Description | 6/4/1919 - 20/6/1919
Alex Anderson. 13 Westburn Drive. 19 April 1919. Application for post as Headmaster of Hanover Street School containing details of his experience and service.
Annie l. Adams. 326 Holburn Street. 8 May 1919. Typed letter seeking financial recognition from the authority as to her work as teacher of the blind in singing and pianoforte at Ruthrieston Public School. Cites her additional qualifications and the increases in mental strain such teaching brings about.
Jeanie C Barron. 71 Westburn Road, Oral School for the Deaf. 16 April 1919. As Headmistress asks the Board to bring her salary into line with other similar posts. Gives details of her service and salary.
Un- Authored. 71 Westburn Road, Oral School for the Deaf. 16 June 1919. Covering letter and attached handwritten Programme by way of invitation to the Authority to attend an Open Evening at the school. The Programme covers Inspection of Handwork, different stages of Lipreading, Story Telling the Deaf – The Three Bears -, dancing games and – The Mad Tea Party-, scene from Alice in Wonderland.
James Brown. Elmbank, 15 Erskine Street. 26 April 1919. Statement in favour of his candidature for promotion. Cites his experience and service,
Alex. S. Balneaves ?. 72 Cairnfield Place. 9 June 1919.
Submits application for forthcoming vacancy as Headmaster of Evening Schools. Contains years of service and experience.
Robert Bain. 19 Deemount Road. 6 June 1919. Application for any vacancies for Headmasters in the Evening Schools. Quotes his experience.
Helen Clarke. 109 Desswood Place. 22 April 1919. Letter requesting that due to her 42 years’ service recognition of this me given by way of a salary increase of £1 per year service achieved.
John W Cameron. Mile-end Primary School. 9 June 1919. Letter bringing to the Authorities attention difficulties he and his family have experienced in obtaining suitable permanent accommodation. This increasing serious situation apparently came about when he had to give up his flat in Desswood Place on entering military service in 1916.
Duncan Clarke. Victoria Road School. 29 May 1919. Asks the Authority to provide a Flagstaff for the school, the teachers and pupils of same having previously subscribed to its funding.
Duncan Clarke. Victoria Road School. 10 April 1919. Letter discussing the school library with breakdown of the condition of the books, 270 of which in good order and 96 in need of re-binding. Gives costs for such work and queries whether better to buy new replacements.
Helen E. Copland. 21 Calsayseat Road 18 April 1919. Letter requesting increase in salary quoting her qualifications and years’ service. Wishes now to be raised to equality with other teachers in same standing. William A.P. Cruden. 3 Richmondhill Road. 17 April 1919. Wishes to be considered for the post as Headmaster at Hanover Street School following the death of Mr. McGregor former head there.
D. Christie. Ferryhill School. 9 June 1919. Insightful and informative handwritten letter placing suggestions and facts before the Authority about locations for sporting activities. Netball, Football and Cricket are some of the sports mentioned. The potential use of Duthie Park, ground to the east of the Grammar School playing fields and a field meantime in agricultural use to the east of Albury Road could be utilised. Author uses the phrase `Lung for the district` as part of his descriptions.
W.B. Duguid. Kittybrewster School. 28 April 1919. Outlines issue regarding pianoforte pupils at that school receiving only half for their allocated time on the subject.
Christian R. Dalglish. 33 Albert Terrace. 5 June 1919. Seeks clarification from the authority as to whether it is constitutional that Elementary Teachers including Head Mistresses of Secondary Schools have the power to vote for a representative for Secondary Schools.
W.B. Duguid. Kittybrewster School. 19 June 1919. Seeks permission for printing of 2 dozen labels for bibles as part of Mr Ross`s Prizes.
W.B. Duguid. Kittybrewster School. 4 June 1919. Requests that the Authority retain services of a Miss Laing given her good work. Advises that 40 to 50 pupils from the school enter the Central, Gordon`s and Grammar schools each year and if she were to be retained her class would be given all the chance possible.
Helen Elphinstone. 147 Crown Street. 7 June 1919. Typed application letter for position of qualifying teacher at York Street School, citing extensive experience and service.
W? Fyfe Woodside School. 21 April 1919. Short note requesting additional Sugar Coupons for the `Free Meals`.
George Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 8 April 1919. Letter covering aspects of the school library, condition of books, need for special bookcases. Discuss need for a grant for the supply and maintenance of books. W. Fyfe. Woodside School. 30 May 1919. Advises that Mr. Alexander Ross of Grandholm Mills offering £5 for prizes in relation to Bible Knowledge. If agreed money would be used to provide bibles as prizes. W.Fyfe. Woodside School. 26 May 1919. Advising of the unanimous wish of the teachers to honour the memory of ex scholars who had fallen in the Great War. Seeks authority to ask present scholars to provide voluntary offering so that an appropriate memorial at school may come about. Thomas Grenville. King Street School. 27 May 1919. Seeks increase in salary and advises authority of family circumstances.
John.P.Gill. Porthioll School. 20 June 1919. Acknowledges receipt of grant of £5 plus for library purposes at that school and advises of number of books to be rebound. Any remaining money will be used to replace books compelled to the wastepaper bin.
Christina F. Gall. 52 Rosemount place. 10 June 1919. Applies for supplementary class work at King Street School giving experience and length of service. Un- Authored Grammar School. 26 May 1919. Letter discussing salaries of First Assistant Masters at said school highlighting anomalies. W. Hendry. Ferryhill School. 13 June 1919. Application for post of Headmaster in evening schools providing details of service and experience. W. Johnston. Holburn Street School. 27 May 1919. Discusses the application of a pupil, Elizabeth Collins, for an Intermediate Bursary despite not competing in entrance exam. W. Johnston. Holburn Street School. 13 May 1919. Seeks additional assistance in Infant Dept due to higher pupil numbers. Rooms 1 and 2 each housing 60 pupils instead of the 50 max per room. Existing teacher abilities also commented on.
Mrs Jane B. Joiner Holburn Street School. 10 June 1919. Applies for vacant post at North Silver Street Special School citing experience and references. Jeannie Kirby. 367 Union Street. 26 May 1919. Discusses The Empire Day proceeding held at the Grammar School and how such a celebration could do to `foster a spirit of loyalty and devotion to the Motherland` Gladys M. Kirby. 367 Union Street. 23 May 1919. Two letters dated as above discussing salary level despite length of service. W.B.King. 41 Cromwell Road. 7 June 1919. Two letters of same date concerning vacant Headmastership of Girls High Evening School. Included in the application is a professionally printed chronological abstract of his career and qualifications. D.B. Lothian. Sunnybank School. 26 May 1919. Wishes to order a `Flag for Peace Celebrations` like Broomhill and Kittybrewster schools. Advises he will bear the cost. D.B. Lothian. Secretary of Aberdeen Local Association of the Educational Institute of Scotland. 22 April 1919. Two letters dated as above and 15 May 1919 together with typed resolution from the association. Covers the number and constitution of the School Management Committees.
D.B. Lothian Sunnybank School. 7 April 1919. Insightful letter to the authority discussing the school library which prewar numbered near 800. This number would now be about 50 and their good condition may be due to their lack of appeal and lack of use. Further discusses the need to maintain school libraries, grants being fixed per pupil roll. Final comment mentions how money spent on school libraries would repay itself hundredfold.
John Lumsden. Sunnybank School. 2 June 1919. Application for Headmastership quoting length of service and experience.
George Morgan NFD. Macedonia. 21 April 1919 Together with second letter from him 17 June 1919 also to the D of E and typed letter from the Air Ministry, Strand, dated 16 May 1919 relating to 2nd A/M Morgan, G. RAF Aircraft Park Salonika. All correspondence relates to his demobilisation and difficulties being experienced in achieving this John W. Murray. Commerce Street School. 30 May 1919. Relates to the perfect attendance of Angus Gunn, 10 James Street, who is leaving shortly to reside in Ardrossan.
No Author, Hanover Street School. 6 June 1919. Details of Certificates of War Bonds in respect of Annie Hendry, Agnes Cruickshank, Elizabeth Craib, Mary Mutch, Sylia ? Cook, Alex. Anderson and John W. Murray.
John. W. Murray. Commerce School. 10 April 1919. Letter concerning the library at the school quoting total number of books about 500. Proceeds to give breakdown of the various state of books. Discusses the importance of the library as an important educational agency.
William Milne. 52 Albury Place. 5 May 1919. Typed application for post as Second master, with lengthy description of experience and qualifications.
Gertrude Meston. 14 Camperdown Road. 24 May 1919. Application for post at King Street School citing experience nd service.
Effie Milne. 43 Gladestone Place. 8 April 1919. Application for transfer, citing experience.
W.D. McLean. Greensyde, Cornhill Road. 12 Febuary 1919. Writes as Hon. Sec. of the Aberdeen Council of Boys and Girls Organisations. Enquires if the School Board would be prepared, along with the Boys and Girls Council to jointly approach the City Council on the need to acquire lands at the Nelson Street Poorhouse and Gallowgate for juvenile recreation.
James C. MacLeod. Mile-end School. 13 May 1919. Discusses the difficulties in accommodating an extra Pianoforte teacher and possible use of the school lodge which was vacant. Further discusses ongoing absence of sewing teacher and pupils work not being completed.
N.G. Mackay. Hon. Sec. Aberdeen Branch of Women`s Educational Union. 23 April 1919. Two-page letter discussing suggestions for the formation of School Management Committees. Further comments on need for schools to be properly cleaned, ventilated, warmed and sanitary arrangements made as perfect as possible.
M.M. Mc Lean. Rubislaw Special School. 11May 1919. Report on John Gordon ? d. of. b. 7/01/1907, 5 Hill Street.
Harry McCallum. Holburn Street School. 1 May 1919. Application to be placed on leet for Headmaster. Gives current length of service and refers to a statement of support. (not attached)
Mary MacMath.21 View Terrace. 9 June 1919. Application for post as senior teacher giving experience.
John Peters. St Clements Street School. 21 April 1919. Short letter advising while the school library was 774 volumes, he would wish a grant so that some more up to date books be obtained.
Duncan Clarke. Superintendent. Aberdeen School Board Play Centre. No date. Comprehensive 5-page typed report covering the play centres which were opened on 13 January 1919, for the Gallowgate area at the Middle and St. Paul Street Schools. The report contains tables of the breakdown of the number of children attending and the wide variety of activities they undertook. Wiliam Ross. Broomhill School. 9 May 1919. Explores a situation where he allowed, two well behaved pupils, to attend a Guides Entertainment event but envisages difficulties should larger numbers seek same. Will Robertson. Causewayend School. 8 April 1919. Advises that two classes and their teachers have been put into one room. While commenting on the difficulties arising requests an additional teacher.
John Ritchie. Old Aberdeen School. 22 April 1919 Advising authority, the `Baby` class at the school was 70 in number and continuing to grow. It`s only teacher cries out for assistance, and he asks that the first available teacher be sent. He further asked to be excused for his seemingly selfish request.
Charles Reid. 12 Osborne Place. 17 April 1919. Application request for name to be added to the leet of post of Headmaster. Comprehensive typed C.V. attached.
Elizabeth Ritchie. Hawthorn Cottage Port Elphinstone Inveruie. 13 June 1919. Application for 2 teaching posts at King Street and York Street schools with details of service and qualifications.
Charles Reid. 12 Osborne Place. 3 June 1919. Application for post as Headmastership at Girls High Evening School with length of service and experience.
Mary Robertson. 121 Rosemount Place. 11 June 1919. Three page, typed, application for post of Mistress-ship of Special School for Children suffering from Skin Diseases.
H.F. Morland Simpson. Rector Aberdeen Grammar School Letters dated 9 April, 10 April, 12 April, 17 April, 18th April, 21 May and 27 May all 1919. All single page handwritten, illegible to the appraiser with often single words only identifiable. H.F. Morland Simpson. Rector. Aberdeen Grammar School. April 1919 Monthly report for April 1919, handwritten largely illegible.
H.F. Morland Simpson Rector. Aberdeen Grammar School. 12 May 1919. Handwritten letter requesting the city`s sanitary authorities give attention to drains at front of school where foul smells of sewage gas is present.
H.F. Morland Simpson. Rector Aberdeen Grammar School. 15 May 1919 Requesting 400 copies of a programme covering the Empire Day Celebration. No details of program other than inclusion of the hymn – O` God of Bethel.
H.F. Morland Simpson Rector Aberdeen Grammar School. 12 June 1919. Request for repairs to fencing surrounding the school which has been neglected due to the war.
David Symons ? Central Higher-Grade School. 6 June 1919 Refers to proof copies of Certificates discussing colours and delays due to suitable paper.
Charles Soutar. Central High School. 2 June 1919. Seeking increase in salary citing length of service, experience and other matters in his favour.
Annie Sturrock 176 Mid – Stocket Road. 9 June 1919. Application for transfer from St Paul St. School for 4th time and referencing vacancy at Ashley Road School. Comments on her suffering from Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Ruth Skinner. 42 Bon-Accord Street. 4 June 1919. Application for post at any of the town`s schools due to a medical condition. She presently teaches at Victoria Road School. Further application, no date, for post at North Silver Street School mentioning service at her current post at Victoria Road School.
Wm Thompson. Middle School. 10 April 1919. Letter discussing `Junior Physical Drill` undertaken at the school and abilities and willingness of named teachers carrying out these lessons. Wm. Thompson. Middle School. 14 May 1919. Letter requesting improvements be carried out to the school during summer vacation. These changes involve 1/ the provision of a door giving direct access to the boys playground and 2/ alterations to a glass partition in room 1, allowing for separate classes being taught more effectively. Wm. Thompson. Middle School. 6 June 1919. Acknowledging receipt of War Stock Certificates on behalf of 12 staff members together with values attributed to each person. R. Valentine. Ashley Road School. 28 April 1919. Discusses circumstances of Mary Cruickshank Pino Forte teacher and her request that he approach the authority regarding an increase to her salary. R. Valentine. Ashley Road School. 20 May 1919. Discusses the provision of `Reeves Pastel Books No.3 ` and costs as well as alternative titles. R. Valentine. Ashley Road School. 9 June 1919. Discusses the resignation of a teacher in the junior division and offers a solution by naming possible candidates. Also asks that who ever is appointed they be able to play the piano as this aids in class singing and drill.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 9 April 1919. Discusses a pupil, Marie Louise Dickie, whom due to ill health has been unable to attend the leaving certificate exams.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 22 April 1919. Discusses the absence of a pupil, Edith Alexander, and that no abatement in fees is due.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 23 April 1919. Requesting that all 16 pianos at the school require tuning. L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 29 April 1919. Discusses the visit my the Authorities clerk to collect fees from classes spread out at 9 properties in the Albyn Terrace, Queens Gardens area.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 21 May 1919. Request that the Authority replace the Union Jack flag that was given to the military by the school at the commencement of the war.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls.19 May 1919. Requests the hire of a piano for the forthcoming senior pupils` concert. L.L.Ward. High School for Girls. 15 May 1919. Requests `Proficiency Certificates for Swimming` specially printed for the High School. L.L.Ward. High School for Girls. 15 May 1919. Requires 240 War Time Certificates be printed no later than 14 June 1919. L.L.Ward. High School for Girls. 20 May 1919. Asks that the number of prospectuses printed be returned to the original levels of previous years.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 30 April 1919. Covers matter of a Remington Type writer which was repaired but would transpire to be the property of the makers. Author advises the School Board of matter prior to any approach by Remington to take it back. Author still has need for this machine.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 19 May 1919. Refers to attached letters from a Mr. Mackeracher 81 Cromwell Road, concerning his two daughters and a request for assistance regarding their fees.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 27 May 1919. Outlines issues with the school reoccupying the ` High School Building ` and how it affects ability to teach physical culture, drill, swimming ,dancing and games supervision. Due to these matters requests an assistant teacher to assist with supervision.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 3 June 1919. Advises 15 pupils left school without obtaining the Leaving Certificate.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 13 June 1919 Advises that the Organ in the hall is in need of repair. Rep. from its builders Messrs. Wadsworth Ltd indicates it is very dirty and requires overhaul and adjustment. Mice damage also present on leather of pedals. Repairs have come about due to the halls use as a hospital ward during past 5 years. L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 13 June 1919. Updates the board on Leaving Certificate Examinations for an Alexandra H. Benton and Margaret A.B. Duff, the latter having enrolled at George Watson`s Ladies College Edinburgh.
A.G. Wallace. 56 Fontill Road. 21 April 1919. Supports application to the board by Miss Abel , typist at Central School for salary increase. Outlines the value and extra work she carries out.
A.G. Wallace. Central Higher School. 5 May 1919. Covers matter of a drawing examination and use of the Art Room at the Grammar Scholl for this purpose. Despite this having been arrangement for a number of years a conflict would now exist with the rector. Outlines changes of dates to resolve matter.
A.G Wallace. Central School. 6 May 1919. Asks that the headmaster at the Middle School be approached about allowing pupils from the Central School be allowed to take Housewifery lessons at that school.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 7 May 1919. Short letter discussing candidates’ from Newhills sitting entrance examinations. A.G. Wallace. Central School. 10 May 1919. Outlines excessive prices for tinted paper resulting on the order being deferred. Said paper now required for drawing examinations. Identifies cheaper supplier that could be used in emergency. A.G. Wallace. Central School Board. 4 June 1919. Handwritten note concerning Leaving Certificates 1917 – 1918. Gives breakdown of 36 gained,9 Failed and 8 not presented. This accounts for 17 out of the 53 leaving with no certificate. A.G.Wallace. Central School. 12 June 1919. Discusses additional works required prior to the occupation of the school. Matters concern cloakroom accommodation at the gymnasium and the need for electric bells throughout the school A.G. Wallace. Central School. 19 June 1919. Intimates that £7+ for upkeep of the school library was appreciated but asks that the sum be allowed to be carried forward to the next years allocation.
Jean.M.Walker. 17 Affleck Street. 27 May 1919. Typed letter covering what she deems an injustice in her salary as no recognition of her past service is made.
Edith Wilson. 129 Union Grove. 9 April 1919. Seeks change of post from Walker Road school to one closer her home.
Mary A. Walker. 228 Union Grove. 15 February 1919. Seeks transfer from Causewayend School to one nearer her home.
John Young. 30 Wallfield Place. 23 April 1919. Application to be placed on the short Leet for Second – Master ship, citing experience and length of service. |