
Reference NoCA/25/2/11/150
TitleAberdeen School Board Teachers' Letters [129]
Description25/9/1918 - 21/12/1918

• Three letters- October, November 1918 from Hellen Allan concerning her position as piano teacher at Mile End School. During the war she had been taking some pupils to her home.
• Further letter from Robert Bain, September 1918 regarding his pending release from military service.
• 18 December 1918. Letter from Jeannie Barron, Westburn Road School reporting that Finger Spelling has been started there and making requests re staffing and salary scales.
• 18 November 1918. Letter from R Blanchaud Central School laying pout his position as French Master making the case that he should be recognised as Head French Master with the same status and salary as Teachers of Maths and Latin.
• 19 November 1918 Letter from Jeannie Barron, Westburn School requesting consideration be made of her length of service and qualifications for teaching the deaf when setting her salary.
• Series of letters from Gunner John Cameron (October to November 1918) seeking to secure his release from military service so that he might return to teaching.
• 5 November 1918. Letter from the Supervising Instructress of Physical Training requesting some provision be made for organised outdoor games .
• Letter to R Boyd Finlayson, 24 October 1918 from Johan Donald asking for a further concession on salary in view of her continued illness . A second letter dated 29 November 1918 thanking the board for an allowance of two months half pay.
• 5 December 1918. Letter to Higher Education Committee from Thomas Duncan laying out a claim for comparative salary to other teachers with the same responsibilities.
• 16 October 1918. Application from Laura Durward to be appointed as a fulltime teacher of shorthand.
• 17 October 1918> Letter to R B Finlayson from John Davie that he be placed on the same footing as teachers of Drawing, needlework and Book Keeping instead of on the visiting teachers list after 20 years’ service. He also complains that the Head of Staff at the Grammar School visits his class daily in a deliberate attempt to copy.
• 14 November 1918. Letter from George Fenton, Ruthrieston School asking the Board to direct the attention of parents to a sense of duty regarding attendance. Attached is a pencil note from a parent asking that their son be excused not doing home lessons as they were celebrating “our glorious victory”.

[Backwards, alphabetically]
• Petition from Staff of Walker Road School, 20 November 1918 with respect to the Board’s fixing of hours in the school for November to January noting that the Torry Schools are the only ones to be working pre-war hours.
• Similar from the staff of Woodside School 15 November 1918with covering letter from W Fyfe, Head Teacher.
• 13 November 1918. L L Ward, head of High School to R B Finlayson, requesting use of rooms at U F C fro Leaving Certificate Exams.
• 29 October 1918 letter from L L Ward to R B Finlayson concerning to buildings and equipment at thr playing fields.
• 18 October 1918, High School Report for November, including report on staffing and housing. Also noting a request for the use of the playing field for the pupils of Queens Gate School.
• Letter from four women Heads of Department at High School protesting that they are not paid on the same scale as male Heads of Department.
• Petition from Staff of Victoria Road School, 21 November 1918 with respect to the Board’s fixing of hours in the school for November to January noting that the Torry Schools are the only ones to be working pre-war hours.
• 5 October 1918, Letter from David Symons , Head of Art at Central School pleading a special case for an increase in salary pointing out in detail the excellence of his department.
• 18 November 1918. Letter from David Symons to R Boyd Finlayson, Clerk to the School Board, in support of increase in salary of his two assistants.
• 15 October 1918. Letter from David Symons to R Boyd Finlayson regarding his projected appearance before the Local Tribunal and pointing out that he has a Protection Certificate.
• 24 September 1918. Letter to Thomas Hector from William Ross Head of Broomhill School in support of his third master, Mr Gray who is convalescing from trnch foot and seeking discharge form the army.
• 4 October 1918. As above.
• Two letters from Alex Ried serving at Salisbury, to the Clerk of the School Board concerning his discharge.
• 20 December 1918. Long letter from J Bently Philip, head of Geography at Grammar School with covering letter from H F Morland Simpson regarding anomalies in Salary Scales between Departments.
• 6 December 1918 petition from 3 head teachers, John Gill, John Murray and John Peters regarding differences in salary scales at their level.
• Letter from Isabella Burgess and Nelly G Mackay representing the Women’s Educational Union reporting that a mass meeting of the organisation had passed a motion of censure on Miss Annabelle Sutherland for misrepresenting the WEU to the Special Committee of the School Board.
• 15 November 1918. Letter from Miss Burgess and Mis Mackay agreeing to attend the Special Committee meeting on the 19th.
• 4 October 1918. Letter from James McLeod, Mile End School with attached letter from John Cameron, former assistant there concerning discharge from the army.
• November 1918. Two letters, on form a parent of Norman Copeland complaining that he had been sent home and the other from the Head Teacher refuting the claim.
• September October 1918. Reports from Mary McLean of Rubislaw Public School on the progress of Isabella Milne, Julie Ryan, Mary Harper, Alexander Wood, Annie Kent, Rachel Mitchell, Ada Chapman and Robert McKenzie. All have footnotes by George Rose.
• 14 October 1918 Letter from C R Leslie Millar, Art Master at Grammar School to Convenor of salaries committee comparing scales of salaries in Glasgow, Edinburgh and Dundee.
• 24 September. Letter from J Mackenzie Forbess and James Mathieson, teachers of classes for Telegraph Messengers at St Paul Street Evening School requesting re-examining of rates of pay in light of the nature of the work and the success rate in examinations.
• Two letters from Private J Mutch, previously teacher at Walker Road School presently in Germany with the Army of Occupation seeking assistance when Demobilisation begins.
• 24 September 1918. Letter to Thomas Hector from C R Leslie Miller in response to a poor report in Drawing at Grammar School.
• 3 December 1918. Letter from D B Lothian, Sunnybank School in response to remarks made by Mr H H Duncan about attendance at the school being inflated.
• Memorandum n9 October 1918 from the Supervisor of Manual Instruction regarding difficulties in staffing of schools when some teachers are still on active service.
• Letter, 7 October 1918 from J V Hyslop, Supervising Instructress of Domestic Science requesting that teachers be relieved of duties for one day so tat they can make “eatables” for the School Stall at the Patriotic Sale. Also notes setting up of monthly lectures or demonstrations on Cookery, Laundry or Housewifery in each of the Mother and Baby Centres.
• Letter from J V Hyslop noting instructions to head teachers re handling of cash for Patriotic Fair.
• 9 September 1918 Report from J V Hyslop outlining difficulties of her work which she says has increased in the 10 years since her appointment. Also requests that maximum class size in Cookery Classes be made mandatory at 20.
• Long Report from Charles Davidson, Camp Commandant, Turriff Harvest Camp September 1918.
• September 1918. Letter from H S Morland Simpson Grammar School. Re Boy Harvesters with accompanying list detailing numbers.
• Long and detailed Report from Thomas Duncan on the Central School Harvest Camp based at Maud. Describes conditions and general satisfaction of farmers.
• Detailed report by Messrs Macrae and W Douglas Simpson on the Harvest Camp at Echt Included 5 Serbian boys.
• 7 October 1918. Letter from J V Hyslop in response to remarks made on the accounts belonging to her department and requisitioning anomalies. Includes two letters on the subject from Mary Grant of King Street School and Robert McLeod of the Middles School.
• Three long letters September 1918 from George Gray in the Cottage Hospital. Military Section, Lichfield to Thomas Hector,. He goes into considerable detail as to his condition and is hoping for discharge and return to teaching.
• 10 October 1918. Letter from George Fenton, Ruthrieston Public School reporting the death of Isabella R Milne and asking on behalf of her family that she be given two months half pay and also the repayment of superannuation payments.
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