
Reference NoCA/25/2/11/101
TitleAberdeen School Board Teachers' Letters (81)

• G. Gall. Ferryhill Public School. 12 September 1907. Report to the School Board on children refused admission to Ferryhill School. The report provided the names of the schools the children had gone to instead and the numbers admitted at each school.
• James Campbell. Head Teacher, Marywell Street Public School. 15 August 1907. Letter to the School Board regarding Merit Certificates advising that Annie Robertson should be awarded one and giving the reasons to support this request.
• Ellen Crassweller. Head Teacher, Oral School for Deaf and Dumb, Beech Lodge School. 19 August 1907. Letter to the School Board advising that she had admitted a pupil, David Mares, to the school at a charge of £10 per annum agreed with his father Dr Mares of Bucksburn.
• James Craig. Teacher of English, Ferryhill Evening School. Letter to the School Board to thank them for his appointment as a teacher of English at Ferryhill Evening School. In the letter he also requesting employment on Mondays and Wednesdays giving details of his experience and qualifications. His qualifications include Teaching Qualification in French and German (Aberdeen University) and his experience includes English, Pitman’s Shorthand, Arithmetic, Geometry and Mathematics.
• W. Fyfe. Headteacher, Woodside Public School. 16 July 1907. A letter to the School Board giving a 5 bullet point account of the virtues of the Apex Pencil Sharpener and one suggestion for its improvement.
• T. C. Hynd. Head Teacher, King Street Public School. 6 September 1907. Letter to the School Board including a letter from James Foote parent of William Foote a pupil at the school. Mr Foote complained about homework and saying his son was not to be burden with homework. Mr Foote added in a threatening tone that he would be available at 195 King Street if Mr Smith, the class teacher, wanted to hand out the punishment to him for non-compliance with homework.
• T. C. Hynd. Head Teacher, King Street Public School. 12, 13 & 25 September 1907. Letters to the School Board regarding William Watson a blind pupil who had left school and his presentation of a gift for regular attendance. Mr Hyland presented the prize to “Willie” who was a “very proud man,” when on a trip to Edinburgh. The letters seem to indicate that the gift was a watch, the teachers completed the gift by adding a nice chain.
• William Hendry. Head Teacher, St Clement Street Public School. 1 October 1907. Letter to the School Board regarding a parental request for John Trail, 97 Victoria Road leave the school early to take up a job. Mr Hendry was annoyed as the parent had not gone through the proper channels, if he did not do so the pupil would not get his leaving certificate which would reflect badly on the school.
• D. B. Lothian. Head Teacher, Sunnybank Public School. 15 August 1907. Letter to School Board to advise that William Robertson should not receive a Merit Certificate due to his irregularity of attendance without good cause.
• D. B. Lothian. Head Teacher, Sunnybank Public School. 13 September 1907. Letter to School Board representing the Head Teachers’ Association reporting on their latest meeting. Three matters were highlighted
o Provision of Drawing and Nature Study Specimens. Using the same system of distribution of specimens as Dundee was recommended.
o Autumn Collection in Aid of the Ailing Children’s Camp at Scotston Moor. It was agreed that this was a good cause but the collection should be deferred until the next session as there had already been a collection.
o Lead pencils were to be ordered from E. Wolf & Sons.
• D. B. Lothian. Head Teacher, Sunnybank Public School. 22 October 1907. Letter to the School Board requesting permission “to squeeze” in 4 pupils from the Primrosehill House for Widowers’ Children as he had no space but happy to enrol them if the School Board took responsibility. Enclosed is a memo Mr Lothian received that had requested the children be enrolled as the school already had “some 20” children from the Primrosehill House for Widowers’ Children.
• Thomas A. Mutch. Teacher. 16 May 1907. Letter to the School Board to advise that in the examination for the final certificate in the City and Guilds of London, Manual Training (Woodwork) he had successfully secured 1st Class. He also already held a Teachers’ Higher Certificate.
• Lily Monteagle. Head Teacher Bridgeton Special School, Glasgow. 6 October 1907. Letter to School Board with advice, based on her experience, on the proposed experimental classes in Aberdeen for “physically and mentally defective children.
• John McBain. Head Teacher, High School for Girls. 17 October 1907. Letter to the School Board to advise Helen Jane Smith had passed Higher English but no certificate had been received.
• Macara Brothers. 107 St Vincent Street, Glasgow. 7 October 1907. Letter to the School Board requesting information linked to “loans about £2000.”
• Will Robertson. Head Teacher, Skene Street Public School. 18 October 1907. Letter to advise that “the girl Milne” had been given a “stroke of the strap given in the lightest manner possible” for absence.
• James Rose. Head Teacher, Causewayend Public School. 3 September 1907. Letter to the School Board including a table to show how the staff are distributed across the school’s four infant classes.
• H. F. Moreland Simpson. Head Teacher, Aberdeen Grammar School. 4 September 1907. Letter to the School Board highlighting the problems caused by lack of consistency when awarding Leaving and Intermediate Certificates. Mr Simpson includes names of pupils and some of their passes in subject areas. The names include
o Go Khik Law
o Anthony ?
o A. G. Davidson
o George Fraser
o Go Khek Ghan
o James M. Reid

• H. F. Moreland Simpson. Head Teacher, Aberdeen Grammar School. 5 September 1907. Letter to the School Board regarding application for a school grant, also highlighting the difference in amounts allocated depending on if the application was lodge using the old or new system.
• Charles Stewart. Head Teacher, Gordon’s College Aberdeen. 18 October 1907. Letter to the School Board to advise that the total number of students that had enrolled was 660 which was about 20 fewer that the previous year. The downturn tendency was in all classes related to the building trade e.g. Geometry and 1st Stage of Building Construction.
• Scottish Class Teachers’ Association. Undated presumably 1907. Unsigned but Robert M. Littlejohn noted as the President. Memorial from the association to the School Board regarding “Dual Maximum” and requesting the existing scheme be removed.
• Charles Stewart. Head Teacher, Gordon’s College Aberdeen. 9 October 1907. Letter to the School Board regarding textbooks recommending Poysen’s Advanced Electricity but also referring to other textbooks.
• James Smith of 47 Elmbank Terrace. 7 September 1907. Letter to the School Board in application for a position as an Evening School Manual Instructor. Mr Smith lists his qualifications and includes a testimonial from William Georgeson of 459 King Street.
• Thomas Hector, School Board. 18 October 1907. Letter to R. Valetine regarding Evening School attendances [name of the Evening School not given but presumably Robert Valentine, Head Teacher of High Evening School as per other correspondence], demanding enrolment numbers by 4pm the day of the letter.
• Robert Valentine. Head Teacher, High Evening School. 22 October 1907. Letter to the School Board reporting that there was no improvement in the attendance in the Music Classes which were Theory of Music – 15, Harmony – 9 and Counterpoint -9. Mr Valentine suggests an advertisement be put in the newspaper to boost numbers.
• Mary Walker, 8 Jasmine Place. 19 August 1907. Letter to the School Board requesting a Pupil Teacher teaching post. Ms Walker lists her qualifications and includes that she passed the Kings’ Scholarship Exam with 1st Class taking 3rd place in Scotland and 2nd place in Aberdeen.
• A. G. Wallace. Head Teacher, Central H. G. School. 7 September 1907. Letter to the School Board to recommend Annie Mathewson for a Town Council Bursary.
• A. G. Wallace. Head Teacher, Central H. G. School. 9 September 1907. Letter to the School Board providing details of the numbers of pupils who were presented and passed the Leaving Certificate and Endorsement in Drawing.
Further Endorsement (Applied Design) 6 presented all passed.
Endorsement 21 presented all passed.
Leaving Certificate 26 presented all passed
• A. G. Wallace. Head Teacher, Central H. G. School. 25 September 1907. Request for Leaving Certificate for Bertie M. Laing, also noting that the Lower Grade Certificate in German gained by Elsie W. Stewart was sent to the Department at the time that her Intermediate Certificate was gained.

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