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Collapse DD8 - Papers relating to the Estate of Menzies of PitfodelsDD8 - Papers relating to the Estate of Menzies of Pitfodels
Collapse A - Menzies of Pitfodels: Estate Papers A - Menzies of Pitfodels: Estate Papers
Expand B - Menzies of Pitfodels: Gilcomston Brewery CompanyB - Menzies of Pitfodels: Gilcomston Brewery Company
Expand C - Menzies of Pitfodels: Gilcomston Friendly Society C - Menzies of Pitfodels: Gilcomston Friendly Society
Expand D - Menzies of Pitfodels: Share Transfer Certificates of the Union Company of Gilcomston D - Menzies of Pitfodels: Share Transfer Certificates of the Union Company of Gilcomston
E - Menzies of Pitfodels: Client Papers of H. B. Mackintosh & Son, Solicitors, Anstruther

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