
Reference NoCA/25/2/11/149
TitleAberdeen School Board Teachers' Letters [128]
Description20/6/1918 - 24/9/1918

• Two letters, 17 July and 8 August 1918 from L H W Adam of Torphins with regard to potential call up..
• 4 letters from Robert Bain from Scotton Camp Catterick concerning his attempts to be discharged to return to teaching and the alleged blocking by an unfriendly Adjutant June – July 1918 Includes a letter from Commanding Officer stating that Robert Bain is needed by the Battalion.
• 9 August 1918. Letter from D Christie, Ferryhill School to say that he has not been chosen for Military Service and will be at school as usual when it reopens.
• Letter from Duncan Clarke, 28 June 1918 Victoria Road Schhol intimating retiral of Misses Grant and Sangster and recommending promotion of Miss Lillian Thomson.
• Letter from Duncan Clarke re opening of Play Centres 3 August 1918
• Letter from Duncan Clarke acknowledging the impending transfer of Miss Thomson to Mile End School and suggesting Miss Annie Durno as her replacement.
• Letter from Duncan Clarke 30 August 1918 reporting serious out break of fever in Victoria Road School. 36 cases of Typhoid,14 of Whooping Cough, 4 Diphtheria and 3 Scarlett fever.
• Letter from D Christie, Ferryhill school re suggested appointment of a whole time assistant of a sewing mistress.
• “The question of car fares”29 August 1918. At the request of his staff Duncan Clarke of Victoria Road School pointing out that travelling expenses are a considerable drain on salaries and suggesting a concession of a School Ticket from those travelling from Bridge Street or Market Street.
• 21 June 1918. Reply from D Christie, Ferryhill School to Thomas Hector stating arrangements for enrolling pupils in his possible absence on Military Service.
• 27 June 1918. Letter from Lucy Crane to Thomas Hector detailing ger service and requesting salary adjustment.
• 23 May 1918. Wm. Duguid, Kittybrewster School detailing why Miss Fraser, Assistant Sewing teacher is required whole time assistant.
• 6 August 1918. Long letter from Johan Donald to Thomas Hector concerning her continued illness and inability to return to work and suggesting that she might vacate her position at Skene Square School.
• 8 August 1918. Further letter from Johan Donald.
• Long letter from John Gordon ( the first page is missing) explaining in detail why drawing in the High School is “unsatisfactory”, it would appear to be in response to a critical inspection.
• 15 July 1918 Letter from David Gourlay saying that he wishes to accept the post of Assistant Teacher of Latin and English but wishing to have terms and conditions in a formal letter.
• 27 August 1918. D B Lothian Secretary of EIS Local Association concerning revised scale of Salaries.
• Letter from Alex Moodie, Skene Street School, 22 August 1918 to Miss Younie enquiring whether it is alright to take the collection for the Wool Fund on a different date.
• Letter from Helen Morrice, teacher in the Middle School 28 June 1918. She has seen the Daily Free Press that she is to be transferred to Broomhill School and requesting that she be allowed to remain or be found a post at Mile End or Rosemount, citing travel difficulties.
• Letter from Helen Murray to Aberdeen School Board 17 September 1918 enquiring why she had not been allowed to work her month’s notice on taking up a post at Gordon’s College and why she had received only part salary.
• 25 September 1918. Letter from Mary McLean, Rubislaw Special School detailing the case of William Downie aged 10 and recommending that he should be placed in an Institution as he is judged a “moral defective” and harmful to other pupils. An note added at the end agrees to this suggestion.
• 24 June 1918. Letter from John Peters, St Clement Street School detailing arrangements for resumption of school after the holidays in the event of him being called to Military Service.
• Letter from John Ritchie, Old Aberdeen School, 20 August 1918 suggesting cover for Miss Fraser, Sewing Mistress who is absent with Erysipelas.
• 2 September 1918. William Ross, Broomhill School concerning request from the Committee of “Hut Week” for a collection unsanctioned by the Board. He has enough to do with the monthly wool collection and the upcoming fete.
• 12 July 1918. Notes by H F Morland Simpson Aberdeen Grammar School on applicants for Second Mastership in Latin and English.
• 8 August 1918 Letter from James Sutherland, Rosemount School recommending that Miss Alexander’s services are essential but that he could dispense with Miss Ewen.
• 17 July 1918. David Symons to Thomas Hector indicating that he has been passed Grade 1 by the Miltary Medical Board but intimating that the Board can appeal for exemption for the “very important day and evening work I carry out”.
• 28 June 1918. H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School to Thomas Hector making several points re swimming lessons and arrangements for Certificate results while he is on holiday.
• 23 June 1918. H F Morland Simpson, Aberdeen Grammar School to Thomas Hector re resignation of manual instructor and subsequent arrangements
• 18 August 1918. Long letter from H F Morland Simpson which begins with consideration of the dates for Boy Harvesters and Foresters to miss school and develops from there into a dissertation on school holiday dates in general.
• Request, 9 September from R Valentine, Ashley Road Schol to allow use of rooms in the school; for a performance by a group to raise money for the “Patriotic Fair” Fund.
• 17 September 1918. Continued correspondence concerning reduced fees for staff members at High School and Grammar school from L L ward.
• 12 July 1918. Request from L L Ward for continued use of science room at the Convent of the sacred Heart.
• Note from L L Ward. Head of High School re use of Miss Dickie’s House for class rooms.
• 18 July 1918. Letter from A G Wallace, Central Higher Grade School concerning the probable call up of Mr Symons, noting how essential he his to the work of the school and suggesting a request for deferment.
• Letter from A G Wallace, Central School concerning Albert S Forbes who left for military service immediately after Leaving Certificate Exams and consequently had not been credited for a mark in Woodwork and requesting that it might be added to his certificate.
• Letter from A G Wallace 23 August 1918 concerning proposals for a playing filed for Central School Pupils. Currently the use a field in Midstocket or the Duthie Park and have also enquired about the use of Pittodrie.
• A G Wallace concerning the difficulties of arranging swimming lessons 6 September 1918.
• Extract from Aberdeen Daily Journal 5 September 1918 concerning suggested shipping amalgamation in Aberdeen. Final paragraphs turn to education and questions what a child should be trained for.
• Letter from John Watson, St Paul Street School concerning success of volunteers at “Moss Cleaning” for dressings for war wounds and asking that the school board allow the work to continue.
• Letter from A G Wallace, Central School 23 August 1918 requesting that Sydney Gordon who had bee a Junior Student be allowed to enter 2 year classes of Junior Student Course. He was on military service in France and was severely wounded.
• Letter from B H Webster, 6 August 1918 requesting supplement to his disablement allowance.
• 19 September 1918 Follow up letter from Barbara Webster expressing gratitude for substantial supplement
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