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Collapse PD2 - Gray & Gray, Solicitors, PeterheadPD2 - Gray & Gray, Solicitors, Peterhead
Expand 1 - Gray and Gray: Company records1 - Gray and Gray: Company records
B - Alexander Bannerman and Charles Bannerman (currently uncatalogued)
Expand BSF - Buchan Steam Fishing CompanyBSF - Buchan Steam Fishing Company
CC - Records of the (Peterhead?) Chamber of Commerce (currently uncatalogued)
CF - Records of Community of Feuars of Peterhead (currently uncatalogued)
Collapse CO - Gray & Gray: Consular RecordsCO - Gray & Gray: Consular Records
Expand 1 - Gray & Gray: French Consular Records1 - Gray & Gray: French Consular Records
Expand 2 - Gray & Gray: Swedish Consular Records2 - Gray & Gray: Swedish Consular Records
Collapse 3 - Gray & Gray: Belgian Consular Records3 - Gray & Gray: Belgian Consular Records
1 - Gray & Gray: Comment en l'espace de trois ans, faire cesser la Crise du Logement' (How in the space of 3 years they stopped the housing crisis) by Lucien Kaisin
2 - Gray & Gray: The Anglo-Belgian Union Constitution with flags
3 - Gray & Gray: "Compte Timbres a Peterhead comportant feuillets" (Stamp account book)
4 - Gray & Gray: Letters from the General Belgian Consulate
5 - Gray & Gray: Letters and circulars from the Belgian Foreign Affairs Ministry, the General Belgian Consulate, Leopold Fransen and Louis Gavage
6 - Gray & Gray: "Tarif des Taxes Consulaires" (Rates of Consular Fees)
7 - Gray & Gray: "Texte Coodronne de lois du 24 aout 1920 et du 26 mars 1921 concernant le Tarif des Taxes Consulaires" (Acts concerning the rates of consular fees)
8 - Gray & Gray: Instruction for delivering visas and passports
9 - Gray & Gray: "Ministeres de L'Interieur et de la Defence Nationale: Loi modifiant en ce qui concerne les classes de 1920, 1921 et 1922 les lois de milice coordonnees en 1913 (1)" (Amended law from the Ministries of the Interior and National Defence)
10 - Gray & Gray: "Loi du 15 mai 1922 sur l'acquisition et la perte de la nationalite belge" (Act of 15 May 1922 on the acquisition and loss of Belgian nationality)
11 - Gray & Gray: Replacement section of the Consular Regulations
12 - Gray & Gray: Letter from the Scottish Census Office concerning the operation of the 1921 census, with corresponding schedule for vessels
13 - Gray & Gray: Passport forms
14 - Gray & Gray: "Liste des personnes qui ont ete dechues de la nationalite belge" (List of persons who have been deprived of Belgian nationality)
15 - Gray & Gray: Sample of 2 Franc Stamps from the Belgian Foreign Affairs Ministry
16 - Gray & Gray: Envelope of free stamps from the Belgian Foreign Affairs Ministry
Expand 4 - Gray & Gray: Danish Consular Records4 - Gray & Gray: Danish Consular Records
Expand 5 - Gray & Gray: General Consular Records5 - Gray & Gray: General Consular Records
Expand D - Records of Deer District CouncilD - Records of Deer District Council
EOA - Records of Edward Ogilvie Arbuthnot (currently uncatalogued)
Expand G - Records of Gordon of Sandfordhill G - Records of Gordon of Sandfordhill
H - Records of Peterhead Harbour Trustees (currently uncatalogued)
JA - Records of James Argo Trust (currently uncatalogued)
Expand JS - Records of James Sutherland/ James Sutherland (Peterhead) Limited, transport company JS - Records of James Sutherland/ James Sutherland (Peterhead) Limited, transport company
Expand LH - Records of Longside HeritorsLH - Records of Longside Heritors
MMH - Records of the Merchant Maiden Hospital (currently uncatalogued)
Expand PH - Peterhead Poor House (becoming later Peterhead Parish Home, Peterhead Eventide Home and Craigewan)PH - Peterhead Poor House (becoming later Peterhead Parish Home, Peterhead Eventide Home and Craigewan)
Expand PPH - Peterhead Public Hall Company LimitedPPH - Peterhead Public Hall Company Limited
Expand PSS - Records of Peterhead Steam Shipping CompanyPSS - Records of Peterhead Steam Shipping Company
SL - Records relating to the Scottish Land Courts (currently uncatalogued)
Expand SP - Records of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, PeterheadSP - Records of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Peterhead
SSF - Records of the Scottish Steam Herring Fishing Company (currently uncatalogued)
Expand T - Gray & Gray: Trust RecordsT - Gray & Gray: Trust Records
U - Records of Ugie District Salmon Fishery Board (currently uncatalogued)

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