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Collapse DD1460 - Miscellaneous Aberdeenshire Libraries collectionsDD1460 - Miscellaneous Aberdeenshire Libraries collections
Collapse A - Frasers of Castle Fraser PapersA - Frasers of Castle Fraser Papers
1 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between Walter Barclay of Towie and Andrew Fraser
2 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Malcolm Grant
3 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of George Chalmer
4 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between Patrick Forbes and Lord Fraser
5 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of James Guthrie
6 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between William Fraser and Lord Fraser
7 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between James Woode of Balbeigne and Lord Fraser
8 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between Richard Fullerton and William barclay
9 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between Simon and Margeret Fraser and Master of Forbes
10 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between James Woode of Balbeigne and Andro Lord Fraser
11 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between Arthur Forbes, son of William Fraser, to Andro Lord Fraser
12 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between Jeane Blair, relict of George Grant and AndroLord Fraser
13 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between John Fraser of Waterton and Lord Fraser
14 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance between Janet Skene, relict of Patrick Innes, and Lord Fraser
15 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of John Fraser of Waterton to Andro Lord Fraser
16 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Elspet Fraser, wife of John Forbes, to Lord Fraser
17 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Jams Smyth, burges of Abd., to Lord Fraser
18 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Jean Blair to Lord Fraser
19 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Agnes Straquhane
20 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Anes Straquhen
21 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Agnes Straqn to Lord Fraser
22 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Agnes Straqn to Lord Fraser
23 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Jeane Blair to Lord Fraser
24 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of William Fraser
25 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Jon Fraser in Waterton
26 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of the minister and elders of the session of Rathin to Lord Fraser
27 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Annas Straqn
28 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Agnes Straqn to James Smith on behalf of Androw Lord fraser
29 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Lord Fraser and Walter Ross
30 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Jon Fraser in Waterton to Lord Fraser
31 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Jeane Blair to Lord Fraser
32 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Jon Fraser in Waterton to Lord Fraser
33 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Annes Straqhan
34 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Gilbert Irving and Jean Blair, relict to George Grant, to Lord Fraser
35 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Annas Straqne to Lord Fraser
36 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Gilbert Irving to Lord Fraser
37 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Agnes Straqn to Lord Fraser
38 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Alexander Young to Lord Fraser
39 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Lord Fraser and James Smyth
40 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Agnes Straquhane
41 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Alex Fraser to Lord Fraser
42 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Magdalane Hadden
43 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Agnes Strachane to Lord Fraser
44 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Anna Straquhan
45 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of James Baird and Patrick Fendour
46 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Patrick Ranken to Lord Fraser
47 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Annas Straqn to Lord Fraser
48 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Agnas Straquhan
49 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Gilbert Irving and Jeane Blair, Lord Fraser and James Grant
50 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Johne George to Lord Fraser
51 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Patrick Hepburne, apothocaries, James Smyth, solicitor and Lord Fraser
52 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Francis Fraser of Kinmundie and Lord Fraser
53 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Barbara Forbes; Alexander Fraser on behalf of Androw Fraser; Ana Starqhen; Walter Grant
54 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Alexander Lumsden and Georg Lesley of Clintirty
55 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Patrick Ranken to Lord Fraser
56 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Captain John Forbes and Lord Fraser
57 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of John Forbes, John Brebner and Lord Fraser; and Barbara Forbes, John Brebner on behalf of Lord Fraser
58 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Annas Straquhn
59 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Andrew Ramsay
60 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Magdalen Hadden
61 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Frances Fraser of Kinmundie to Lord Fraser
62 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Jon Fraser to Lord Fraser
63 - Fraser Papers: Discharge/acquittance of Patrick Ranken to Lord Fraser
64 - Fraser Papers: List of Depradations and losses done to Lord Fraser's northeast lands of Rathen
65 - Fraser Papers: List of damages/depradations done to the land of Lord Fraser within the parishes of Cluny
66 - Fraser Papers: List of damages/depradations done to Lord Fraser's lands in the parishes of Rathen
67 - Fraser Papers: Royal guarantee that Lord Fraser has met all requirements and is released from appearing in person
68 - Fraser Papers: Unspecified legal document
69 - Fraser Papers: Symmons receipt of payment £100 Stirling from Lord Fraser for failing to keep the public peace
70 - Fraser Papers: Rental of the Lands of Durris
71 - Fraser Papers: Sasine relating to Lands belonging to William Fraser
72 - Fraser Papers: Discharge of feu duty of William Cruk of Pettindrum to Alexander Fraser of Fullorth
73 - Fraser Papers: Discharge of James Wood of Balbogno to Lord Fraser
74 - Fraser Papers: Receipt for mending of shoes and boots
75 - Fraser Papers: Memorandum of damage done by Captain Clare and the commanders in the field
Expand B - Auchmedden Estate PapersB - Auchmedden Estate Papers
Expand C - Auchinbadie PapersC - Auchinbadie Papers
Expand E - Records of the Udny Horticultural SocietyE - Records of the Udny Horticultural Society
Expand F - Records of Inverurie Townswomen's GuildF - Records of Inverurie Townswomen's Guild
Expand G - Records of Stonehaven and District Ex-Service Men's AssociationG - Records of Stonehaven and District Ex-Service Men's Association
H - Dora B. Scott's Commonplace book

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