
Reference NoCA/18/3/3/G
TitleAberdeen 1712 Stent Roll: Green Quarter
DescriptionThe Stent Roll is a valuation of properties, mills and fishings within the burgh which were subject to payment of cess, or land tax. On 9 April 1712, the Town Council ordered that a valuation be made of these properties under the terms of 1712 Land Tax Act. The resulting Stent Roll lists the proprietors of taxable land within each quarter, their occupations and the assessments to be paid towards the land tax.
The earliest description of the area in the Green Quarter dates from 1888: the Green Quarter boundary runs along the west side of Shiprow, Union Street on both sides westwards from Shiprow and St Catherine's Wynd, south side of the Netherkirkgate, Correction Wynd, Backywnd to Gaelic Lane, along the south side of Gaelic Lane to Belmont Street and Union Street, Union Terrace to the Chapel there, thence to Diamond Street, Golden Square, Huntly Street, Summer Street to Little Chapel Street, taking in the south side of Little Chapel Street, Chapel Street to Union Street, Thistle Street to Victoria Street West, and bounded on the south by the Inner Marches. (J A Ross, Municipal Affairs in Aberdeen, 1889, page 115).
(Page 4)
Heirs of William Mitchell's tenements
Assessment £56 0s 0d
Relict of Robert Cruickshank's tenements
Assessment £106 6s 8d
Andrew Ritchy, merchant, his tenement
Assessment £42 0s 0d
James Brebner, merchant, his tenement
Assessment £12 0s 0d
William Simmer, seaman, his tenements
Assessment £50 0s 0d
Robert Stewart, merchant, his tenement
Assessment £116 0s 0d
Heirs of Provost Walker's tenements
Assessment £200 0s 0d
Captain John Peirie, his tenement
Assessment £100 0s 0d
Heirs of John Stewart, merchant, their tenements
Assessment £284 15s 0d
John Lumsden, shipmaster, his tenement
Assessment £80 0s 0d
Provost Mitchell's tenement
Assessment £120 0s 0d
Thomas Farquharson, merchant, his tenement
Assessment £120 0s 0d
Provost Ross' tenements
Assessment £148 0s 0d
Mr Patrick Sandilands of Cottown, his tenements
Assessment £213 6s 8d
William Baxter, advocate, his tenement
Assessment £40 0s 0d
William Johnston, glazier, his tenement
Assessment £48 13s 4d
William Johnston elder, glazier, his tenements
Assessment £33 6s 8d
George Sangster, wright, his tenements
Assessment £100 0s 0d
Thomas Shand, merchant, his tenement
Assessment £80 0s 0d
Patrick Copland, merchant, his tenements
Assessment £160 0s 0d
William Spence, hookmaker, his tenements
Assessment £90 0s 0d
Mr George Ailhouse, [his] tenement
Assessment £30 0s 0d
William Chrystie in Old Meldrum, his tenement
Assessment £49 10s 0d
William Moir, merchant, his tenements
Assessment £104 13s 4d
Heirs of Andrew Donaldson's tenements
Assessment £44 0s 0d
Mr Alexander Thomson, preacher, his tenements
Assessment £66 0s 0d
Robert Cruickshank, wright, his tenements
Assessment £50 0s 0d
Alexander Cooper, master of music, his tenements
Assessment £160 0s 0d
James Gray, his tenement
Assessment £46 0s 0d
(Page 5)
Heirs of Robert Davidson, merchant, his tenements
Assessment: £120 0s 0d
Heirs of Robert Murray, barber, their tenement
Assessment: £42 0s 0d
Alexander Massie, merchant, his tenement
Assessment: £42 0s 0d
George Ross, pewterer, his tenements
Assessment: £120 0s 0d
William Gairden, huckster, tenement
Assessment: £60 0s 0d
Alexander Duff, baker, his tenement
Assessment: £48 10s 0d
James Gordon Barnes' tenement
Assessment: £30 0s 0d
Doctor Patrick Chalmers' tenements
Assessment: £200 0s 0d
John Anderson, writer, his tenement
Assessment: £66 13s 4d
Heirs of James Ross, merchant, their tenement
Assessment: £220 0s 0d
Heirs of James Douglas, baker, tenement
Assessment: £100 0s 0d
Heirs of Alexander Gordon, merchant, their tenements
Assessment: £105 0s 0d
Mr John Findlater's tenement
Assessment: £50 0s 0d
Mr John Leslie, his tenement
Assessment: £48 0s 0d
Robert Cumming, merchant, his tenement
Assessment: £80 0s 0d
John Fowller, tailor, his tenement
Assessment: £36 0s 0d
Mr Alexander Davidson of Newtown, his tenement
Assessment: £116 0s 0d
Walter Melvin, merchant, [his] tenements
Assessment: £55 6s 8d
Wrights and Coopers' tenements
Assessment: £38 0s 0d
John Ritchy, merchant, his tenements
Assessment: £30 0s 0d
Daniel Murray, merchant, his tenements
Assessment: £43 6s 8d
Doctor Andrew Burnett, his tenements
Assessment: £153 6s 8d
John Carnegie, dyer, his tenements
Assessment: £140 0s 0d
The Baxters' tenement
Assessment: £32 0s 0d
Heirs of Alexander Troup, merchant, their tenements
Assessment: £37 10s 8d
Andrew Craik, seaman, his tenement
Assessment: £32 0s 0d
James Smith, maltman, his tenements
Assessment: £50 0s 0d
Relict of James Ferrier's tenements
Assessment: £256 13s 4d
Alexander Smith in Counteswells, tenement
Assessment: £29 18s 0d
William Grig, mason, his tenement
Assessment: £18 0s 0d
Laird of Grandhom, for a tenement
Assessment: £24 0s 0d
Heirs of William Mitchell, for a tenement
Assessment: £33 6s 8d
John Law, maltman, for his tenements
Assessment: £69 0s 0d
Alexander Cushny, for his tenements
Assessment: £111 11s 4d
Heirs of Doctor Alexander's land or tenement
Assessment: £57 6s 8d
Mr John Findlater's land or tenements
Assessment: £102 0s 0d
Heirs of William Mitchell's tenements
Assessment: £26 0s 0d
(Page 6)
Alexander Kemp younger, mason, his tenements
Assessment: £37 16s 4d
William Lamb, wright, his tenements
Assessment: £48 0s 0d
William Gray, maltman, [his] tenements
Assessment: £43 0s 0d
Baillie Strachan's tenements
Assessment: £180 0s 0d
William Gelly, merchant, his tenements
Assessment: £100 0s 0d
John Cruikshank, maltman, for house and barn
Assessment: £48 0s 0d
William Admonstonn's tenement
Assessment: £8 0s 0d
Alexander Smith's tenement
Assessment: £8 10s 0d
Thomas Aflect's tenement
Assessment: £12 12s 0d
Master [of the] Guild Brethren's Hospital land and croft
Assessment: £29 3s 4d
Hammermen's tenement
Assessment: £8 0s 0d
William Mowat's tenement
Assessment: £50 0s 0d
Mr John Findlater's house
Assessment: £61 6s 8d
Heirs of James Allan, dyer, their tenements
Assessment: £20 0s 0d
Andrew Gerrard, skipper, his tenement
Assessment: £33 6s 8d
Jean Steiven, relict of Young, her tenement
Assessment: £10 0s 0d
William Reid, mason, his land
Assessment: £20 0s 0d
Disblair's tenements
Assessment: £71 0s 0d
Robert Burnett, glazier, his tenements
Assessment: £24 0s 0d
Lady Cairnefeild's land or tenements
Assessment: £36 0s 0d
Heirs of Andrew Rait's tenement
Assessment: £25 0s 0d
Lady Cairnfeild, [her] other tenement
Assessment: £162 0s 0d
William Johnston Craig, his tenements
Assessment: £156 13s 4d
John Watson, merchant, his tenements
Assessment: £55 0s 0d
John Sommervaile, merchant, his tenement
Assessment: £115 0s 0d
James Leonard, weaver, his tenements
Assessment: £69 0s 0d
Relict of Gilbert Keith's tenement
Assessment: £15 0s 0d
John Craig, flesher, his tenement
Assessment: £45 0s 0d
Heirs of Provost Walker's land or tenement
Assessment: £60 0s 0d
William Mowat, for meal barn and kiln
Assessment: £30 0s 0d
Alexander Young, weaver, his tenement
Assessment: £20 0s 0d
Convener Whyt's tenement
Assessment: £37 0s 0d
Relict of John Moir's land
Assessment: £14 0s 0d
Relict of John Kenny's tenements
Assessment: £114 0s 0d
George French, dyer, his tenements
Assessment: £120 0s 0d
Relict of Alexander Anderson's tenement
Assessment: £12 0s 0d
David Gray, weaver, his tenement
Assessment: £12 0s 0d
(Page 7)
George Gordon, weaver, his tenement
Assessment: £48 0s 0d
Heirs of James Lee's tenement
Assessment: £24 0s 0d
William Cruden, merchant, his tenement
Assessment: £28 0s 0d
Relict of John Black's tenement
Assessment: £10 6s 8d
Heirs of William Troup, merchant, their tenements
Assessment: £42 0s 0d
William Matherson, weaver, his tenement
Assessment: £30 0s 0d
William Forbes, dyer, his tenement
Assessment: £79 0s 0d
Thomas Burnett, dyer, his tenement
Assessment: £100 0s 0d
Lady Cairnfeild's tenement
Assessment: £50 0s 0d
Adam Ross in Balveny, his tenement
Assessment: £32 0s 0d
John Chrystie, merchant, his tenement
Assessment: £115 0s 0d
Mr William Carnegie's tenement
Assessment: £20 0s 0d
Lady Loanhead's tenement
Assessment: £173 0s 0d
Lister's Hospital
Assessment: £99 15s 0d
Heirs of Alexander Young, shoemaker, [his] tenement
Assessment: £31 0s 0d
Andrew Ritchy, merchant's tenement
Assessment: £17 6s 8d
Rubislaw and Alexander Ailison's tenements
Assessment: £321 0s 0d
George Brown's tenement
Assessment: £40 10s 0d
James Leonard's tenements
Assessment: £35 0s 0d
Mr James Hunter's land or tenement
Assessment: £37 6s 8d
Relict of Patrick Swape's land
Assessment: £24 0s 0d
William Moir, merchant, [his] tenement
Assessment: £40 13s 4d
Heirs of William Troup's tenements
Assessment: £92 1s 8d
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