Description | 13/6/1909-14/9/1909
P. G. Allan, Grammar School, 14/09/1909, resignation notice at request of Rector. J. D. Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 07/07/1909, difficulty in admitting pupils, following request from Board to admit 29 more. J. D. Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 12/08/1909, request for assistance after daughter (at Ashley School) missed admission trials to Central School. J. D. Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 17/08/1909, pupil Alexander Davidson’s lack of communication that he wished to apply to Central School. J. M. Arthur, 25/06/1909, application to role of Supplementary Class teacher at Middle School. Jeannie C. Ballon, Beach Lodge Public School, 22/06/1909, request to disinfect schoolrooms after case of diphtheria. James C. Barnett, Middle Public School, 15/06/1909, request for improvements to school playground. Mary M. Barr, Rosemount Public School, 27/08/1909, application to role of Infant Mistress-ship. Andrew Black, 06/07/1909 and 28/08/1909, report of improving health with doctor’s note, followed by regression. Helen A. Brands, 25/06/1909, application for Infants’ Department or Standard I teacher at Ruthrieston Public School. Arabella K. Brown, Rubislaw Special School, 23/07/1909, request for partition/curtain to divide one of the teaching rooms. A. Cruickshank, Mile-End Public School, 25/06/1909, referring to list of applicants[?] to the Central School, highlights bursaries (incl. value) of Annie Hutton and Jessie K. Smyth[?]. Four other students mentioned as eligible. A. Cruickshank, Mile-End Public School, 28/06/1909, clarification of Annie Hutton’s age. A. Cruickshank, Mile-End Public School, June 1909, postcard addendum to pay list, adding music fees. A. Cruickshank, Mile-End Public School, July[?] 1909, postcard requesting Leaving Certificate results for Lucy H. Cruickshank. A. Cruickshank, Mile-End Public School, 09/09/1909, requests clarification on calculating number of school leavers. Jane Clark, York Street Public School, 18/06/1909 and 28/06/1909, perfect attendance of James K. Robertson and request for recognition. Helen I. Cruickshank, Central High Grade School, 29/06/1909, request for car fuel allowance. James Campbell, Holburn Street Public School, 21/06/1909, notification of Jemima Walker’s resignation, on the event of her move to the United States and marriage. James Campbell, Holburn Street Public School, 22/06/1909, correction of miscommunication regarding the janitor. James Campbell, Holburn Street Public School, 25/06/1909, rearrangements of classes and rooms, with particular mention of Miss Isabella Walker and Miss Ugg. James Campbell, Holburn Street Public School, 03/09/1909, request to appoint Mrs Joiner as Infants’ Mistress. James Campbell, Holburn Street Public School, 06/09/1909, notification of death of Jane Johnston, Infants’ Mistress. James Campbell, Holburn Street Public School, 13/09/1909, suggestion that expert staff occasionally overlook physical training in Infants’ and Junior Classes. Duncan Clarke, St Paul Street Public School, 18/08/1909, request for janitors to assist in excursions of 1400 children to Culter. Duncan Clarke, St Paul Street Public School, 27/08/1909, request for a Supernumerary Assistant Teacher, with reference to class sizes. Agnes Cumming, 13/07/1909, summary of qualifications. J. M. S. Cooper, Marywell Street Public School, 27/08/1909, queries whether to admit students with familial connections to the school. Ellen Crassweller 17/07/1909, encloses doctor’s note reporting her improvement. Agnes M. Cameron, Rubislaw Special School, 07/08/1909, resignation from post due to health concerns. D. Christie, Frederick Street Evening School, 31/08/1909, request to continue offering woodworking in place of book-keeping. Elizabeth K. Davidson, King Street School, 29/06/1909, transfer request to a school closer to home and from Standard I to Infants’. Margaret David, 20/08/1909, encloses medical certificate. Agnes Daniel, 03/09/1909, application to Superintendent of Needlework. A. L. Dunbar, Skene Square School, 2[obscured]/08/1909, expresses difficulty of hosting Mr Green’s woodwork classes due to space and displeasure at how the situation was handled. W. D. Dunbar, 07/08/1909, request for leave of absence due to mother’s health. James Findlay, Rosemount Public School, 14/08/1909, request for substitute teacher for Miss MacKay. James Findlay, Rosemount Public School, 20/08/1909 and 27/08/1909, requests for additional support to replace pupil-teachers recently completed their apprenticeships. Includes class numbers. W. Fyfe, Woodside Public School, 17/06/1909 and 18/06/1909, report on behaviour of pupil William Marnoch and subsequent communications with William and aunt. W. Fyfe, Woodside Public School, 23/06/1909 and 29/06/1909, invitation to attend and report on success of Sir John Anderson Prizes ceremony. Request to hang portrait of Sir John Anderson in the school library. W. Fyfe, Woodside Public School, 02/09/1909, request for piano tuning. W. Fyfe, Woodside Public School, 10/09/1909, Miss H. Cruickshank’s proposed physical training classes for staff and necessity of dismissing Junior and Senior classes earlier to facilitate this. George Fenton, 19/06/1909, notice of appointment as President of the Educational Institute of Scotland, and request to take leave when required to carry out related duties. George Fenton, 06/09/1909, request to have copy of Industrial Courses timetable. Alexander Forbes, Ruthrieston Public School, 24/06/1909, complaint about damaged delivery. Alexander Forbes, Ruthrieston Public School, 18/08/1909, report of an unnamed child, recently admitted from Broomhill School, leaving early to be readmitted to Broomhill. Notes this is not an isolated incident and requests support to prevent further cases. Alexander Forbes, Ruthrieston Public School, 09/09/1909, dissatisfaction with Education Department’s proposed Temperence Scheme. Alexander Forbes, Ruthrieston Public School, 09/09/1909, reiteration of request for Board to fund installation of a platform in the school library. Jeannie A. G. Fenton, 11/09/1909, application to Infants’ Mistress-ship. A. Green, Skene Square Public School, 24/06/1909, proposal to loan out old Merit Certificate Readers and have students purchase Second Geographical Readers rather than Globe Reader VI. A. Green, Skene Square Public School, 01/07/1909, apology for misunderstanding an inquiry into Miss Wilson’s salary. Favourable testimonial of Miss Wilson and opinions of Miss Craig on the matter. A. Green, Skene Square Public School, 26/08/1909, inability to admit Susan Forbes into Standard III due to class sizes. A. Green, Skene Square Public School, 27/08/1909, inquiry whether Manual Instruction will temporarily be taught at Rosemount Public School. A. Green, Skene Square Public School, 10/09/1909, regarding corporal punishment of an unnamed child by Infants’ Mistress Miss Craig. Refers to letter and interview with a Mr Milne [parent?]. William Hendry, St Clemet Street Public School, 15/07/1909, proposes Miss Glass for teacher vacancy. William Hendry, St Clemet Street Public School, 26/08/1909, request for new teacher due to Supplementary and Qualifying Class sizes. List of class sizes and teachers’ names appended. William Hendry, St Clemet Street Public School, 26/08/1909, regarding admission and previous history (stay in Sick Children’s Hospital) of pupil John C. Ea[?]vart. William Hendry, St Clemet Street Public School, 01/09/1909, lack of permanent room for Junior Supplementary Class, being taught instead in the Cookery Room or Hall. J. V. Hyslop, Central School, 15/08/1909, request for reimbursement for teaching before trained teachers. Five testimonials in favour of George E. Hay from Peterhead Academy. John R. Jack, Walker Road Public School, 02/07/1909, proposal to make a fourth Supplementary Class under Miss Annie M. Hay. John R. Jack, Walker Road Public School, 05/07/1909, response to proposed restrictions of admissions to Walker Road School and proposal to restrict admissions to pupils within certain limits or siblings of current pupils. Nellie A. Kellas, York Street School, 10/09/1909, declines transfer to Commerce Street School. D. B. Lothian, Sunnybank Public School, 07/09/1909, requests temporary Needlework teacher to replace Miss Duncan, absent due to illness. George Laing, 13/08/1909, gratitude for use of music room in Central School for Shorthand speed practice. Lists Pitman certificate rates for ten students (unnamed). W. Litster, 21/06/1909, dissatisfaction with proposed presentation of the banners. W. Litster, 06/09/1909, regarding misplaced printer cuttings and letter from J. S. Curwen. Christina L. Murray, Rosemount Public School, 21/08/1909, request to terminate Pupil Teacher contract in order to enter the Training College. John McBain, High School for Girls, 01/09/1909, response to complaint of Mrs Deuchars [parent?] regarding position of [unnamed] girl on prize list. John McBain, High School for Girls, 06/09/1909, request to transfer Miss Coutts to Junior Assistant in the Laboratory due to class sizes in the Science Department. Includes proposed timetables. John McBain, High School for Girls, 08/09/1909, request for date of formal opening of school organ. John McKenzie, Ashley Road Public School, 21/06/1909, collection raised from pupils and teachers for three causes: Children’s Clothing Association, Fresh Air Fortnight, Camp for Ailing Children. John McKenzie, Ashley Road Public School, 29/07/1909, requests exam results for pupil Frances Jaffrey. John McKenzie, Ashley Road Public School, 01/09/1909, notice of arrangements to have Junior Division teachers teach Physical Instruction to their classes. John McKenzie, Ashley Road Public School, 07/09/1909, numbers of students entering Higher Grade schools. Duncan MacKenzie, Practising Higher Grade School, 14/06/1909, possible numbers of new admissions to Infant, Junior and Senior Divisions. Duncan MacKenzie, Practising Higher Grade School, 24/06/1909, list of eight named pupils intending to enter Central School: Margaret A. H. Brown, Jane Crosby, Janet Davidson, Margaret E. Edward, Frederica Spicer, Helena Urquhart, Bella Ross, Catherine R. Smith. Duncan MacKenzie, Practising Higher Grade School, 25/06/1909, list of teachers’ salaries, resignation notices of Miss Rosa Ann Barnet and Mr Alexander Reid. Duncan MacKenzie, Practising Higher Grade School, 21/07/1909, forwards letter from E. J. Arnold & Son requesting clarification on name of school. Duncan MacKenzie, Practising Higher Grade School, 23/08/1909, repeat notice of Miss Barnet and Mr Reid’s resignations. Requests visits from organising teachers of Sewing, Singing and Drill. James C. MacLeod, Skene Street Public School, 21/06/1909, return of wrong slate boards, incorrectly sent by E. J. Arnold & Son. Elizabeth McKenzie, Skene Street Public School, 14/06/1909 and 18/06/1909, request to draw salary early and subsequent apology for impropriety. J. McGregor, Old Aberdeen Public School, 20/08/1909, Supplementary Class numbers. Mary A. G. Mathieson, George Street Normal School (Practising Higher Grade School), 09/08/1909, transfer request to a school closer to home. William D. McLeod, Kittybrewster Public School, 23/08/1909, number of pupils from classes other than Qualifying who are now pupils of Central School. Specific mention of pupil Herbert Reid’s inability to be admitted to Central School due to age. Maggie Meldrum, Holburn Street School, 15/07/1909, request to limit Pupil Teacher role to three years in order to enter Training College. C. McLeod, 08/09/1909, request to use Grammar School Hall to give a lecture to the Working Men’s Natural History Society on 22/03/1910. John Peter, Hanover Street Public School, 31/08/1909, request to have thirteen pairs of scissors sharpened. Jeannie D. Robb, Walker Road School, 02/08/1909 and 23/08/1909, transfer request due to health. William Robertson, Causewayend Public School, 15/06/1909, school Library fund. William Robertson, Causewayend Public School, 24/06/1909, complaint about binding of schoolbooks for Supplementary Class. William Robertson, Causewayend Public School, 19/08/1909, request for additional assistance in Infants’ Department due to class sizes. William Robertson, Causewayend Public School, 26/08/1909, assistance given to Mrs Duncan of 3/2. William Robertson, Causewayend Public School, 08/09/1909, request to keep on Miss Aberdein upon Miss Hutchison’s return. William Robertson, Causewayend Public School, 14/09/1909, report of accident during Woodwork class, in which pupil Gordon Davidson cut his eyelid. Encloses Mr Strachan’s (Woodwork teacher) report. James Rose, King Street Public School, 15/06/1909, relocation and tuning of piano in preparation for pianoforte recital. James Rose, King Street Public School, 23/06/1909, names three children for recognition of regular attendance: Bella Skinner, Ada Watson and Andrew Forbes. James Rose, King Street Public School, 18/08/1909, introductory letter for Mrs Marshall who requests a place for her son, William, at King Street. As William is paralysed on one side, Rose recommends he go to Rubislaw instead. James Rose, King Street Public School, 07/09/1909, request to have pictures hung in the school for decoration, the staff having contributed over £8 for their purchase. William S. Riddell, 13/08/1909, request to terminate teacher-training engagement early, upon the event of passing his Preliminary Examination in Latin in September. Margaret H. Robertson, 19/08/1909, request to terminate teacher-training engagement early due to achievement of Higher Leaving Certificate. Frances M. B. S. Robertson, 12/08/1909, acceptance of temporary employment offer with request to be informed of any permanent positions that may arise. H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 12/06/1909, response to circular 424. Discusses subject combinations and their relative merit for preparing students for undergraduate study. Argues against unlimited subject choices and proposes to maintain the Grammar School’s current curricula, which limits subject choices based on one of two schemes: Classical and Modern. H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 16/06/1909, cover letter for medical certificate (not included) for John D. Macrae, requesting absence for the 4th quarter due to return of illness that also caused prolonged absence in 1908. H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 18/06/1909 and 19/06/1909, regarding George Hay’s testimonials and appointment, and salary (comparison with Mr Knox). H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 28/06/1909, suggests re-evaluation of Alexander Banks and Frederick W. Morgan due to their previous performances in examinations. H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 03/07/1909, cover letter for apology from James E. Wilson of John Avery & Co. (included) for the missed delivery of prospectuses for Prize Distribution. Morland-Simpson complains of previous issues with John Avery & Co. and expresses dissatisfaction with new cover design. H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 09/07/1909, complaint about proposed Superannuation Scheme, which would seemingly exclude any teachers (including those with first-class university degrees) who had not gone through the Training College and would not take into account work done for other Boards or educational institutions (such as Dr McLeod’s and Mr Middleton’s work as university lecturers, and Morland-Simpson’s own work at Fettes College). H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 29/07/1909, information about the Intermediate Certificate passes of Gilbert Rose and George Watson. H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 24/08/1909, information about examination passes of D. Cyril Duncan, and Intermediate Certificate passes of Go Khek Ghee and Go Khek Law. Also mentions highly satisfactory Inspector’s Report. H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 31/08/1909, gratitude for Miss Reid being posted to the school to help Miss Ledingham’s and Miss Mackie’s classes. Details of class sizes an enrolment numbers. Also updates on the amount in the Brownie Fund. H. F. Morland-Simpson, Grammar School, 13/09/1909, staffing and time-table changes for the new academic year. Sealina Stewart, 12/08/1909, cover letter for medical certificate (enclosed) attesting to her inability to resume work. William Stewart, Porthill Public School, 22/06/1909, notification of Margaret Stewart’s Town Council Bursary. P. Smart, Frederick Street Public School, 31/08/1909, request for an assistant teacher in place of the one remaining pupil teacher. Annotated class sizes. P. Smart, Frederick Street Public School, 14/09/1909, request for leave of absence to attend brother’s wedding. William A. Stormonth, Walker Road Evening School, 31/08/1909, satisfaction with prospectuses (no printing errors) and suggests girls should be allowed to substitute Bookkeeping for Sewing. Alexander M. Shand, Skene Square Evening School, 30/08/1909, satisfaction with prospectuses. Mary S. Smith, 16/08/1909, transfer request from Qualifying Department in Causewayend School to an Infants’ Department. Elizabeth M. Urquhart, 05/09/1909, promotion inquiry with enclosed qualifications. A. G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 21/06/1909, list of ten Watt Bursars who have been in regular attendance for past six months. A. G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 23/06/1909, list of six proposed Watt Bursars. Encloses newspaper clipping naming two of the pupils as winners of Educational Trust Bursaries: Helen Jamieson and Georgina Gray. A. G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 02/07/1909, regarding students nominated for Junior Studentships, Annie Meldrum and Eleanor E. Bearsely’s parents are not resident within City Boundary. Requests they are advised to apply to County Committee. A. G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 06/09/1909, request that Headmasters at schools nominated for practical training of junior students be informed. A. G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 08/09/1909, notification of Elizabeth Hyde Campbell’s decision to resign her Junior Studentship and take up a place at the High School for Girls. R. W. Watson, Broomhill Public School, 01/09/1909, request to move Miss Black from Infants’ Department to Junior Department. |