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Collapse DD391 - Papers of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and his trusteesDD391 - Papers of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and his trustees
Expand 1 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: trust disposition, inventory, executry and subsidiary legal papers1 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: trust disposition, inventory, executry and subsidiary legal papers
Expand 2 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Minutes and notes of trustees' meetings2 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Minutes and notes of trustees' meetings
Expand 3 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: accounts and vouchers of trustees3 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: accounts and vouchers of trustees
Expand 4 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: correspondence of trustees4 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: correspondence of trustees
Expand 5 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: petitions and memorials of trustees5 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: petitions and memorials of trustees
Expand 6 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to investments6 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to investments
Expand 7 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to insurance7 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to insurance
Expand 8 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Papers relating to Kepplestone House, Aberdeen8 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Papers relating to Kepplestone House, Aberdeen
Expand 9 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to realisation of estate9 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone Trust: papers relating to realisation of estate
Expand 10 - Newpaper cuttings collected by or referring to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone10 - Newpaper cuttings collected by or referring to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone
Expand 11 - Papers relating to funeral of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone11 - Papers relating to funeral of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone
Expand 12 - Papers relating to Alexander Macdonald and Co., granite workers, Aberdeen12 - Papers relating to Alexander Macdonald and Co., granite workers, Aberdeen
Expand 13 - Correspondence between Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and artists 13 - Correspondence between Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone and artists
Collapse 14 - Alexander Macdonald: Miscellaneous financial and trust papers14 - Alexander Macdonald: Miscellaneous financial and trust papers
Collapse 1 - Papers relating to testamentary trust of Alexander Macdonald of Johnston, and related trusts, 1840 - 18841 - Papers relating to testamentary trust of Alexander Macdonald of Johnston, and related trusts, 1840 - 1884
1 - Letter to his wife from Alexander Macdonald of Johnston, 17 May 1840
2 - Passport of Alexander Macdonald, 1855
3 - Settlement of Alexander Stewart of Grennich, 1858
4 - Copy minute of a meeting of the Trustees of the late Alexander Macdonald, 1860
5 - Correspondence between Alexander Macdonald and Alexander and Francis Edmond, advocates, 1860 - 1861
6 - Copy minutes of meetings of the trustees of the late Alexander Macdonald of Johnston, 1860
7 - Copy of disposition of Shannaburn to Mrs. Macdonald and daughters, 1861
8 - Correspondence concerning marriage contract of Alexander Macdonald and Hope Gordon, 1861 - 1862
9 - Abstract of contract of marriage between Alexander Macdonald and Hope Gordon, 1861
10 - Copy letter from Tods, Murray and Jamieson, W.S., Edinburgh, to John Clerk, advocate, Aberdeen, regarding sale of lands, 21 July 1864
11 - Excerpt from contract of copartnery between Alexander Macdonald, Sidney Field and Robert Fergusson, made 1864
12 - Copy letter from Tods, Murray and Jamieson, W.S., Edinburgh, to John Clerk, advocate, Aberdeen, regarding sale of lands, 29 August 1864
13 - Copy opinion on memorial for the Trustees under the marriage contract of Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford, 1865
14 - Copy memorandum by the trustees under the marriage contract of Mr. and Mrs. Rutherford concerning the purchase of a home, 1865
15 - Memorandum with reference to Mr. Alexander Macdonald's interests in his firm's copartnery, 1866
16 - Memorandum with reference to Mrs. Macdonald's interests under the settlement of her late father [George Gordon], 1866
17 - Business account of Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald's marriage contract trustees to Tods, Murray and Jamieson, W.S., 1866
18 - Copy report and states regarding the Trust Estate of the late Mr. Macdonald of Johnston as at 5 July 1866
19 - Copy letter from Tods, Murray and Jamieson, W.S., Edinburgh, to John Clerk, advocate, Aberdeen, regarding Alexander Macdonald's trust, with reply, 15 October 1866 and 24 October 1866
20 - Letters from Isabella Macdonald as to her uncle Mr. Macdonald senior's estate and her claims on it, with draft reply, 1867
21 - Proposal for loan of £43,000 over the Dunkeld Estate, formerly Athole Trust Estate, 1867
22 - Documents relating to Hope Macdonald's provision under the will of her father George Gordon, 1867
23 - State showing the produce of one-eighth of the cruive salmon fishings belonging to the late James Pirie for each of the last five years, 1868
24 - George Gordon's Trust Estate: account current with relative business account of Mrs. George Gordon, Montrose, and Thomson and Savage, 1870
25 - Copy extract settlement of George Gordon, dated 9 July 1842, registered 3 April 1845
26 - Alexander Macdonald's Trust: letters as to an investment in Ceylon, 1870
27 - Copy of Investing power clause under marriage contract of Mrs. George Woodford Rouse [Williamina Georgina Macdonald], 18 May 1871
28 - Copy minute of reference between Alexander Macdonald and Sidney Field, and Robert Fergusson, 1873
29 - Balance state at Clark and Morrice 'of my mother's affairs' [Mrs. Macdonald of Shannaburn], February 1874
30 - Statement of investment of money of Mrs. G.W. Rouse [Williamina Georgina Macdonald] under her marriage contract, June 1874
31 - Grant of enclosure of land in Old Machar churchyard to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1878
32 - Copy extract registered Trust Disposition and Settlement by Mrs. Jane Paton or Gordon, 7 July 1879
33 - Note of the Rev. David Gordon's investments, January 1881
34 - Account of business of Mr. and Mrs. Macdonald's marriage contract trustees with Tods, Murray and Jamieson, W.S., 1881
35 - Alexander Macdonald's Trust: notes of bank's advances, stocks sold, etc., 1883 - 1884
36 - Papers relating to life insurance policy for Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone with New York Life, April - July 1884
37 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone regarding relative, Alexander Macdonald, certified insane in Dundee, July 1884
38 - Letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone from the North of Scotland Bank Ltd. as to Mr. G.D. Rutherford, October 1884
39 - Alexander Macdonald's Trust: Letter from John G. Laing, London, as to investments, 19 October 1884
40 - Alexander Macdonald's Trust: letter from Edward Gordon, Ceylon, as to progress of estate, 22 November 1884
41 - Papers relating to sequestrated estate of Sir Alexander Anderson, 1874
42 - Marriage contract of George D. Rutherford and Jessie Macdonald, 1861
43 - Notes on the testamentary provisions of Alexander Macdonald of Johnston, 1885
44 - Summons of declarator of Mrs. Isabella Macdonald, 1880
45 - States of interest received on account of the trustees of Alexander Macdonald of Johnston, 1883 and 1884
46 - Discharge by Mrs. Isabella Macdonald to Alexander Macdonald, 1880
2 - Paid accounts of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1877 - 1882
Expand 3 - Papers relating to setting up the 2nd. Artizan Company, 6th. or 13th. Aberdeenshire Rifle Volunteers3 - Papers relating to setting up the 2nd. Artizan Company, 6th. or 13th. Aberdeenshire Rifle Volunteers
Expand 4 - Receipts sent to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone for art works, 1866 - 18844 - Receipts sent to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone for art works, 1866 - 1884
Expand 5 - Papers, correspondence, plans, etc., connected with purchase of Kepplestone by Alexander Macdonald, 1863 - 18645 - Papers, correspondence, plans, etc., connected with purchase of Kepplestone by Alexander Macdonald, 1863 - 1864
6 - Bundle of paid accounts of Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone, 1883 - 1884
7 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: papers relating to the estates of Johnston and Shannaburn, 1860 - 1861
8 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Private letterbook, 5 January - 20 August 1860
9 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Private letterbook, 25 August 1860 - 23 June 1863
10 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Private letterbook, 26 June 1863 - 5 October 1868
11 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Private letterbook, 5 October 1868 - 29 May 1874
12 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Private letterbook, 10 June 1874 - 2 January 1880 **NOT AVAILABLE FOR PRODUCTION**
13 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Private cash book, April 1860 - 13 June 1873
14 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: Private cash book, 17 June 1873 - 30 December 1876
15 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: cellar book, 1860s
16 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: notebook, c.1860
17 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: private cash book, 1877 - 1884
18 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: bank book, 1883 - 1885
19 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: memorandum book, n.d. c. 1860
20 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: North of Scotland Bank reports, 1866 - 1881
21 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: notice of allotment of railway shares, 1867
22 - Bundle of letters to Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone concerning Edward Gordon, 1878
23 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: notes of wines, n.d.
24 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: bookplates, n.d.
25 - Ticket to the 29th. meeting of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, Aberdeen 1859
26 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: brown wallet
27 - Alexander Macdonald of Kepplestone: brown wallet

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