Description | 13/9/1915 -6/12/1915 • Robert Bain, Application for Headmaster’s position in the Evening Schools being formed. Wide experience of evening school work from 1904-05 in Mathematics, Arithmetic, Geography, History, French & German, 6/12/1915. • Robert Bain, Second Master of Walker Road School, Application for Headmaster’s Position at the Evening School as part of the recognised principle of the Board, 14/12/1915. • Jane Clark , York St Public School, Requesting substitute teacher as Miss Stephens has been diagnosed with Scarlet Fever, 28/09/1915. • D Christie, Commerce St Public School, “The Duncan Case”. Helen Duncan(after more than one warning) received a written imposition as punishment for speaking. In the afternoon the offence was repeated and Miss Moir offered to punish her with the strap which was refused and she was ordered out of the class. Mr Christie was passing at the time and the pupil approached in a tearful and excited state protesting her innocence. Shen then went home and shortly after her father appeared. • Following and amicable talk Mr Christie took the side of the teacher the father the side of his daughter. The pupil was advised that when she returned the next day she would be punished in front of her class. Next day she returned with her father who insisted his daughter had never told an untruth and the teacher was unfit to hold her position and the head did not know what he was talking about and his daughter would not return to school. He was informed his daughter must attend until she was 14, 2/11/1915. • D Christie, Commerce St Public School, “The Duncan Case”. The case was sufficiently investigated and Mr Christie is convinced the pupil is telling a lie. The punishment has been waived as they do not consider it advisable to let the sun go down upon our wrath, 8/11/1915. • James Craig, Broomhill, Ferryhill & Grammar Evening Schools, Application for headmastership of an evening school. He has been a teacher at evening school since 1901, 30/11/1915. • Helen E Copland, Application for vacancy at Central Higher Grade Public School and if they decide to appoint female teacher she would like to apply, 4/12/1915. • W B Duguid, Porthill Public School, A “slight” outbreak of fire occurred in the Medical Inspection room after the stove was lit by the Caretaker. The wood at the back of the stove requires to be replaced by sheet iron or it will happen again, 15/10/1915. • I Donald, Rubislaw (Special) Public School, Due to the lack of a playshed the pupils suffer an inconvenience during inclement weather, 8/11/1915. • W Fyfe, Woodside Primary School, “Kindly say if you wish the Free Dinner pupils to have their Xmas Treat this year, 6/12/1915. • George Fenton, Ruthrieston Public School, As it is approaching the winter arrangement for school dinners it would be as well to properly lead the boilers. After inspection the interior is becoming very coppery, 12/10/1915. • George Fenton, Ruthrieston Public School, Queries regarding Globe & Map for Blind – they are useful & appreciated, 12/11/1915. • George Fenton, Ruthrieston Public School, Payment to traders who supply provisions for dinners for blind children, 17/11/1915. • W A Keys, Central Evening School, “Will you please ask the powers that be to have the street lamp in North St Andrew St lighted. It cannot be seen from the sea and it would not add to the general illumination of the city, 9/11/1915, • Margaret L Middleton, York St Public School, On account of my intended marriage I have to intimate my resignation of Assistant Teacher, 29/10/1915. • Thomas Miller, Central School, I understand that 2 vacancies occur next month for Day School Headmasterships & would like to offer myself as a candidate, 5/11/1915. • Alex Moodie, St Clement St School, Details of pupils that had 6 years perfect attendance & 2 pupils who had 7 years perfect attendance, 23/11/1915. • Duncan Mackenzie, George St School, During the interval about 11.5 a patch of plaster fell from the ceiling of the covered court under the Drill Hall and struck Margaret Park, on the brow causing an ugly wound. I must say the child was where she had no occasion to be but it might just as readily have happened to another. We do not think there is any serious damage, 29/9/1915. • Duncan Mackenzie, George St School, “Sex-Instruction” recognised by the Dept. nor sanctioned by the School Inspector. The inclusion in it of a sex-topic is resented by many parents & if the lecture was sanctioned by the Board I had not been informed. In response to the Nurse’s lecture • of 10th Sept 4 courses were open – 1.Explain to the parents & ask them • to send their girls. 2) Send the girls without consulting their parents. 3) Do Nothing. 4 Say nothing to parents or pupils but state my case to the Board. This is the course I took, 4/11/1915 & 5/11/1915. • John Peters, Girls’ High Evening School, Agreement for the Girls’ High School Former Pupils Club to use a room in the Queens Gardens, 23/11/1915. • William Ross, Broomhill Public School, A motor accident(not very serious) happened to one of the infant scholars and while no blame can be attached to the driver it might be advisable to have standards erected warning drivers of the proximity of the schools, 17/11/1915. • Jas Rose, King St Public School, Ref a report in the newspaper about an accident to the school I wish to send a statement of the facts of the case. While stacking chairs after assembly pupil Robert Farquhar decided to try to move the piano but he unfortunately brought it down on his leg. Suspecting a fracture he was taken to the Infirmary in the police ambulance, 6/12/1915. • Charles Stewart, Robert Gordons’ Technical College, Request to consider the means of appointing a teacher of Russian between Robert Gordons’, University Court & School Board of the Burgh, 16/9/1915. • L L Ward, Aberdeen High School for Girls, The High School Senior Class(with the Headmistress’ Permission) has arranged to hold a Café Chantant – the proceeds given for the benefit of the troops. They request the use of the Grammar School Hall, 5/10/1915. • Janet C Brown, Thanks for paying salary while on military duty as a cook at a hospital, 3/11/1915. • John A Mennie, King Street Evening, I beg to inform the board that today I enlisted in the Scots Guards & have been transferred to the Army Reserve. 14 days notice will be given, 13/11/1915. • L H W Adam, Central High Grade School, I beg to intimate that I desire to enlist under the Lord Derby Scheme, 14/11/1915. • Thomas Ayton, I was attested & transferred to the Army Reserve at Castlehill Barracks on 20th Nov, 23/11/1915. • W M Brown, Janitor Holburn St Public School, I beg to inform you I was attested with Lord Derby’s Scheme & passed for Home Service only, 21/11/1915. • Robert Bain, I beg to intimate that under Lord Derby’s Scheme I enlisted & would like to know if in the event of being called up I should be entitled to the allowances under resolutions passed by the Board, 16/11/1915. • James Brown, 3rd Master Causewayend, I have passed the Medical Examination for the Army & enrolled in the Reserve under Lord Derby’s Scheme, 23/11/1915. • John Baxter, 35 Beechgrove Terrace, I was medically attested to the Army on 20th Nov, 22/11/1915. • M Myles, A M Booth & I C Lyon, Continuation Classes in Cookery for Soldiers. Remuneration of time & ¼ for overtime is quite inadequate as there is no comparison between ordinary school work & Soldiers’ Continuation Class. We request the Board to reconsider, 6/12/1915. • John Cameron, 115 Desswood Place, I enlisted yesterday evening in the RFA under Lord Derby’s Scheme, 26/11/1915. • James Craig, 185 Forest Avenue, I have joined the Royal Army Medical Corps, 30/11/1915. • David Davidson, St Paul St School, I beg to be relieved of my duties so that I may take up my duties in the Army, 24/11/1915. • Mary F E Foy, Letter to Miss Ward, I have been asked by the Almeria Paget Massage Corps for Special War Service to the Command Depot Tipperary, 3/12/1915. • W Hendry, 45 Forest Avenue, I enlisted in the Army Reserve under Lord Derby’s Scheme. I trust my action will meet the requirements of the Board as far as securing my position at Ferryhill School and the salary allowance granted, 13/11/1915. • W M Henry , 43 Rosebery Street, I regret to inform your Board that I enlisted in His Majesty’s Forces and was placed in the Reserve, 29/11/1915. • Alexander Knowles, Victoria Rd School, I was attested to the Army Service Corps under the Group System, 23/11/1915. • James Kerr, 182 Mid Stocket Rd, I was nominated today for a commission in the 3/4th Gordon Highlanders, 22/11/1915. • William Milne, 52 Albany Place, I offered myself for enlistment in the R.A.M.C. but was rejected owing to defective eyesight, 22/11/1915. • James Martin, 114 Desswood Place, I was accepted for service with the new Reserve yesterday, 15/11/1915. • James Mutch, 156 King St, I have joined the Army & have to report to Castlehill Barracks, 16/11/1915. • George Morgan, 24 Braemar Place, I offered myself for enlistment at Castlehill Barracks but by being under treatment for Neurasthemia & Intestinal Catarrh I was placed on the deferred list. In the event of me being accepted as a future date I trust the Board will see their way to keep me on the same footing as those who have been accepted, 26/11/1915. • C Leslie Millar, Aberdeen Grammar School, I have enlisted for general service and have entered the reserve, 23/11/1915. • John McKenzie, 29 Laurelwood Avenue, I have today enlisted in the R.A.M.C and am thus liable to be called up on 14 days’ notice, 19/11/1915. • Alex Nicol, 3 Fraser Road, I presented myself at Castlehill Barracks on 20th Nov under the group system, 30/11/1915. • Doreen Robertson, Causewayend Public School, Could you do anything to facilitate the supply of wool for the making of comforts to the soldiers, 22/11/1915. • William Ross, Broomhill Public, During Mr Gray’s absence on military duty Miss Calder is employed in the Senior division but her salary is continued on the Junior Division scale viz £95. I should feel obliged if the Board could increase her rate to £100 only during Mr Gray’s absence, 22/10/1915. • John Rae, 678 King St, I was advised to apply for a commission in the Royal Engineers but I have received no reply. I do not expect to be called up before 28th Nov but I should be glad to know if the Board will grant me the same privileges, 23/11/1915. • Alex Reid, 41 Elmfield Avenue, Taking the report of the Board meeting in Saturday’s paper as an answer to my questions about enlistment I went on Saturday forenoon as was formally attested, 29/11/1915. • H F Morland Simpson Grammar School, There has been a feeling in the school that during the war some economy might be effected by doing without prizes. All boys in the Middle & Upper School received the proposal with enthusiastic unanimity. I suggest that a simple Certificate of Merit will in years to come be much more highly prized as a memento of the Great War, 18/11/1915. • George Strachan, 8 Bedford Place, I beg to intimate that I offered myself for enlistment on 29th May and was rejected on account of a physical ailment. I also offered myself on 11th Nov at Castlehill Barracks & have not been accepted. I was given certificates of rejectment on both occasions, 18/11/1915. • William Stewart, 31 Chestnut Row, I have enlisted under Lord Derby’s scheme, 20/11/1915. • Robert M Watt, 200 Union Grove, I was found to be medically unfit for military service, 26/11/1915. |