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Collapse PD2 - Gray & Gray, Solicitors, PeterheadPD2 - Gray & Gray, Solicitors, Peterhead
Expand 1 - Gray and Gray: Company records1 - Gray and Gray: Company records
B - Alexander Bannerman and Charles Bannerman (currently uncatalogued)
Expand BSF - Buchan Steam Fishing CompanyBSF - Buchan Steam Fishing Company
CC - Records of the (Peterhead?) Chamber of Commerce (currently uncatalogued)
CF - Records of Community of Feuars of Peterhead (currently uncatalogued)
Expand CO - Gray & Gray: Consular RecordsCO - Gray & Gray: Consular Records
Expand D - Records of Deer District CouncilD - Records of Deer District Council
EOA - Records of Edward Ogilvie Arbuthnot (currently uncatalogued)
Collapse G - Records of Gordon of Sandfordhill G - Records of Gordon of Sandfordhill
Expand 1 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Valuations and Inventories1 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Valuations and Inventories
Expand 2 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Memoirs and Memorials2 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Memoirs and Memorials
Expand 3 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Advertisements3 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Advertisements
Expand 4 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Renunciations4 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Renunciations
5 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Dispositions
Expand 6 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Testaments6 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Testaments
Expand 7 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Offers7 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Offers
Expand 8 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Documents regarding Mrs Ramsay, late of Invernettie Lodge8 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Documents regarding Mrs Ramsay, late of Invernettie Lodge
Expand 9 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Bonds9 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Bonds
Expand 10 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Documents sale of land for use for a Light House10 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Documents sale of land for use for a Light House
Expand 11 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Public Burdens11 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Public Burdens
12 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Deed of Settlement by Mrs Gordon of Sandfordhill
13 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Search of Incumberance on the Lands of Invernettie
Expand 14 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Vouchers14 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Vouchers
Expand 15 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Insuance Policies15 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Insuance Policies
Expand 16 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Maps and Plans16 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Maps and Plans
Expand 17 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Receipts17 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Receipts
Expand 18 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Correspondence18 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Correspondence
19 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Rental Documents
20 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Lease Documents
21 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Accounts
Collapse 22 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Miscellaneous papers22 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Miscellaneous papers
1 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Personal Accounts
2 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Account of household expenses
3 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Account of Robert Robertson esq. of Boddam to Roderick Gray, writer, Peterhead
4 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Second Draft Submission between Robert Robertson and the Commissioners for the Norther Lighthouses.
5 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Opinions of the Judges of the Second Division in case between Maiden Hospital and the Burgh of Peterhead
6 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Vendition of Elizabeth Ellis to Robert Robertson of 1/96th part of the ship "Hannibal"
7 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Notes on Estate of Boddam
8 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Notes for Drainage of William Gordon's Land
9 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Note of probably quantity of drainage materials required for Sandfordhill
10 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Notes of revising the articles of Roup of Boddam and Sandford
11 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Scrap Paper with figures
12 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Paper with various sums and accounts.
13 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Account with William Gordon of North of Scotlands Bank
15 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Account between William Gordon and John Piper
16 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Account between William Robertson and James Moir
17 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Notes on collection of Boddam and Sandford Rents
18 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Promissory note from Robert Robertson to Margaret Sangster in Mains of B?
19 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Letter to the Reverend William Gordon concerning the Old Harbour at Boddam by John Pyper
20 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Extract from the minutes of a General Meeting of the Commissioners for Northern Lighthouses
21 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Copy of affidavit by James Nestland for the North of Scotland Bank on the Sequestration of Mr Gordon
23 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Claim given to the arbiters by Robert Robertson
24 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Letter of removal by William Herd from farm or possessions at Dunend, Inverernettie
25 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Draft Disposition by Robert Robertson in favour of Mary Ellis Robertson
26 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Venditions of various Peterhead ships
27 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Discharge by Jaqmes Forrest and Obligation by him and William and Peter Dunn
28 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Front cover of the Aberdeen Constitutional containing the advertisement of lots of the lands of Boddam and Sandford
29 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Notes from Tenants at Collection
30 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Decree of Exoneration and for expences - Robert Robertson and Mrs Maria Moir or Ramsay
31 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Letter from George Whyte to Roderick Gray concerning changes to lot on plan
32 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: List of names to be notified of death or Mary Robertson and invites to attend funeral
33 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: List of articles sent to Mrs Gordon
34 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: List of names
35 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Scrap of paper
36 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Discharge by nearest in kin of the deceased Mrs Mary Cruickshank to Mr Robert Robertson
37 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Note concerning payment of burdens by Mrs Gordon
38 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Acknowledgement for £450. William Gordon.
39 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Letter from William Gordon to Bailie Gray
40 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Copy letter from Robert Stevenson to Charles Cunningham
43 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Memorandum anent James Forrest's estate
44 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Draft disposition and charter in favour of William Donaldson of part of the Lands of Boddam and Land ford by Mrs Margaret Robertson or Gordon
45 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Extract Trust disposition and deed of Settlement of the Earl of Aberdeen
46 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: List of Grass and Parks at Sandford
47 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Record of papers and vouchers found in the repositories of the late James Forrest
48 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Extract of Bond of the Earl of Aberdeen to the Honorable William Gordon and Colonel Cosmo Gordon.
49 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Inventory of the Personal Estate of James Forrest
50 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Stamp Office Receipt and Discharge for James Forrest's estate
51 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Tack between William Tod and James Forrest
52 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Extract from Decreet Arbitral on submission by Robert Robertson and Charles Cunningham to Alexander Crombie and George Brown.
53 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Inventory of the personal estate of James Forrest
54 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Letter from Robert Sherman to James Forrest
55 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Account
56 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Subtack between George Clark and James Forrest
57 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Subtack between Alexander Smith and James Forrest
58 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Tack between Thomas Hutchison and James Forrest
59 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Account between Baillie Roberston and James Forrest
60 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Inventory of James Forrest's effects
61 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Note of transfer of money from the estate of James Forrest to the Peterhead Harbour Trustees
62 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Account Between James Forrest and George Davidson
Expand 23 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Articles of Roup23 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Articles of Roup
Expand 24 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Tacks24 - Gordon of Sandfordhill: Tacks
H - Records of Peterhead Harbour Trustees (currently uncatalogued)
JA - Records of James Argo Trust (currently uncatalogued)
Expand JS - Records of James Sutherland/ James Sutherland (Peterhead) Limited, transport company JS - Records of James Sutherland/ James Sutherland (Peterhead) Limited, transport company
Expand LH - Records of Longside HeritorsLH - Records of Longside Heritors
MMH - Records of the Merchant Maiden Hospital (currently uncatalogued)
Expand PH - Peterhead Poor House (becoming later Peterhead Parish Home, Peterhead Eventide Home and Craigewan)PH - Peterhead Poor House (becoming later Peterhead Parish Home, Peterhead Eventide Home and Craigewan)
Expand PPH - Peterhead Public Hall Company LimitedPPH - Peterhead Public Hall Company Limited
Expand PSS - Records of Peterhead Steam Shipping CompanyPSS - Records of Peterhead Steam Shipping Company
SL - Records relating to the Scottish Land Courts (currently uncatalogued)
Expand SP - Records of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, PeterheadSP - Records of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Peterhead
SSF - Records of the Scottish Steam Herring Fishing Company (currently uncatalogued)
Expand T - Gray & Gray: Trust RecordsT - Gray & Gray: Trust Records
U - Records of Ugie District Salmon Fishery Board (currently uncatalogued)

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