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Collapse DD391 - Papers of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and his trusteesDD391 - Papers of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and his trustees
Expand 1 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: trust disposition, inventory, executry and subsidiary legal papers1 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: trust disposition, inventory, executry and subsidiary legal papers
Expand 2 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Minutes and notes of trustees' meetings2 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Minutes and notes of trustees' meetings
Expand 3 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: accounts and vouchers of trustees3 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: accounts and vouchers of trustees
Expand 4 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: correspondence of trustees4 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: correspondence of trustees
Expand 5 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: petitions and memorials of trustees5 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: petitions and memorials of trustees
Expand 6 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to investments6 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to investments
Expand 7 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to insurance7 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to insurance
Expand 8 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Papers relating to Kepplestone House, Aberdeen8 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Papers relating to Kepplestone House, Aberdeen
Expand 9 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to realisation of estate9 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to realisation of estate
Expand 10 - Newpaper cuttings collected by or referring to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone10 - Newpaper cuttings collected by or referring to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone
Expand 11 - Papers relating to funeral of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone11 - Papers relating to funeral of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone
Expand 12 - Papers relating to Alexander Macdonald and Co., granite workers, Aberdeen12 - Papers relating to Alexander Macdonald and Co., granite workers, Aberdeen
Collapse 13 - Correspondence between Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and artists 13 - Correspondence between Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and artists
1 - 'Catalogue and Particulars of Pictures at Kepplestone' by Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone
Expand 2 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from G.F. Watts, R.A. 2 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from G.F. Watts, R.A.
Expand 3 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Thomas Oldham Barlow, 1876 - 18843 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Thomas Oldham Barlow, 1876 - 1884
Expand 4 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Charles S. Keene4 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Charles S. Keene
Expand 5 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from George Reid, R.S.A., and John Forbes White5 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from George Reid, R.S.A., and John Forbes White
Expand 6 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from J.C. Hook and family6 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from J.C. Hook and family
Expand 7 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from various senders7 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from various senders
Expand 8 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and wife from John Everett Millais and family8 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and wife from John Everett Millais and family
Expand 9 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from W.W. Onless9 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from W.W. Onless
Expand 10 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald from various artists, mainly French.10 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald from various artists, mainly French.
Expand 11 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Jozef Israels, 1868 - 188211 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Jozef Israels, 1868 - 1882
Expand 12 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from R.D. Blackmore12 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from R.D. Blackmore
Expand 13 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from friends, 1878 - 188313 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from friends, 1878 - 1883
Expand 14 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Tom Taylor, John Tenniel, Harold Thornycroft, E.N. Ward, Henry T. Wells, Thomas Woolner, Henry Woods, D.W. Wynfield, William F. Yeames, James Sant, J. McNeill Whistler, John Singer Sargent, J. Smiles, Arthur Stocks, William Stott [?], Marcus Stone, Ernest A. Waterton, and T. Blake Wirzman, 1871 - 188414 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Tom Taylor, John Tenniel, Harold Thornycroft, E.N. Ward, Henry T. Wells, Thomas Woolner, Henry Woods, D.W. Wynfield, William F. Yeames, James Sant, J. McNeill Whistler, John Singer Sargent, J. Smiles, Arthur Stocks, William Stott [?], Marcus Stone, Ernest A. Waterton, and T. Blake Wirzman, 1871 - 1884
Expand 15 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from John Pettie, 1867 - 188415 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from John Pettie, 1867 - 1884
Expand 16 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from L. Alma Tadema, 1876 - 188416 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from L. Alma Tadema, 1876 - 1884
Expand 17 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Edwin A. Abbey, E. Armitage, Richard Ansdell, H.H. Armstead, Edgar Barclay, J.S. Boehm, Sam Bough, G.H. Boughton, William Brodie, J.M. Burgess, William P. Burton, Randolph Caldecott, Philip H. Calderon, Hugh Cameron, Paul Chalmers, A.S. Cope, Frederick G. Cotman, and Eyre Crowe, 1868 - 188417 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Edwin A. Abbey, E. Armitage, Richard Ansdell, H.H. Armstead, Edgar Barclay, J.S. Boehm, Sam Bough, G.H. Boughton, William Brodie, J.M. Burgess, William P. Burton, Randolph Caldecott, Philip H. Calderon, Hugh Cameron, Paul Chalmers, A.S. Cope, Frederick G. Cotman, and Eyre Crowe, 1868 - 1884
Expand 18 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from George A. Lawson, B.W. Leader, A. Legros, G.D. Leslie, Frederick Light [?], W.S. Lockhart, Edwin Long, W.C. Lukis, E.W. Spencer Lyttelton, Robert Macbeth, William McTaggart, J. MacWhirter, May M. Mason, W. Calder Marshall, Frederick Mason [?], H. Stacy Marks, Philip R. Morris, James Nasmyth, Erskine Nicol, J. Watson Nicol, Alfred Parsons, Noel Paton, John Phillip, Frederick Pickersgill, Edward J. Poynter, Val Prinsep, Archibald Reid, Breton Riviere, Dr. John Brown, and others, with some notes, 1869 - 188418 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from George A. Lawson, B.W. Leader, A. Legros, G.D. Leslie, Frederick Light [?], W.S. Lockhart, Edwin Long, W.C. Lukis, E.W. Spencer Lyttelton, Robert Macbeth, William McTaggart, J. MacWhirter, May M. Mason, W. Calder Marshall, Frederick Mason [?], H. Stacy Marks, Philip R. Morris, James Nasmyth, Erskine Nicol, J. Watson Nicol, Alfred Parsons, Noel Paton, John Phillip, Frederick Pickersgill, Edward J. Poynter, Val Prinsep, Archibald Reid, Breton Riviere, Dr. John Brown, and others, with some notes, 1869 - 1884
Expand 19 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Linley Sambourne, illustrator, 1880 - 188419 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from Linley Sambourne, illustrator, 1880 - 1884
Expand 20 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from W.Q. Orchardson, 1868 - 188420 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from W.Q. Orchardson, 1868 - 1884
Expand 21 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from George du Maurier, c.1872 - 188421 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from George du Maurier, c.1872 - 1884
Expand 22 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from J.H.A. Macdonald, A.N. [Nicolson?], Sheriff Alexander Nicolson, Alexander Russell of The Scotsman, Professor William Robertson Smith, Robert Thom [?], Rev. Alexander Thomson of Haddington, the University Club, Edinburgh, [?] Watson, John Forbes White, and J.P.D. Robertson, 1867 - 188422 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from J.H.A. Macdonald, A.N. [Nicolson?], Sheriff Alexander Nicolson, Alexander Russell of The Scotsman, Professor William Robertson Smith, Robert Thom [?], Rev. Alexander Thomson of Haddington, the University Club, Edinburgh, [?] Watson, John Forbes White, and J.P.D. Robertson, 1867 - 1884
Collapse 23 - Correspondence of Hope Macdonald and others after the death of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone23 - Correspondence of Hope Macdonald and others after the death of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone
Expand 1 - Letters of sympathy to Hope Macdonald at the death of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1884 - 18851 - Letters of sympathy to Hope Macdonald at the death of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1884 - 1885
Expand 2 - Letter concerning artists' correspondence, 19112 - Letter concerning artists' correspondence, 1911
Collapse 3 - Papers concerning the expansion and use of the art collection of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1884 - 18993 - Papers concerning the expansion and use of the art collection of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1884 - 1899
1 - Proof of article on the art collection of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, n.d. [1887 - 1888]
2 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Alexander, 30 September 1885
3 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Alexander, 3 November 1886
4 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Alexander, 4 April 1887
5 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Alexander, 25 April 1887
6 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Alexander, 16 June 1887
7 - Copy letter to Dr. William Alexander Alexander from Hope Macdonald, 3 August 1888
8 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Alexander, 4 August 1888
9 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Alexander, 6 August 1888
10 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Alexander, 10 August 1888
11 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from C.L. Armitage, 11 June 1888
12 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from F.E. Baines, 17 December 1889
13 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Thomas Oldham Barlow, 30 September 1885
14 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from G.H. Boughton, 4 June 1885
15 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from G.H. Boughton, 30 August 1885
16 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the Brussels International Exhibition Committee, 4 March 1897
17 - Copy letter to W. Holman Hunt from Hope Macdonald, 11 May 1887
18 - Copy of letter from W. Holman Hunt to J.C. Hook, 18 May 1887
19 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Edith Holman Hunt, 14 May 1888
20 - Copy letter to Mrs. Playfair from Hope Macdonald, 6 November 1891
21 - Letter to Mrs. Playfair from Betty Lewis, 31 October 1891
22 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from James Cadenhead, 24 January n.d. [1888?]
23 - Copy letter to Hugh Cameron from Hope Macdonald, 23 August 1890
24 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the Art Gallery of the Corporation of London, 8 January 1892
25 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from James Dow, 16 October 1887
26 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Stanhope A. Forbes, 25 September 1890
27 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Stanhope A. Forbes, October 1890
28 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Stanhope A. Forbes, 26 March 1891
29 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Stanhope A. Forbes, 2 October 1891
30 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Stanhope A. Forbes, 8 October 1891
31 - Copy of letter to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from J.L. Gerome, 11 December 1884
32 - Copy letter to Dr. MacGavin from Hope Macdonald, 6 January 1886
33 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Dr. MacGavin, 5 March 1886
34 - Copy letter to Dr. Macgavin from Hope Macdonald, 26 March 1886
35 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.L. Gerome, 12 May 1886
36 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.L. Gerome, 3 July 1886
37 - Copy letter to Dr. Macgavin from Hope Macdonald, 14 July 1886
38 - Copy of letter to Hope Macdonald from J.L. Gerome, 18 July 1886
39 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Sir Coutts Lindsay, 26 October 1885
40 - Copy letter to Sir Coutts Lindsay from Hope Macdonald, 9 November 1885
41 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.W. Beck, secretary, Grosvenor Gallery, 12 November 1885
42 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.W. Beck, secretary, Grosvenor Gallery, 1 December 1885
43 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Henderson, 29 June 1888
44 - Copy letter to H. Herkomer from Hope Macdonald, 7 June 1889
45 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from L.M. Stuart, 19 June 1899
46 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from L.M. Stuart, 28 June 1899
47 - Copy letter to H. Herkomer from Hope Macdonald, 23 July 1899
48 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from C.R. Chisman, secretary to Professor H. Herkomer, 25 July 1899
49 - Copy letter to H. Herkomer from Hope Macdonald, 28 July 1899
50 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J. Hodgson, 26 December 1888
51 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J. Hodgson, 31 December 1888
52 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Frank Holl, 19 August 1885
53 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Frank Holl, 25 August 1885
54 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William How, 21 August 1896
55 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William How, 12 March [1897?]
56 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.C. Hook, 19 May 1887
57 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.C. Hook, 8 July 1895
58 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.C. Horsley, 9 March 1886
59 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Colin Hunter, 29 June 1888
60 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Ingram Brothers, 28 November 1891
61 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from G.S. Layard, 30 July 1891
62 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from G.S. Layard, 12 October 1891
63 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from G.S. Layard, 30 October 1891
64 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to G.S. Layard, 11 December 1891
65 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from G.S. Layard, 15 December 1891
66 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Robert W. Macbeth, 5 May 1890
67 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Robert W. Macbeth, 7 May 1890
68 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Dr. Donald Macleod, 16 October 1896
69 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to Dr. Donald Macleod, 28 October 1896
70 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Dr. Donald Macleod, 2 November 1896
71 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the editors of the Magazine of Art, 8 March 1887
72 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to the editors of the Magazine of Art, 9 March 1887
73 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the editors of the Magazine of Art, 15 March 1887
74 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the editors of the Magazine of Art, 8 August 1888
75 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the editors of the Magazine of Art, 25 September 1888
76 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the editors of the Magazine of Art, 13 March 1889
77 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the editors of the Magazine of Art, 5 August 1896
78 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the editors of the Magazine of Art, 12 August 1896
79 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from the editors of the Magazine of Art, 20 August 1896
80 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Coutts Michie, 8 December 1896
81 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Coutts Michie, 20 March 1897
82 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to Sir Everett Millais, 18 November 1885
83 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.E. Millais, 22 November 1885
84 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Mary Millais, 19 March [1887]
85 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from James Muir, 30 January 1888
86 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from David Murray, 7 November 1896
87 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from W.W. Onless, 3 November 1890
88 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from W.W. Onless, 30 March 1891
89 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from W.W. Onless, 1 November 1891
90 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to W.W. Onless, 12 November 1891
91 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from W.Q. Orchardson, 4 February 1888
92 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to W.Q. Orchardson, 2 June 1888
93 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from S.W. Partridge & Co., 1 January 1889
94 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to S.W. Partridge & Co., 4 January 1889
95 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from John Pettie, 29 April 1889
96 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Frederick Pickersgill, 20 June 1889
97 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Frederick Pickersgill, 30 June 1889
98 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from John W. Plaith[?], 8 June [1889]
99 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from John W. Plaith[?], 20 July 1889
100 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Edward Reed, 11 July 1891
101 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from George Reid, 1 August 1896
102 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to W.B. Richmond, 2 June 1888
103 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from John A. Eaton, 19 December 1888
104 - Receipt sent to Hope Macdonald from the Royal Academy, 22 December 1888
105 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to J.C. Lindsay, 15 September 1891
106 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to J.S. Sargent, 10 June 1886
107 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to M.H. Spielmann, February 1889
108 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from M.H. Spielmann, 2 March 1898
109 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from M.H. Spielmann, 29 March 1898
110 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to M.H. Spielmann, 9 April [1898]
111 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J.S. Virtue & Co. Ltd., 27 June 1888
112 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Wallace, 12 January 1888
113 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from William Wallace, 15 February 1888
114 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from A. Waterhouse, 15 September 1886
115 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Ernest A. Waterlow, 10 September 1889
116 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Ernest A. Waterlow, 17 September 1889
117 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Ernest A. Waterlow, 28 October 1889
118 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Ernest A. Waterlow, 16 July 1890
119 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to G.F. Watts, 1 June 1885
120 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from G.F. Watts, 23 July 1896
121 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to G.F. Watts, 31 July 1896
122 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Margaret S. Watts, 30 August 1896
123 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from J. Dove Wilson, 31 July 1888
124 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from T. Blake Wirzman, 25 May 1888
125 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from T. Blake Wirzman, 6 September 1888
126 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Henry Woods, 2 October 1885
127 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Henry Woods, 31 October 1885
128 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Thomas Woolner, 1 September 1885
129 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Thomas Woolner, 20 September 1885
130 - Letter to Hope Macdonald from Thomas Woolner, 8 November 1885
131 - Copy letter from Hope Macdonald to Mr. Wyllie, 25 May 1891
132 - List of portraits made up by Alexander and Hope Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1884 - 1892
Expand 4 - General correspondence between Hope Macdonald and artists after death of her husband, Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1885 - 18964 - General correspondence between Hope Macdonald and artists after death of her husband, Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1885 - 1896
Expand 24 - Photographs of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1855, 186024 - Photographs of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1855, 1860
Expand 14 - Alexander Macdonald: Miscellaneous financial and trust papers14 - Alexander Macdonald: Miscellaneous financial and trust papers

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