expand 2 - Aberdeen City: Deeds and Sasines2 - Aberdeen City: Deeds and Sasines
Collapse 3 - Aberdeen City: Town Charters3 - Aberdeen City: Town Charters
Expand A1 - Aberdeen City: Town Charters, First SeriesA1 - Aberdeen City: Town Charters, First Series
Expand A2 - Aberdeen Burgh: Town Charters, Second SeriesA2 - Aberdeen Burgh: Town Charters, Second Series
Expand A3 - Aberdeen Burgh: Town Charters, Third SeriesA3 - Aberdeen Burgh: Town Charters, Third Series
Collapse K1 - Aberdeen City: Kinmundy ChartersK1 - Aberdeen City: Kinmundy Charters
1 - Kinmundy Charters: Charter of Confirmation and Novodamus of the Town and Lands of Kinmundy by Patrick Bishop of Aberdeen in favour of Alexander Menzeis [Menzies] of Kinmundy
2 - Kinmundy Charters: Instrument of Resignation of the Lands of Kinmundy in favour of Thomas Menzies of Kinmundy
3 - Kinmundy Charters: Charter by William III following Instrument of Resignation in the favour of Thomas Menzies of Kimmundy
4 - Kinmundy Charters: Charter by Queen Anne in favour of Robert Menzies, Merchant in Aberdeen, of the lands of Boddams
5 - Kinmundy Charters: Sasine following on Charter by Queen Anne in favour of Robert Menzies, Merchant in Aberdeen, of the lands of Boddams
6 - Kinmundy Charters: Sasine in favour of Robert Cramond writer in Edinburgh of an annual rent of 300 Merks Scots Money
7 - Kinmundy Charters: Sasine of the lands of Kimmundy in favour of Robert Cuming of Birnes in relief of a bond of Cautionry
8 - Kinmundy Charters: Sasine of the Lands of Kinmundy in Favour of Major James Buchan
9 - Kinmundy Charters: Sasine of the Lands of Kinmundy in Favour of Robert Cramond
10 - Kinmundy Charters: Sasine of an annual rent of 300 Merks from the Lands of Kinmundy in favour of George Buchan,Clerk to the Comissioners of teinds and to Anna May his spouse
11 - Kinmundy Charters: Kinmundy Charters: Parcle of Registered Bonds and Grounds of Debt against the lands of Kimmundy
12 - Kinmundy Charters: Disposition and Assignation to the Annual rent of 300 Merks on the Lands of Kinmundy by George Buchan
13 - Kinmundy Charters: Sasine following upon Disposition and Assignation to the Annual rent of 300 Merks on the Lands of Kinmundy by George Buchan
14 - Kinmundy Charters: Disposititon and Assignation by John Edmondstoune, writer in Edinburgh, assignee of Robert Cramond, of 3,500 Merks Scots Money
15 - Kinmundy Charters: Tack by the common procurator, principal and other masters of the King's College, of the teind sheaves of Kinmundy and Boddams, to Baillie William Cruickshank for a period of ten years
16 - Kinmundy Charters: Disposition and Translation for Sir Alexander Forbes and Patrick Duff to William Cruickshank of the lands of Boddam
17 - Kinmundy Charters: Instrument of Resignation of the lands of Boddams by Robert Menzies in favour of William Cruickshank
18 - Kinmundy Charters: Charter of Vendition and Sale, Resignation and Confirmation by George II in favour of William Cruickshank of the lands Kimmundy and Boddams
19 - Kinmundy Charters: Disposition of the lands of Kimmundy and Boddams by William Cruickshank to James Leslie
20 - Kinmundy Charters: Sasine following upon the Royal Charter of William Cruickshank and upon the disposition by him in favour of James Leslie
21 - Kinmundy Charters: Duplicate Copy of the Sasine following upon the Royal Charter of William Cruickshank and upon the disposition by him in favour of James Leslie
22 - Kinmundy Charters: Decret of Valuation of the teinds of the lands of of Kinmundy and Boddams at the instance of Thomas Fraser
23 - Kinmundy Charters:Articles and Minutes of Roup of the lands
24 - Kinmundy Charters:Personal obligation by Andrew Thomason for the feuduty of the Lands of Boddams
25 - Kinmundy Charters: Articles of Roup of the Superiority of Kinmundy
26 - Kinmundy Charters: Feu Charter of the lands of Boddams by Alexander Duthie of Ruthrieston in favour of James Hadden, Master of Guild Brethen's Hospital
Expand 4 - Aberdeen City: Chartularies and Feu Registers4 - Aberdeen City: Chartularies and Feu Registers
Expand 5 - Aberdeen City: Legal and Court Records5 - Aberdeen City: Legal and Court Records
Expand 6 - Aberdeen City: Financial Records6 - Aberdeen City: Financial Records
Expand 7 - Aberdeen City: Guildry Records7 - Aberdeen City: Guildry Records
Expand 8 - Aberdeen City: Letter Books and Correspondence8 - Aberdeen City: Letter Books and Correspondence
Expand 9 - Aberdeen City: Records of the Police Commissioners9 - Aberdeen City: Records of the Police Commissioners
Expand 10 - Aberdeen City: Maps and Plans10 - Aberdeen City: Maps and Plans
Expand 12 - Aberdeen City: Proclamations, Advertisements, and Notices12 - Aberdeen City: Proclamations, Advertisements, and Notices
Expand 13 - Aberdeen City: New Street Trustees 13 - Aberdeen City: New Street Trustees
Expand 14 - Aberdeen City: Harbour Records14 - Aberdeen City: Harbour Records
Expand 16 - Aberdeen City: Mortification Fund Records16 - Aberdeen City: Mortification Fund Records
Expand 17 - Commutation Road Assessment Books 17 - Commutation Road Assessment Books
Expand 18 - Aberdeen City: Rentals and Taxation18 - Aberdeen City: Rentals and Taxation
Expand 19 - Aberdeen City Electoral Registers and Poll Books 19 - Aberdeen City Electoral Registers and Poll Books
Expand 20 - Aberdeen Burgh: Feu Duties20 - Aberdeen Burgh: Feu Duties
21 - Aberdeen Burgh & Corporation: Register of Leases
Expand 22 - Tack Books of Mills & Customs 22 - Tack Books of Mills & Customs
24 - Aberdeen Burgh: Abstract of Dispositions granted by the Town's Trustees
Expand 25 - Aberdeen City: Education Records25 - Aberdeen City: Education Records
Expand 26 - Aberdeen City: Children's/Social Work Department Records26 - Aberdeen City: Children's/Social Work Department Records
Expand 27 - Aberdeen City: Tramways/Transport Department27 - Aberdeen City: Tramways/Transport Department
28 - Aberdeen City: Regulations and Conditions of Employment
Expand 29 - Aberdeen City: Burgh Surveyor's/City Engineer's Department Records (cataloguing in progress)29 - Aberdeen City: Burgh Surveyor's/City Engineer's Department Records (cataloguing in progress)
Expand 30 - Aberdeen City: Town Planning Department Records (cataloguing in progress)30 - Aberdeen City: Town Planning Department Records (cataloguing in progress)
Expand 32 - Corporation of the City of Aberdeen Public Health records32 - Corporation of the City of Aberdeen Public Health records

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