Description | 11/2/1913 - 22/4/1913
- J. D. Anderson, 06 March 1913, Ferryhill Public School: concerning the teaching qualifications of Mr Christie - J. D. Anderson, 07 March 1913, Ferryhill Public School, 2 letters: concerning lighting equipment for a lantern lecture - Jeanie C. Barron, 14 August 1913, Westburn Road School, 6 pages: report on children above school age that have left the school and what happened to them, emphasising that no success or failure of education could be determined due to the school only opening a couple of years prior - R. De Blanchand, 24 March 1913, Central School: asking for a salary raise, pointing out his expertise - Elizabeth R. Burns, 01 March 1913, Porthill School: applying for a transfer into senior work at Frederick Street School - Alexander Stewart Balneaves, 07 March 1913, Central Higher Grade School: asking for a salary raise, laying out duties of a Master of Method - Duncan Clarke, 18 April 1913, Victoria Road Public School: requesting assistance for lower Infant Class as it has 68 pupils - Duncan Clarke, 14 March 1913, Victoria Road Public School: requesting grant that was promised upon his transfer to Victoria Road School - D. Christie, 07 April 1913: application for headmastership of Girls’ High School Evening School, details of experience - J. F. Cruickshank, 04 April 1913, Mile-end Public School: concerning the noise of dragging around the sewing machine, on behalf of Miss Walker - Thereza G. Cruickshank, 05 April 1913, Ruthrieston School: requesting a transfer to the Senior Department of the school, emphasising that does not want a transfer to another school - Isabella C. Lyon, Maggie J. Ross, Barbara McTherson, Anabel Goodbrand, Helen Henderson, Maria H. Myles, Annabella M. Booth, Jeannie A. Bruce, Hilda W. S. Chree, Maggie Grant, Janet C. Brown, Constance Grant, Mary Geddes, Jessie A. Paterson, Janet B. Ross, Jemima H. Milne, Mary M. Galloway, Helen. S. E. Sherias, Emely C. Ross, 17 February 1913: requesting an increase of salary for teachers of Domestic Science - Isabel Jane Fraser, 14 February 1913, Causewayend Public School: requesting transfer to Old Aberdeen School as it easier to reach - Alexander Forbes, 14 April 1913, Ruthrieston Public School: wondering whether the purchase of a tricycle for blind pupils might be allowed - Alexander Forbes, 19 March/24 April 1913, Ruthrieston Public School, 2 letters: regarding mole specimens - George Fenton, 02 April 1913, Commerce Street Public School: concerning perfect attendance, mentioning William D. Adams - Eliza A. Henderson, Margaret J. Iverach, Fanny L. Dawson, Agnes M. Brown, Edith A. Malcolm, Ethel R. Jamieson, 06 March 1913, High School for Girls: requesting increase in salary and pension - William Hendry, 12/17 February 1913, Old Aberdeen Public School, 2 letters: (1) asking advice concerning Miss Anderson who has been absent repeatedly due to her mother’s illness but is able to afford a nurse, use of French phrase (2) notification of Mrs Anderson’s death - William Hendry, 26 March 1913, Old Aberdeen Public School: excusing own absence due to upcoming surgery of the ribs - William Hendry, 07 April 1913, Old Aberdeen Public School: regarding the purchase of desks for Needlework classroom as to keep work cleaner - W. Litster, 06 March 1913: regarding a music performance in the Music Hall - Helen A. Laing, 20 February 1913, Causewayend Public School: application for promotion to Supplementary Class work, details of experience, enclosed: letter of recommendation by James Rose, Headmaster of King Street Public School, January 1909 - D. B. Lothian, 20 February 1913, Sunnybank Public School: requesting an increase in salary after the Board refused to do so three years ago - J. M. Morrison, 22 March 1913: requesting an increase in salary, complaining that other teachers’ higher salary hurts his status - Frances Metcalfe, [no date], King Street School: request for transfer to school nearer her home - Jessie H. Mitchell, Janet Walker, Jessie Shirreffs, 18 April 1913, Porthill School, Commerce Street School: requesting an increase in salary for Infants’ Mistresses - James Martin, 10 March 1913: on behalf of Scottish Class Teachers’ Association: agreeing to only minor changes of curriculum according to Mr Croll’s motion - James Martin, 10 March 1913: on behalf of Scottish Class Teachers’ Association, disagreeing with a uniform qualifying examination - John R. McKenzie, 17 April 1913, King Street School: application for an increase in salary in order to support his family - Elizabeth Philip, 05 March 1913, Aberdeen High School for Girls: application for an increase of salary, details of experience - John Peter, 31 March/02 April 1913, Rosemount Public School, 2 letters: (1) regarding perfect attendance of pupil Jane Bruce Anderson Milne (2) informing that prize wished for is a needle case - Will Robertson, 14 February 1913, Causewayend Public School: regarding Miss Fraser who applied for a transfer to Old Aberdeen School due to the scattered state of classes - Will Robertson, 12 March 1913, Causewayend Public School, 2 pages: requesting an increase of salary based on the school now being a three class school, details of classrooms - Will Robertson, 14 April 1913, Causewayend Public School, 2 pages: regarding the unsatisfactory state of the girls’ playground - William Ross, 24 March 1913: on behalf of Head Teachers’ Association, requesting an increase of salaries - James Rose, 21 February 1913, King Street Public School: requesting permission to use the gymnasium for a social get-together for the teachers - James Rose, 17 March 1913, King Street Public School: regarding seats being made available in the gymnasium as standing for too long puts great strain on the children - James Rose, 02/04 April 1913, King Street Public School: (1) registered details of George and Kate Swapp (2) more details on George Swapp’s record attendance and life after leaving school - Jane H. Ross, 11 February 1913, Skene Street School/Northfield School: requesting transfer to better-class school due to health, preferably Ashley Road School, Grammar School or Mile-end School - Alexander Speirs, 21 March 1913, [High School]: request for increase of salary, details of class sizes and responsibilities - 17 teachers from various schools, 17 February 1913: request for increase of salary for sewing teachers - Jean Sutherland, 11 March 1913, High School for Girls: requesting increase of salary, details of experience and qualifications - Jessie Nora Shand, 05 March 1913, Middle Public School: request for transfer to Ferryhill Public School for Senior Work - H. F. Morland Simpson, 12 February 1913, Aberdeen Grammar School, 3 pages: concerning class sizes - H. F. Morland Simpson, 03 March 1913, Aberdeen Grammar School: concerning the visit to a library and museum in connection with a Board meeting on 24 March - H. F. Morland Simpson, 11 March 1913, Aberdeen Grammar School, 2 pages: regarding salaries of teachers Mr Ritchie, Miss Reid, Miss Davidson - H. F. Morland Simpson, 17 March 1913, Aberdeen Grammar School, 2 pages: mentioning pupils Robert Maxwell and Edward Tennant as candidates - H. F. Morland Simpson, 20 March 1913, Aberdeen Grammar School: informing that John Cruickshank came to enrol his 5-year-old son, was not entered in January due to health, wants to enter the child in August but father is worried about the Attendance Officer - H. F. Morland Simpson, 20 March 1913, Aberdeen Grammar School: asking for a foot mat for the pianist as the gymnasium floor is not heated - H. F. Morland Simpson, 11 April 1913, Aberdeen Grammar School: informing of nuisance committed by boys over railings between this school and Westfield school, requesting a thorn hedge and a wire netting on top of the railing - J. G. Thomson, 10 March 1913, Girls’ High School: asking for an increase of salary, details of experience - [William?] Thompson, 14 February 1913, Middle Public School: regarding a complaint by Mrs Deans, saying that her daughter Ina’s head injury was caused by her running into a desk, informing that Mrs Deans has been a very troubling parent - William Thompson, 22 March 1913, Middle Public School: asking for permission to form a cookery class for boys as many of them are poor and will be in sea-faring and labouring classes - Jessie Wallace, 17 February 1913, Causewayend School: application for Supplementary Class, details of experience - A. G. Wallace, 02 April 1913, Central Higher Grade School: regarding the time committed to the teaching of typewriting - Isabella Burgess, Jessie Garrow, I. Mackay, L. Stevenson, M. H. Strachan, J. I. Watt, 22 April 1913, Central Higher Grade School: are concerned that the new scheme of salaries does not include Women teachers beyond intermediate work - L. L. Ward, 12 February 1913, High School for Girls, 2 pages: regarding pupil Agnes L. Anderson, wants to enter her in the next qualifying examination, details of classes and marks - Lucy L. Ward, 27 February 1913, High School for Girls: asking for permission for practical experience in teaching on behalf of pupil Elizabeth Barnett - Lucy L. Ward, 27 March 1913, High School for Girls, 2 pages: informing that pupils Norah Bell, Edith M. Mackie, Elizabeth R. Malcolm, Dorothy C. Prosser cannot attend examinations due to illness, asking for them to be passed to be able to attend post-intermediate classes - L. L. Ward, 27 March 1913, High School for Girls: informing that pupil Corisande M. Sandison usually goes by C. Margaret Sandison |