Description | 10/3/1916 - 6/6/1916
- Thomas Ayrton, Ashley Road School, 15th May 1916: informing the School Board that he has been called up to fight and asking that they might consider applying to the Department to retain his services as the only male member of staff at the school excluding the Headmaster. [See p.80-81 Board Meeting 26th May, 1916, item 12] - J.D. Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 11th May 1916: letter informing the Board of the return to work of a Miss Sutherland after illness. The letter also praises the ‘pupil-teacher’ Miss Bamford who had been sent as substitute. [See p.61 School Administration Committee Meeting 17th April, 1916, Item 12, Emergency Appointments] - J.D. Anderson, Ferryhill Public School, 2nd June, 1916: letter asking for a salary increase for a teacher at his school, Miss Ednie, who had been hired nine years previously to generally assist the Senior School, but whose workload had increased a lot which still being paid on the Junior scale. - Allan J Brown, Middle School, Aberdeen, 8th May 1916: request for a swimming certificate for Walter Johnston to be sent to St Paul Street School as the pupil and his family are moving away. - Robert Bain, Walker Road School, 2nd May, 1916: letter acknowledging receipt of decision from the Board that they would not be putting forward a claim on public grounds for his exemption from military service. The teacher reports that he expects to be called up on 29th May. [See p.58 Board Meeting 28th April, 1916, item 2; p.79 Board meeting 26th May, 1916, item 3 (3)] - Helen Clarke, High School, 26th April 1916: request for increased salary by teacher as approaching retirement age and having been employed by the Board since 1878. [See p.81 Board Meeting 26th May 1916, Higher Education Committee, item 1] - John W Cameron, Mile End School, 4th May 1916: teacher informing the Board that he has been called up for military duty on 29th.[See p.78 Board Meeting 26th May, 1916, item 3] - John W Cameron, Mile End School, 18th May, 1916: informing the board that he is leaving that evening to join the R.F.A (T) and asking that his salary be paid to his wife. - [L?] Christie, Skene Street School, 5th May 1916: request for additional help for the Infants’ Mistress as the class had reached 74 infants.[See p.106 Board Meeting 23rd June, item 7 Emergency Appointments] - Elizabeth Cruikshank, St Paul Street School, 19th May, 1916: requesting a transfer to another school nearer her home after being transferred between Senior and Junior divisions with salary changes. - Margaret B Dey, Broomhill School, 26th April, 1916: request for transfer from Junior to Senior Division after thirteen years of service. - M.A. Booth, Mary M. Grant, Dorothy Miller, Elizabeth Lawrence, Joan A.L. Mitchell; Alice E. Stephen: joint request by newly appointed teachers for increased salary in light of their Diploma qualifications. [see p.84 Board Meeting 26th May Minutes: Domestic Science and Special Subjects Committee 10th May meeting item 4] - W.A. Duguid, Kittybrewster Public School, 6th June 1916: details an accident which injured a boy, Sahara Johnston, when setting up gymnastics equipment. Boy was taken the next day for an Xray, collar bone fractured and unable to attend school. - George Fenton, Ruthrieston Public School, 6th April 1916: letter naming three pupils whom the Music Teacher, Miss Adams, is putting forward for London Trinity College of Music Intermediate Piano Certificate: William Jones, Alick Boyle, and Douglas Pollock. Also asks if the Board would pay the Examination fees as previously done. - George Fenton, Ruthrieston Public School, 19th April 1916: letter about tuning by Messrs MacBeth of a piano used by blind pupils at the school. - George Fenton, Ruthrieston Public School 18th April, 3rd May,11th May, 5th June: series of letters about teaching arrangements at the school in light of absences through illness and a resignation. Miss Fraser, teacher of the blind pupils, is reported to cover another teacher’s class. The Headteacher requests a bonus for her and for a substitute teacher to be sent to cover the blind pupils. - Blanche J.M. Falconer, Central School, 3rd March 1915: request for a salary increase (double increment) to make her salary equal to other members of Staff with the same work and qualifications. • [W?] Fyfe, Woodside Public School, 22nd March 1916: enquiry about missing jars of ink that should have been delivered. • W. Fyfe, Woodside Public School, 27th May 1916: letter about choice of date for closing the school (Term Day). • W.Fyfe, Woodside Public School, 1st June 1916: letter about perfect attendance record of pupil Annand I. Taylor, 40 Marquis Road (See p. 116 Board Meeting 23rd June, School Attendance Committee 9th June, Item 7). • Elizabeth Fowler, Holburn Street Public School, 28th March 1916: letter asking for whole salary from her time off ill (policy is half-pay) with Scarlet Fever as it was contracted in the classroom (See p.59 Board Meeting 28th April Minutes, School Administration Committee meeting item 5). • Margaret Iverach, High School, 3rd April, 1916: request for increase in salary due to length of service and increase in class numbers to 46 pupils (See p.62 Boarding Meeting 28th April minutes, Higher Education Committee item 1). • Matthew Henderson, regarding Rubislaw Special School, 5th June 1916: letter regarding arrangements for a new woodworking class for pupils from Rubislaw Special School due to take place at Mile End School, taught by Mr Hay. (See p.110 Board Meeting 23rd June, item 5). • Eliza A Henderson, High School, 29th March 1916: request for increase in salary based on length of service (since 1888) and increasing class numbers in the Qualifying Class (49 pupils)(See p.62 Board Meeting 28th April, Higher Education Committee item 1). • William Henry, Grammar School, 15th May 1916: Letter informing the Board that he has been called up for military service to report for duty on 29th (See p.83, Board Meeting 26th May, Higher Ed Committee 22nd May, item 10). • William Henry, Grammar School, 4th June 1916: letter requesting clarity on his position as he had been told by military authorities to present himself for duty on June 14th, but told by Dr Morland Simpson he had been exempted until July 1st. • William Hendry, Ferryhill Public School 17th May 1916: letter informing the Board that he has been called ‘to the colours’ and is asking for arrangements to be made for him to be released from his post pending his application to join the Motorcyclists’ section of the Engineers. • William Hendry, Ferryhill Public School 31st May 1916: letter stating that although requesting relief from teaching duties in a letter the day before, was now prepared to forego holiday and continue teaching until required by the military. • Mr Johnston, Holburn Street Public School, [13th or 23rd] March 1916: letter informing the Board that pupil Jessie Bella Coopeer (4a Springbank St) has joined Mr Thomson’s classes in Shorthand and Typewriting, her attendance has been 148/180 (1st Nov-17th March). - William R. [Jack?], Walker Road Public School, 24th March 1916. Letter attempting to persuade the Board to exempt Mr Bain from military service giving several arguments including: the size of the school (1500 average attendance over 28 classes), the number of staff already called up, and the relative inexperience of other staff. (See p. 58 Board Meeting 28th April, School Admin Committee item 2) - D.B. Lothian, Sunnybank Public School, 24th March,1916. Letter pointing out error in Attendance return for February. Percentage absentees should be 5.1 (rather than 10.6), which the Headmaster describes as exceptionally good attendance. - May Monis [Leatham?], St Clement Street School, 16th May 1916. Request for promotion from teaching in the Junior Section to the Senior Section after six years of service. - James Martin, Victoria Road School, [?] May 1916. Letter informing the board that his group (No.43) had been called up for military service from June 13th. - John H Mennie, King Street Evening School, 3rd March 1916. Letter laying out details of an incident (mentions complaint made by James Carnie to School Board). James Carnie and other boys were caught in the staff toilet (in an outbuilding) with the gas lit when Mennie was walking round the school to ensure as little light showing as possible (due to ‘New Lighting Order’). Some dispute with the boy mainly responsible, James Carnie, over punishment and denial of responsibility, - John H Mennie, King Street Evening School, 15th March 1916. Letter confirming receipt of apology letter sent to School Board from James Carnie regarding incident above. - John H Mennie, King Street Evening School, 15th May 1916. Letter informing the Board that he has been called up for military service (Derby Group No.43) from 13th June. (see p.80 Board Meeting 26th May, School Admin. Committee item 12). - C.R. Leslie Millar, Grammar School, undated (before June). Letter requesting the Board apply for his exemption (total or temporary) from military service (called up for 13th June) due to difficulty in finding a replacement Art Master. (See p. 83 Board Meeting 26th May Minutes, Higher Ed Committee item 10). - Duncan MacKensie, George Street Public School, 1st June 1916. Letter recommending two former Students (I think this means student teachers), a Miss Higson, and a Miss Lizzie Robbie. - Duncan MacKensie, George Street Public School, 8th May 1916. Letter in support of Miss Reith’s request for a salary increase. - [Duncan MacKensie? (unsigned)], George Street Public School, 5th June 1916. Short letter stating that due to so many pupils and staff getting wet, they have made double attendance. - Mary M Macdonald, Rubislaw Special School, 16th March 1916. Letter covering several topics: a request for 2 week holiday for pupils at Easter instead of one; recommendation of teacher in training Miss Stewart for an appointment; request for increased salary for Mrs Chapman and her husband (cook and caretaker of the school) considering that 8 months previously (July 1915?) 40 children were added to the 80 already in the school. - Mary M Macdonald, Rubislaw Special School, 6th April 1916. Report on pupil Annie S Robbie, aged 15 and a half, detailing her abilities, reading and counting level, and the Headteacher’s opinion on her future prospects. There is a post script dated 2nd May 1916 from the Medical Officer agreeing with the Headteacher and stating that the girl suffers from cerebral [displegia?(hard to read)]. - Mary M Macdonald, Rubislaw Special School, 26th April 1916. Letter regarding orders of material with Messrs Sangster & Henderson [drapers and house furnishers 32-38 Union St- P.O. Directory 1916-17] and Goodbrand & Son [hosiers, manufacturers, and warehousemen, 33-35 St Nicholas St]. - Mary M Macdonald, Rubislaw Special School, 23rd May 1916. Letter requesting an increase in salary for Miss Margaret Wilson, a new nurse at the school. The letter gives a detailed account of the nurse’s duties, routine (including collecting children from their homes at 8am, helping with meals, helping the teachers teach the pupils to wash and dress themselves), and her character. (See p.116 Board Meeting 23rd June minutes, Children’s Care Committee, item 2) - William D McLean, Skene Square Public School, 20th March 1916. Letter requesting permission to use the School Gymnasium for a school concert for war funds March 31st and April 1st. - J. McGregor, Hanover Street Public School, 23rd March 1916. Letter in response to letter of complaint from John Croll (Solicitor 19 Union Street) regarding allegation by pupil Richard Cruden about harsh and unfair treatment by his teacher and punishment by the Headmaster, all of which is disputed by the Headmaster. - John R. McKensie, King St. School, 3rd April 1916. Letter informing the board that his date for reporting for military duty has been postponed by a week, therefore requesting that his leave of absence from teaching can remain in place. - John R. McKensie, King St. School, 15th April 1916. Letter informing the Boad that he is leaving town that day for military service. - John R. McKensie, King St. School, 31st May 1916. Letter informing the Board that due to his being declared unfit for general military service and now attached to the Labour Company, the Board could apply to the War Office for his discharge back to teaching. (See Board Meeting Minutes 26th May, School Administration Committee 22nd May, item 11) - John R. McKensie, King St. School, 2nd June 1916. Letter following on from the previous letter of 31st May, saying that he would be happy to return to teaching at King St School if the Board could arrange it. - Margaret McRae, Porthill School, 5th June 1916. Letter requesting a transfer to a school nearer her home in light of working 10 years without promotion at Porthill. (See Board Meeting Minutes 23rd June, School Administration Committee 5 June, item 6. - Alexander Nicol, [school not specified], 5th June 1916. Informing the board that he is being called up on 16th July and therefore will not be returning to teaching after the summer holidays - Will Robertson, Causewayend Public School, 31st March 1916. Letter informing the Board that Mr Brown would be taking up military duty on Friday 7th April, request for a substitute teacher. (See p.59 Board Meeting Minutes 28th April, School Administration Committee 29th March, item 4). - Will Robertson, Causewayend Public School, 5th April 1916. Letter enclosing note from Mr Brown (see previous letter) stating that after medical examination was good, but as physique not up to standard for combatant role he should return to civilian work for two months until other roles open for recruitment. - John Ritchie, Old Aberdeen Public School, 13th March 1916. Letter certifying perfect school attendance for pupil William Illingworth with no absences since 1909 (7 years 3 months). (See p.46 Board Meeting Minutes 24th March, School Attendance Committee 13th March, item 3). - John Ritchie, Old Aberdeen Public School, 3rd April 1916. Letter requesting an additional teacher for the Infant class increasing in size to 80. - James Rose, King Street Public School, 25th April 1916. Letter regarding the case of pupil Alex Ritchie, who broke his leg on the school playground on 31st March 1915. (This incident is mentioned several times in the Minute Book(e.g. p. 86 School Board Meeting 26th May, Finance Committee, item 9. Also: p. 111, Board Meeting Minutes 23rd June, Finance Committee, item 3 – claimant paid £20)) - Alex K. Reid, [school unnamed], 2nd May 1916. Letter informing the Board that he has been called up for military service for the 29th May. - William Ross, Broomhill School, 6th June 1916. Letter regarding pupil numbers at Broomhill and Ashley Road School, including the fact that Broomhill School keep the Infant numbers up (April 1916 221 infants in 325 places), while Ashley Road is oversubscribed (April 1916: 314 infants in 304 places). Ross makes proposals including extending the catchment area of Broomhill to even out numbers. - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School 10th March 1916. Long letter regarding two boy pupils, Archibald and Bertram Williamson, whose mother has made a complaint. Both sons, against the judgement of the staff and despite their low grades, have been entered into Leaving Certificate tests early, according to the parents’ wishes. The staff and the Headmaster are concerned about the impact on their reputation and overall pass rate, as well as the possibility that this might encourage more unsuitable pupils to take the exams. - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 25th March 1916. Two letters about the presentation of pupil, Phillip D Lawrence, for the Leaving Certificate. Also mentions Norman S Rose. - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 29th March 1916. Letter inviting the Board to a talk by Professor Jack, the new Professor of English, in the school Hall to celebrate Shakespeare’s Ter-Centenary. - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 3rd April 1916. Letter regarding a pupil, son of Mrs Ironside, who runs a public house on Rosemount Viaduct. The boy is absent a lot and hangs around the pub until closing. Simpson suggests a visit from an Attendance Officer and that if no change, the boy change schools or go to live in the country with family friends. Suggests he may land in Oakbank. - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 4th April 1916. Letter regarding pupil, Robert Donald Strachan, who accidentally missed an exam. Simpson asks that the Board accept the teacher’s estimated high grade for the exam (it was his best subject). Suggests he is a promising pupil who might be a future candidate for the Indian Civil Service. - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 5th April 1916. Letter responding to a request, reporting that 17 pupils joined the Grammar School last session after passing the qualifying exam. - H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School, 19th May 1916. Letter inviting the Board to attend the Empire Day (24th May) celebrations. - Annie Sturrock, St Paul St. School, 11th May 1916. Letter requesting transfer to another school having taught there for 15 years and not being promoted.( See p.106, Board Meeting minutes 23rd June, School Administration Committee 5th June, item 6) - John Sutherland, Woodside School, 11th May 1916. Letter informing the Board that although called up for military service, he can continue working at the school for a few weeks until actually required to start. - Robert Valentine, Ashley Road Public School, 16th May 1916. Letter regarding the Second Master, Mr Ayrton, being called up for military service. Valentine requests that the Board apply for an exemption from the Education Department due to his being Second Master and the only male assistant in the school. - Robert Valentine, Ashley Road Public School, 18th May 1916. Letter on same topic, in reply to a letter from the Board. Valentine argues that it would not be possible to lose Mr Ayrton without a substitute teacher being provided. He suggests Miss Sutherland in the Junior School might be able to take on the higher role. - Robert Valentine, Ashley Road Public School, 22nd May 1916. Letter informing the Board that he has admitted two pupils, James and Mitchell Main, as instructed (possibly in response to case mentioned: p. 90, Board Meeting 26th May, School Attendance Committee 12th May, item 8 – the Committee declare the school’s refusal to admit two ‘backward’ children as invalid). Valentine complains about overcrowding at the school (which violates Board regulations) and suggests that the two pupils be admitted to Ruthrieston School (where the daughter of their guardian attends). The Ashley Road School is 74 pupils over the sanctioned accommodation, while Ruthrieston and Broomhill have 364 and 204 vacant spaces respectively. - A.G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 8th May 1916. Letter detailing the time given per week to each subject in preparation for the Leaving Certificate (Cookery, Laundry, Housewifery, Needlework, Applied Science). - A.G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 9th May 1916. Letter requesting that the Board apply for the exemption of the Science teacher Mr Adan from military service. - A.G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 21st March 1916. Letter regarding interim teacher Miss Christina O’Connor (a teacher in training), detailing her qualifications and a positive report on her work, asking that she be paid more for taking on teaching advanced classes as a trainee. - A.G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 2nd June 1916. Letter detailing the money collected by the school as deposits and how much of it is forfeited by parents withdrawing pupils before the end of the 3 year course (which they all make a written agreement not to do), around half of pupils forfeit the deposit and withdraw early. (See p. 108. Board Meeting 23rd June, Higher Education Committee 5th June, item 8). - A.G. Wallace, Central Higher Grade School, 2nd June 1916. Letter regarding pupil Jack Brown from Ellon Higher Grade School, who passed the Qualifying Examination at that school. Wallace says that due to so many applications, they likely cannot admit any extra pupils. - L. Ward, High School for Girls, 28th April 1916. Letter appealing for two pupils, Mary E Hendry and Boris M Bruce, to be granted Intermediate Certificates despite missing the written exam (due to bereavement and illness respectively). - L. Ward, High School for Girls, 2nd June 1916. Letter requesting the use of the whole of the ground floor of the Grammar School for the end of year ceremony on 30th June. - L. Ward, High School for Girls, 5th March 1916. Letter supporting a request for increased salary for teachers Agnes Brown, Eliza Henderson, Louisa Sutherland, and Mary Foy. Letter gives details of their respective service and positive reports. - Ellen S. Wilson, Ferryhill School, 1st May 1916. Letter requesting transfer from Ferryhill School (after 13 years) to Ashley Road School if a Junior School teacher vacancy arises. Request made due to illness making distance too difficult. - John Watson, St Paul St. School, 23rd March 1916. Letter regarding pupil Clara Cressy’s perfect attendance record over 7 years. Also mentions her siblings George and Dora who also have Perfect Attendance cards and positive reports of their conduct. - John Watson, St Paul St. School, 2nd June 1916. Letter regarding a complaint made by Miss Larn alleging disparaging comments made about her character, which Watson refutes saying he only reminded her of her responsibility to get the children sent to school on time. A boy (unnamed) blamed Miss Larn (his aunt) for his lateness to school having been send on an errand. As this excuse had been used before, on questioning the boy confessed that he had completed the errand in good time but had been playing. He also had been smoking, so the John Watson administered corporal punishment (whipping). - Unnamed (Supervising Instructress of Physical Training, Central Intermediate Public School), 7th May 1916. Letter regarding gymnastics equipment following a change to ‘Swedish Gymnastics’ for which only Kittybrewster Schol has the correct equipment. Also requests reorganisation of the provision of pianists so all pupils have music time. [Later page(s) missing, so no signature visible].