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Collapse DD1066 - Records of North Eastern Farmers, predecessors and subsidiariesDD1066 - Records of North Eastern Farmers, predecessors and subsidiaries
Expand 1 - Records of North Eastern Farmers1 - Records of North Eastern Farmers
Expand 2 - Records of North Eastern Agricultural Co-operative Society2 - Records of North Eastern Agricultural Co-operative Society
Expand 3 - Records of Ellis and McHardy Oils3 - Records of Ellis and McHardy Oils
Expand 4 - Records of Shearer Brothers Ltd4 - Records of Shearer Brothers Ltd
Expand 5 - Records of North East Fuels Ltd5 - Records of North East Fuels Ltd
Expand 6 - Records of Leslie Upholstery Ltd./Moray and Nairn Egg Producers Ltd6 - Records of Leslie Upholstery Ltd./Moray and Nairn Egg Producers Ltd
Expand 7 - Records of North East Limes Limited7 - Records of North East Limes Limited
Expand 8 - Records of A. Milne and Sons (Millwrights) Ltd.8 - Records of A. Milne and Sons (Millwrights) Ltd.
Expand 9 - Records of Brechin Agricultural and Trading Co. Ltd9 - Records of Brechin Agricultural and Trading Co. Ltd
Expand 10 - Records of Stewartry Chemicals10 - Records of Stewartry Chemicals
Expand 11 - Records of Maintech Services Limited11 - Records of Maintech Services Limited
Expand 12 - Records of Islay Farmers12 - Records of Islay Farmers
Expand 13 - Records of Animal Health (Scotland) Services Ltd13 - Records of Animal Health (Scotland) Services Ltd
Collapse 14 - North Eastern Farmers: Photographs14 - North Eastern Farmers: Photographs
1 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 11 colour photos and 4 slidesheets
2 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: Oversize photographs of farming goods and machinery
3 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of packing facilities for food
4 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photography of 2 men in grain factory
5 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of 2 men in cart in London
6 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 colour photograph of 2 coach horses pulling old fashioned leisure and recreation cart
7 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of Head Office at Bannermill Place, Aberdeen with construction
8 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of 3 women selling baskets of flowers with 1 boy stood looking, in London
9 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of Aberdeen from above suspension bridge
10 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of 2 men placing posters on Madame Tussauds advertising wall.
11 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 colour print in New York of Eisleben (German Ice Life) Map
12 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of drawing by George Watt, architect, of a new North East Agricultural Coop Society Ltd.
13 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of the first manager Robert Kemp
14 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of Charles Christe, chairman
15 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 photo of Rt Hon Lord of Fyvie Honouray President
16 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of foundation stone for the new North East Agricultural Coop Society being laid.
17 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of North East Agricultural Coop Society warehouse with man, horse and cart.
18 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of warehouse loading facility next to railroad with 5 men outside
19 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of North East Agricultural Co-operative Society premises on Bannermill Place
20 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of James Dunro CBE, LLD Chairman and Director
21 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of the top of Union Street, Aberdeen
22 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 black and white photograph of North East Agricultural Co-operative Society premises on Bannermill Place
23 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 5 black and white photographs of first directors of the North East Agricultural Coop Society and managers.
24 - Records of North Eastern Farmers: 1 framed black and white photograph of North East Agricultural Coop Society warehouse

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