
Reference NoCA/25/2/11/153
TitleAberdeen Education Authority: Teachers' Letters [132]
Description21/6/1919 - 7/10/1919

Annie L. Adams. 326 Holburn Street. 6 September 1919.
Seeks increase in wage. As teacher of the blind she has recently undergone additional special training in music.

Mary A. Blair. 46 Stanley Street. 25 September 1919.
Applies for post as Sewing Mistress at Mile-end school giving experience.

Robert Bain. 19 Deemount Road. 1 September 1919.
Desires that consideration be given to opening classes in Laboratory Work for Plumbers and Builders as well as Commercial Arithmetic.

Duncan Clarke. Victoria Road School.27 June 1919.
Outlines need for two classes to return from being taught at St. Peters Hall where heating and lighting is poor but overcrowding will be worth it for next 6 months.

Duncan Clarke. 7 Argyll Place. 2 August 1919.
Acknowledges that Miss Ruth Skinner of Victoria Road School is to be transferred to a recently opened school (Not Named ) for pupils suffering skin diseases.
Duncan Clarke. 7 Argyll Place. 29 Sept.1919.
Letter in relation to Play Centre Work wishes to know how many Lanterns and associated screens. Also whereabouts of Lantern Slides.
Duncan Clarke. 7 Argyll Place. 12 August 1919.
Brings attention to the Authority of Henry J Smith teacher of Seacraft at Victoria Road School feels increase in his salary is due.

K. Christie. Ferryhill School. 22 August 1919.
Advises that a pupil, described as a cripple requiring two crutches, is to stay at that school rather than be transferred to another school as per regulation. Reason cited is the distinct hardship pupil would endure due to extra travel. Pupil named as Emma Ballantyne. 69 Dee Street.

Janet Duguid. 17 Grosvenor Place. 2 Oct.1919.
Applies for post of Sewing Mistress at Mile-end School. Presently hold same post at King Street but seeks post closer to home due to advancing years.

David S. Davidson. Bankhead Bridge of Don. 26 August 1919.
Advises due to wounds sustained in army he is unfit to return to duty as a teacher. Seeks consideration of retirement salary.

George Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 2 Sept. 1919.
Seeks supply of additional piano due to further application for tuition in Instrumental Music.
George Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 10 September 1919
Discusses Violin tuition which had been carried out prior to war and advises pupils to have been asking when it will recommence.
George Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 22 August 1919.
Puts case for retaining 19 pupils from Bethany House? at his school advising amongst other things they are well behaved and did not want to move.
George Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 28 August 1919.
Advises has suspended a pupil, Douglas Fraser of 502 Holburn Street, while an impartial investigation is carried out into circumstances involving his teacher.
George Fenton. Ruthrieston School. 1 Sept. 1919.
Letter further to one on 28 August 1919 on same matter, pupil`s father had attended that day when the boy`s teacher put her case. Father thereafter administered what was described as a ` Paternal Benediction `and salutary lesson was given.

W. Fyfe. Woodside School. 30 May 1919.
Discusses need for improved heating within the central hall and the manual instruction room of the school during winter months.

Margaret Galbraith. Rubislaw Special School. 8 September 1919.
Wishes to be supplied with a Maypole so that Morris Dancing may begin.

Margaret Galbraith. Rubislaw Special School.11 September 1919.
Seeks guidance from the Authority whether Religious Knowledge teaching at schools is compulsory. Difference of opinion amongst staff would exist.

Margaret Galbraith. Rubislaw Special School. 19 Sept. 1919.
Wishes new order book for meat, under the `Meat Rationing Order` be provided as current one will be used up shortly.

Margaret Galbraith. Rubislaw Special School. 26 September 1919.
Advises the cane supplied to her from the Blind Asylum is not in accordance to her requisition.

Margaret Galbraith. Rubislaw Special School. 3 Sept. 1919
Report on pupil, George Russell d.of b. 25/12/1903 of 16 Upperkirkgate.
Attendance Department, Education Offices Aberdeen. ( No author )
25 June 1919.
Report on circumstances, of the after named pupil of Rubislaw Special School, as understood by the Dept. (This report makes reference to complaint made to the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children)
Barbara Forbes d.of.b. 19/02/1904 residing 5 Thornton Court, Guestrow, Aberdeen. Illegitimate Daughter of Jane Forbes or McLeod or Mackie and George Walker, Farm Greive, Badintyre, Turriff.
Attached to this report is letter from Jane Mackie seeking assistance and a report (not Authored) from Rubislaw Special School on the said Barbara Forbes.

Henrietta D. Hall. 11 South Crown Street. 18 Sept.1919.
Seeks transfer to vacant post at Ruthrieston School from St Pauls Street School owing to having fractured a leg. The Later school has two flights of stairs and would cause difficulty for author.
Jane B. Joiner. Ingleside Dyce. 14 July 1919.
Acknowledgement of appointment as Senior Teacher at Silver Street Special School.

? Johnston. Holburn Street School. 21 August 1919.
Requests that after named pupils previously at Marywell St. School be transferred to Holburn Street School.
Catherine Park, 8 Affleck Street.
Nora Buyers, 13 Crown Terrace.
Alexander McKay 25 Gordon Street.

? Johnston. Holburn Street School. 26 August 1919.
Discussion about benefits of non - Church pupils presently taught at Bethany School being taught at Holburn Street from the commencement of their learning career. Stresses that comments are make without prejudice and in the furtherance of the educational interests of the district.

W.A. Keys Central Evening School. 31 August 1919.
Advises on need for earlier advertising of Mr Mackie`s French Class for Teachers. Also comments on the class in First Aid and Sick Nursing suffered similar fate as enrolment and attendance not satisfactory.
Further Letter dated. 4 September 1919.
Discusses issues about classes that may be discontinued and obtaining teachers for them. Comments on Pol. Econ. and Boot and Shoe class on similar vein.

? Johnston. Holburn Street School. 25 August 1919.
Lists pupil numbers in the 4 Supplementary classes at that school.

D.B. Lothian Sunnybank School. 18 September 1919.
Advises that their ` New Home Sewing Machine` has been with ` Singers` for 6 months for repair and asks if not to be repaired a new one is desperately needed.

D.B. Lothian. Sunnybank School. 25 August 1919.
Advises he was arranged a `Boys Swimming Class` at the Beach with the Bath Master on Friday`s from 5.30 to 6.30.

D.B. Lothian. Local Association of Educational Institute of Scotland, Ardlea Cornhill Road, Aberdeen. 19 September 1919.

Seeks permission to use the Gymnasium at Girls High School for a `Social Evening`. Format of meeting to include a concert, interval for tea and an address my D.M.Cowan MP.

Margaret May. 29 Gilcomston Park. 30 June 1919.
Letter of gratitude concerning her `finishing of service` after 48 years teaching including 4 years at Dr.Bell`s Girls` School.

Alex Moodie. Skene Street School. 26 June 1919.
Advises there are 106 pupils in Supt. Classes being taught by 3 teachers. This number is to be reduced in August to 2 teachers and he comments that the need for 3 teachers will still be as great.

Mary A. Mearns. 23 Thistle Street, 25 January 1919.
Letter detailing her experience as per request from the authority.
Addendum to above dated 29 January 1919 correcting her years of experience.

Dorothy Miller. 146 Hamilton Place. 30 September 1919.
Seeks transfer from Walker Road Evening School citing her reasons of other teaching commitments and travel difficulties.

Thomas Miller. Devanha House, Ferryhill. 23 September 1919.
Informs the Education Authority of a resolution (attached) which was passed, from a meeting of the Second and Third Masters in its service, held on said date. The resolution reflected concerns regarding a motion that the Headship of one-class per standard schools should be now confined to Women teachers.

D. Mackenzie. George Street School. 27 June 1919.
Reports on two named temporary teachers one of whom was doing splendid work while the other was very unsatisfactory.

Henry Paterson. 24 Learnmouth Grove. Edinburgh.30 June 1919.
Refers to Form A72T (not attached) and thereafter provides of his qualifications and experience.

G?. Pickford. Central School. 29 August 1919.
Two-page letter detailing record of service for application of recognition under Chapter V of Regulations for the training of Teachers.

John Ritchie. Old Aberdeen School. 1 September 1919.
Updates Authority as to the school`s experience with a boy pupil, son of Mrs Lippe 32 College bounds, who has made complaint.

John Ritchie. Old Aberdeen School. 1 September 1919.
Reports to the Authority about missing and damaged pictures.
Missing pictures (presumably prints thereof) are titled with artist`s name. Values unknown. Wishes Authority to make good.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 7 August 1919.
Handwritten, largely illegible, discussing Central Schools need to use some buildings at the Grammar school after the holidays.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 1 July 1919.
Handwritten, largely illegible, discussing pupil, not named, from Keith Grammar School.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 5 July 1919.
Three pages handwritten report headed” The 63 Bursars 1918 – 1919”.
Each pupil named and includes very brief description of their progress.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School 21July, 15 August and 21 August 1919.
Series of three handwritten letters, largely illegible discussing a pupil George Leslie Cassie, previously of Keith Grammar School.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 5th and 7th August 1919.
Two handwritten letters, largely illegible, covering a pupil Harold Cox in which unsatisfactory attendance would seem to be an issue.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 12 September 1919.
Handwritten letter largely illegible requesting need for two additional teachers. Pupil numbers are quoted.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 6 and 17 September 1919.
Two handwritten letters covering Gymnastics teachers Miss Moffat and Cruickshank and their various hours.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 25th and 27th September 1919.
Two handwritten letters, largely illegible. Appears to discuss replies he has obtained from 6 rectors of similar Schools in Edinburgh. School hours and workloads are discussed.

H.F. Morland Simpson. Aberdeen Grammar School. 10 September 1919.
Three pages handwritten Rector`s Report. Comments on the results from the Public Examinations and Inspectors Report. Also includes brief comment on named pupils, Charles McLeod, Dux of Classical V and Henry James Fraser 52 Salibury Terrace, whom he believes merits a free place due to family circumstances.

Marjorie Smart. 4 Chattan Place. 6 September 1919.
Seeks transfer from York Street School to one nearer her home.

Nellie C. Stephen ?. 30 Devonshire Road. 9 September 1919.
Seeks transfer as a Needlework Mistress at Causewayend School to one nearer her home.

James Sutherland. Rosemount School. 5 September 1919.
Discusses piano teacher Miss Robertson`s workload and her pupil numbers at Rosemount and Kittybrewster schools.

C.S. 14 St Swithins Street. 30 June 1919
Discusses quantities of songbooks required and need for reprinting by the printers, Mess. Milne and Hutchison.

James Smith. 26 Albyn Grove. 26 September 1919.
Letter supporting the placement of his friend`s son, John C.J. Eggs ? Craig Cottage Braemar, at Central High Grade School Aberdeen.

S. Thomson. 62 Mile-end Avenue. 9 September 1919.
Seeks permission to leave early on certain days to allow attendance at a university class on Political Economy.

A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 15th and 26th May 1919.
List of names wishing to be considered as Junior Students under application of Form 40T process. 31 names in total with addresses.
A.G. Wallace Central High School. 16 July 1919.
Further letter covering the Form 40T pupils named in above letters dated 15th and 26th May1919 in which pupils subject passes are quoted.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 19 August 1919.
Discusses a pupil (not named) and parents who are now residing in Aberdeen stating provision will be made. Quotes level of the second-year intermediate class as 84 boys and 170 girls.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 29 August 1919.
Quotes level of first year Intermediate Class as 180 girls and 66 boys. Can accept 2 more girls but no more boys.

A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 8 September1919.
Books requested, list not attached, except for one title – Contes de la France Contemporaine – book supplied by Alex Murray.

A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 18 September 1919.
Letter discussing Vacant Watt Bursaries. Pupils are named and costs quoted.

A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 19 September 1919.
Letter discussing applications for admissions in general in which current class sizes are given. Five pupils who`s addresses lie out with City Council boundary is matter for County Authority to resolve. Wishes to accommodate these pupils but class sizes are at limit.
A.G. Wallace. Central High School. 29 September 1919.
Discusses after named pupils who were absent due to military service. They have been awarded passes as per.
George C Crookshanks. Left 22/22/17, pass in Higher grade English.
William S. Downie. Left 29.6.17, pass in Higher grade Drawing.

L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 4 June 1919.
Discusses proposed plans for both 18 and 19 Albyn Place in which topics of central heating, staircase alteration, Science Dept. and Gymnasium are covered.

L.L.Ward. High School for Girls. 11 November 1919.
Discusses letting the Stables at rear of 18 Albyn Place and need for lock fitted to a gate there.
L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 17 September 1919.
Wishes to use Middle School Bath for pupils on specified days of week. Further discusses plan to suspend classes in January, February and March due to low numbers.

L.L. Ward High School for Girls. 18 September 1919.
Seeking assistance for drill and dance classes.

L.L. Ward. High School for Girls. 29 September 1919.
Advises a piano needs and overhaul by Marr Woods.

Christiana L. Walker. 38 Rosemount Place. 23 August 1919.
Seeks a change of work as has been teacher in Junior Division of Hanover Street School since 1903.

Mary Whyte. 30 Watson Street. 26 August 1919.
Wishes to apply for permanent post at Holburn Street School

Nellie Watson. 36 Roseberry Street. 18 September 1919.
Submits application for post a Supplementary teacher quoting current experience and service.
Hilda Watkins. 81 Fonthill Road. 29 September 1919.
Seeks appointment as drill instructress but advises is currently disqualified due to working extra hours?

Margaret Yunnie. 210 Westburn Road 5 September 1919.
Two letters covering authors wish to expand her knowledge and experience as a teacher at Rubislaw Special School by taking a leave of absence to visit centres for similar schooling throughout Scotland and England. Montesson Training Centre and Dalcroze School of Eurhythmics are specified.
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